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WOW-I wish I had listened and stopped reading #7, but not for the reason mentioned. Bizarre conclusion. Trump wrote the book on dehumanizing, mistreatment, and disrespect of others. That is exactly why we are discussing how sad the condition of the Republican party is at this point in history. It is reasonable to come to the conclusion the worship of money is soul-less. The utter disrespect for the democratic process and voting rights by Republicans is stunning.
We had a defense team up at the podium trying to talk about how august the Senators are considered to be; they're "the world's most deliberative body". How sad we now hear the reports of the actual posture of some of the Republican senators who took an oath to act as an impartial juror. They won't even look at the evidence of an insurrection where people died and others were terrorized!
I know plenty of good Republicans and thank goodness right now for the ones in the Senate; they bring a small measure of unity around common decency. I wish there were more of them.
STOP --- if you're one of the 83% who changes the facts or ignores them so you can keep believing what you want to believe, don't bother reading further. It's a waste of your time 'cause its objectivity is not what you're looking for.
As to ". . . trading in extremist fascist billionaire funders for more moderate fascist billionaire funders," who are those billionaire funders?
I know the tech industry, oil and gas industry, academia, the sports/athletic industry and franchises with their obscene salaries, at least 90% of the news industry, the entire entertainment industry, and apparently our judiciary (federal, anyway) are all Democrats who fund only Democrat candidates, right? That's how the two Democrat candidates in Georgia were able to raise $100M each while the Rep. candidates raised only $60M each.
I, too, thought the Republic Party was about corporate America, but which billionaires are left? Corporate America has wanted Trump out presumably because they want a "global" economy so they can keep their operations out of the US and in countries that offer cheap labor. I mean, isn't Trump the one who wanted companies back in the U.S. hiring American workers?
How does "[a] Republican politician who faithfully serves big corporations and billionaires [who] can safely expect to have at least a $1 million a year job waiting for them when they retire or get voted out of office, and many make far more" compare with the gross or net worth of Bill and Hillary Clinton and Barack and Michelle Obama? Aren't both couples worth in the neighborhood of $20 million to $50 million?
How does that compare with the newest NFL contract for Patrick whatshisname for $500 million? I know it's common for former politicians to become professors. Is that what universities are paying these days? Others return to practicing law. But, compared to people like the Clintons, Obamas, and Joe and Hunter Biden (Hunter pd. an obscene $50,000/mo. with no knowledge and no experience and J. allegedly received a huge cut of some foreign deal), isn't $1M a year chicken feed as they say?
As to "rebuilding America in a way that doesn't further depend on and enrich the coal, oil and natural gas barons," shouldn't we do some rebuilding before cutting off access to gas and oil? Just a thought. Without Keystone, don't we have to pay more to foreign entities for gas and oil until that "rebuilding" is completed? How does that make sense?
When Obama Care went into effect, young independent contractors and entrepreneurs in Upstate NY were forced to pay thousands more for their insurance. Why is that? And why is that a good thing? Still can't find anyone who knows how we benefit from that plan. I do know it's cruel to require 85- and 90-year-old citizens to re-evaluate and possibly change their health ins. every year.
This article and the statement that "{s}ome suggest that the GOP 'has lost their soul,' but conservatives in America . . . never really had a soul" are oozing hate. How does that unify? How does continually blaming the last President for everything unify? These are sincere questions. Democrats continually assert their desire to unify, but how do they plan to do that when their actions and attitude of blaming and criticizing are so divisive?
What has always made the experiment called America work is its commitment to free speech, unequivocal due process, objective and impartial news investigating and reporting, and only the censoring of certain speech that rises to a very strict and limited standard. That is all gone now.
Speech that incites violence or dangerous behavior has to meet a certain standard. How do the words "fight" and "wild" rise to the level of yelling 'fire' in a crowded theater when there is no fire? They don't. Saying they do is saying every thinking American is an ignorant idiot for having never learned that you can't believe nor take seriously most of what Trump says or has ever said. Democrats have been demanding for four yrs. that we "fight" like hell to obliterate Trump. Anyone with violent tendencies could have easily taken that to mean the guy should be assassinated.
Everyone knows Trump is a lying buffoon. It's just that roughly half the voting public is apparently able to separate the man's boatload of flaws and offensive personality from his policies that work and are beneficial while the other half cannot.
Identifying and describing millions of people as being one way or another denies all of us the freedom and right to be individuals. Some of those millions actually switched from Independent to Democrat or Republican just so they can vote in the primaries. And some are apparently white supremicists. Every group has its bad element. Any voter able to think beyond the superficial --- an ability that is now in very short supply --- knows no political party has all the answers and there is no perfection, so the best we can do is to choose the most reasonable and beneficial policies offered by each political party.
This nonsense of wiping out everything the previous administration did just because it was done by "them" is beyond stupid. Childish is what it is. Governing like a roller-coaster merry-go-round makes life too difficult for everyone. One minute it's this; next minute it's that. How do you start and run a business when ya never know what's around the corner and cannot depend on anything?
Who is censoring speech? Corporations. YouTube actually removed videos of two Senate hearings about Covid-19 'cause they didn't meet their standards. Really? Senate hearings? Some corporation is deciding we can't hear what goes on in the Senate? Others are deciding who is allowed to say what? Why are Democrats so afraid of opposing ideas or, in my case, a question on Instagram? If you can't withstand an opposing idea or answer a valid question about your own, maybe you're standing on quicksand. After all, it's only the best, most reasonable and most substantiated ideas that can survive questions and opposition.
Who is canceling people, firing them or vilifying them for a word or a thought? Corporations. And what and who do corporations in every industry support? The Democrat Party. So, where should one look for resolution to all the "racial injustice" in the workplace? Corporations, which are predominantly what? Democrat. Those who feel they champion civil rights the most are also the biggest offenders/violators of those rights, or so the facts one can substantiate seem to indicate. This is why all this superficial thinking gets us nowhere and is so dangerous. It can't handle questions and criticism.
Dehumanizing one of us dehumanizes all of us. Denying due process to one denies due process to all. Not ordering discovery in accordance with FRCP 12(b)(6) on behalf of the election complaints filed --- or not telling us why 12(b)(6) (which doesn't require evidence) doesn't apply --- denies judicial due process to us all and leaves unsettled the issue of election integrity that concerned at least a few elected Democrats as recently as Sept., 2020.
In the end, those who mistreat and disrespect someone so the world knows that person is terrible aren't telling the world that at all. Instead, they're telling the world they are.
I've always ignored politics until very, very recently. Would that be like when the Democrats in Congress spent an obscene amount of time and (our) money in their multi-year obsessive effort to annihilate Trump rather than conduct the people's business. Is it when Pelosi held up last summer's stimulus bill for several months just because, as she later said, she didn't want Trump to get any credit? Or is it Pelosi insisting on impeachment of Trump sans due process because the President is "unhinged" and had to be removed immediately, then refusing to follow through until he was out of office 12 days later?
It's a bit confusing. Is that what you mean by malfeasance? Or is it malfeasance only when the other guy does it. Speaking of that, what did the other guy(s) do? People throw around all these claims as if fact, but I never hear about anything specific that supports said claims or proves the truth of the matters asserted. Like I said, very confusing for a novice, especially an objective one whose standards wouldn't permit voting for either candidate.
This was supposed to be a reply to Hephaetrus so don't know why it's #5 and the second attempt is #6 and neither can be deleted. Go figure.
I've always ignored politics until very, very recently. Would that be like when the Democrats in Congress spent an obscene amount of time and (our) money in their multi-year obsessive effort to annihilate Trump rather than conduct the people's business. Is it when Pelosi held up last summer's stimulus bill for several months just because, as she later said, she didn't want Trump to get any credit? Or is it Pelosi insisting on impeachment of Trump sans due process because the President is "unhinged" and had to be removed immediately, then refusing to follow through until he was out of office 12 days later?
It's a bit confusing. Is that what you mean by malfeasance? Or is it malfeasance only when the other guy does it. Speaking of that, what did the other guy(s) do? People throw around all these claims as if fact, but I never hear about anything specific that supports said claims or proves the truth of the matters asserted. Like I said, very confusing for a novice, especially an objective one whose standards wouldn't permit voting for either candidate.
After todays obviously condemning evidence. My guess is, the defense will have minor, if any, defense and will take it to a vote knowing that the Republicans will vote against impeachment, no matter what evidence is presented.
If the cowards in the gop senate could vote to impeach anonomously. Trump could be toast. They have their own reasons for Trump to be gone. If Trump is gone they stand a better chance to promote themselves.
If Trump remains democracy is still on the edge. Who trained this guy? How could he possibly know what buttons to push? It is like he was somehow trained like Pavlov's dog's.
If voted members of government do not or can not claim to represent "we the people" then that should be a crime with viscious consequence for malfaesence
As the WHO said a couple of days ago, COVID_19 could have come from anywhere. All it needed was for the first, asymptomatic, case to fly in from somewhere else. The first Chinese cases were not at the market, though there was a cluster there a few days later. They don't know who patient zero was or where the reservoir of animals where it was caught are.
Convicting him in the Senate would be a good start, even if it is for another of his misdeeds. Then sue the heck out of him. Deter others from following in his footsteps.
Covid-19 may have originated in Wuhan, China but Covid-21 is a product of Washington D.C. With malice aforethought and afterthought the powers behind Trump's throne have devised a way of reshaping the USA into a belligerent war machine bent on destroying our society. How can we stop them?
Yesterday proved that the biggest threat to Democracy in this country is the Republican Party.
Dems need to dwell on what brought these thousands of low lifers in the middle of winter to a very expensive city. Trumps lies. Lies repeated over and over by Republican Senators, Rudy, Lou Dobbs, The pillow guy, etc.
Just because of my day, I caught the live defense first and thought it wasn't too bad and wondered if they were right about the constitutional aspects. But then I watched the recording of the House prosecution and OMG. They blew away the constitutional issues from the beginning with some excellent history and precedents.
The House team gets an A+ and the defense a D+. The Representatives simply told the truth of what they and the police experienced. The rest of the proof of criminal activity literally came out of the mouths of perpetrators including the Perp-in-Chief Trump.
The first day was definitely another example of why they hate the left so much. It's hard to watch your opponents do their homework, present it well, and connect all the dots with some emotion.
We know you can’t reason with Republicans but with enough accountability you can declaw them.
How Trumpian was it that a good part of his defense teams argument was threatening Senators with what would happen to them if Republicans were back in power.
Reportedly, Trump was furious with his defense teams presentation. Well, you know the old saying, “you get what you don’t pay for.”
I prefer the old term "Robber Barron's" to Oligarch's. I understand that they mean about the same thing but there is a benefit to using a term that does not need to be explained. I know that Thom does a great job explaining this word on his show but the Republicans are masters at messaging. We need words that talk to all people and that are easily understood. Also, it makes it clear what side Trump is on that he would name his son Barron. Like the Republicans/cons, he has always cared more about the wealthiest Americans and champions the "Barron's" over the people of the USA.
Well put. There must be accountability. Win or lose, the most important message an impeachment trial can send is to the future. Also, congressional hearings and Justice Department investigations exposing corruption and crimes are part of that process in healing our democracy for posterity.
Get it on record that the Republicans' contribution to the process was based on lies and pure bullshit and that the Democrats tried to keep the focus on the truth and the irrefutable evidence. That's what history will and should remember.
Good to see this here. I've had this very same conversation with people who seem to have either no idea or a laissez-faire attitude toward the for-profit methods that actually make their life decisions more difficult in a kind of "turtle in hot water" manner. Thanks!
As brilliant as the Democratic presentation was today at the Impeachment trial, there was good news and bad news. The bad news is that it’s probably a foregone conclusion that Trump will not be convicted. The video that Democrats showed at the beginning of the presentation was not only a stunning representation of the siege on the Capitol building, it was a documentary about what Republicans have devolved to. Does anyone think that they will suddenly start having feelings of remorse, responsibility, morality, truth or accountability. That they will suddenly believe in facts, logic or reason.
Look at that video. That is who they are!
Actually, I thought the Republican lawyers did a much better job than they have been given credit for. Their job is much easier than the prosecution in that they don’t have to prove anything. They don’t have to prove Trump innocent…they don’t have to prove Trump doesn’t share any responsibility. In fact, they don’t even care about Trump’s guilt or responsibility to duty or anything else for that matter. All they have to do is make a case for a seed of doubt regarding constitutionality, providing a political off ramp that Republican senators can use as an excuse to claim that they are defending the Constitution.
Again, look at the video. That is who they are. That is who Trump’s supporters are. They don’t care about the truth but they do crave validation. This argument of constitutionality is the ticket to the team bus that Republican senators intend to ride to what they perceive as an assured victory as long as they don’t stick their hands out of the windows.
By the way, anyone surprised by McConnell’s flipflop regarding the trial hasn’t been following politics for the last 12 years.
The good news is that Republicans are in the minority and their party is shrinking. While Republicans may be a lost cause, there are plenty of Independents that can be influenced with reason. This trial is about accountability and I believe accountability is what the majority of Americans thirst for. The trial shows Republicans for what they really are and the majority of Americans will see Republicans for what they really are.
Even if Democrats lose, they should not be discouraged, rather they should be ready to double down and keep up the pressure. Republican corruption and treasons have to be held to account until they are throughly defeated and no longer a threat to our democracy. Judicial accountability is the path to this victory.
Phony political hearings like Benghazi, Fast and Furious, etc. have been used over and over again, at the cost of taxpayers, by Republicans to tarnish the Democratic brand, divide the Republic and feed red meat to their deranged base. Now is the time for hearings and trials to be used for accountability and justice to save American democracy.
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Please Thom, let it go. It's over. Your obsession with Trump is beyond comical. OCD is not a healthy condition.
The mark of a normal mature individual is their ability to be resilient and push through things that bother them.
White House, House, and Senate, time to focus on what should and can be done in the next 100 days.
WOW-I wish I had listened and stopped reading #7, but not for the reason mentioned. Bizarre conclusion. Trump wrote the book on dehumanizing, mistreatment, and disrespect of others. That is exactly why we are discussing how sad the condition of the Republican party is at this point in history. It is reasonable to come to the conclusion the worship of money is soul-less. The utter disrespect for the democratic process and voting rights by Republicans is stunning.
We had a defense team up at the podium trying to talk about how august the Senators are considered to be; they're "the world's most deliberative body". How sad we now hear the reports of the actual posture of some of the Republican senators who took an oath to act as an impartial juror. They won't even look at the evidence of an insurrection where people died and others were terrorized!
I know plenty of good Republicans and thank goodness right now for the ones in the Senate; they bring a small measure of unity around common decency. I wish there were more of them.
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STOP --- if you're one of the 83% who changes the facts or ignores them so you can keep believing what you want to believe, don't bother reading further. It's a waste of your time 'cause its objectivity is not what you're looking for.
As to ". . . trading in extremist fascist billionaire funders for more moderate fascist billionaire funders," who are those billionaire funders?
I know the tech industry, oil and gas industry, academia, the sports/athletic industry and franchises with their obscene salaries, at least 90% of the news industry, the entire entertainment industry, and apparently our judiciary (federal, anyway) are all Democrats who fund only Democrat candidates, right? That's how the two Democrat candidates in Georgia were able to raise $100M each while the Rep. candidates raised only $60M each.
I, too, thought the Republic Party was about corporate America, but which billionaires are left? Corporate America has wanted Trump out presumably because they want a "global" economy so they can keep their operations out of the US and in countries that offer cheap labor. I mean, isn't Trump the one who wanted companies back in the U.S. hiring American workers?
How does "[a] Republican politician who faithfully serves big corporations and billionaires [who] can safely expect to have at least a $1 million a year job waiting for them when they retire or get voted out of office, and many make far more" compare with the gross or net worth of Bill and Hillary Clinton and Barack and Michelle Obama? Aren't both couples worth in the neighborhood of $20 million to $50 million?
How does that compare with the newest NFL contract for Patrick whatshisname for $500 million? I know it's common for former politicians to become professors. Is that what universities are paying these days? Others return to practicing law. But, compared to people like the Clintons, Obamas, and Joe and Hunter Biden (Hunter pd. an obscene $50,000/mo. with no knowledge and no experience and J. allegedly received a huge cut of some foreign deal), isn't $1M a year chicken feed as they say?
As to "rebuilding America in a way that doesn't further depend on and enrich the coal, oil and natural gas barons," shouldn't we do some rebuilding before cutting off access to gas and oil? Just a thought. Without Keystone, don't we have to pay more to foreign entities for gas and oil until that "rebuilding" is completed? How does that make sense?
When Obama Care went into effect, young independent contractors and entrepreneurs in Upstate NY were forced to pay thousands more for their insurance. Why is that? And why is that a good thing? Still can't find anyone who knows how we benefit from that plan. I do know it's cruel to require 85- and 90-year-old citizens to re-evaluate and possibly change their health ins. every year.
This article and the statement that "{s}ome suggest that the GOP 'has lost their soul,' but conservatives in America . . . never really had a soul" are oozing hate. How does that unify? How does continually blaming the last President for everything unify? These are sincere questions. Democrats continually assert their desire to unify, but how do they plan to do that when their actions and attitude of blaming and criticizing are so divisive?
What has always made the experiment called America work is its commitment to free speech, unequivocal due process, objective and impartial news investigating and reporting, and only the censoring of certain speech that rises to a very strict and limited standard. That is all gone now.
Speech that incites violence or dangerous behavior has to meet a certain standard. How do the words "fight" and "wild" rise to the level of yelling 'fire' in a crowded theater when there is no fire? They don't. Saying they do is saying every thinking American is an ignorant idiot for having never learned that you can't believe nor take seriously most of what Trump says or has ever said. Democrats have been demanding for four yrs. that we "fight" like hell to obliterate Trump. Anyone with violent tendencies could have easily taken that to mean the guy should be assassinated.
Everyone knows Trump is a lying buffoon. It's just that roughly half the voting public is apparently able to separate the man's boatload of flaws and offensive personality from his policies that work and are beneficial while the other half cannot.
Identifying and describing millions of people as being one way or another denies all of us the freedom and right to be individuals. Some of those millions actually switched from Independent to Democrat or Republican just so they can vote in the primaries. And some are apparently white supremicists. Every group has its bad element. Any voter able to think beyond the superficial --- an ability that is now in very short supply --- knows no political party has all the answers and there is no perfection, so the best we can do is to choose the most reasonable and beneficial policies offered by each political party.
This nonsense of wiping out everything the previous administration did just because it was done by "them" is beyond stupid. Childish is what it is. Governing like a roller-coaster merry-go-round makes life too difficult for everyone. One minute it's this; next minute it's that. How do you start and run a business when ya never know what's around the corner and cannot depend on anything?
Who is censoring speech? Corporations. YouTube actually removed videos of two Senate hearings about Covid-19 'cause they didn't meet their standards. Really? Senate hearings? Some corporation is deciding we can't hear what goes on in the Senate? Others are deciding who is allowed to say what? Why are Democrats so afraid of opposing ideas or, in my case, a question on Instagram? If you can't withstand an opposing idea or answer a valid question about your own, maybe you're standing on quicksand. After all, it's only the best, most reasonable and most substantiated ideas that can survive questions and opposition.
Who is canceling people, firing them or vilifying them for a word or a thought? Corporations. And what and who do corporations in every industry support? The Democrat Party. So, where should one look for resolution to all the "racial injustice" in the workplace? Corporations, which are predominantly what? Democrat. Those who feel they champion civil rights the most are also the biggest offenders/violators of those rights, or so the facts one can substantiate seem to indicate. This is why all this superficial thinking gets us nowhere and is so dangerous. It can't handle questions and criticism.
Dehumanizing one of us dehumanizes all of us. Denying due process to one denies due process to all. Not ordering discovery in accordance with FRCP 12(b)(6) on behalf of the election complaints filed --- or not telling us why 12(b)(6) (which doesn't require evidence) doesn't apply --- denies judicial due process to us all and leaves unsettled the issue of election integrity that concerned at least a few elected Democrats as recently as Sept., 2020.
In the end, those who mistreat and disrespect someone so the world knows that person is terrible aren't telling the world that at all. Instead, they're telling the world they are.
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I've always ignored politics until very, very recently. Would that be like when the Democrats in Congress spent an obscene amount of time and (our) money in their multi-year obsessive effort to annihilate Trump rather than conduct the people's business. Is it when Pelosi held up last summer's stimulus bill for several months just because, as she later said, she didn't want Trump to get any credit? Or is it Pelosi insisting on impeachment of Trump sans due process because the President is "unhinged" and had to be removed immediately, then refusing to follow through until he was out of office 12 days later?
It's a bit confusing. Is that what you mean by malfeasance? Or is it malfeasance only when the other guy does it. Speaking of that, what did the other guy(s) do? People throw around all these claims as if fact, but I never hear about anything specific that supports said claims or proves the truth of the matters asserted. Like I said, very confusing for a novice, especially an objective one whose standards wouldn't permit voting for either candidate.
This was supposed to be a reply to Hephaetrus so don't know why it's #5 and the second attempt is #6 and neither can be deleted. Go figure.
I've always ignored politics until very, very recently. Would that be like when the Democrats in Congress spent an obscene amount of time and (our) money in their multi-year obsessive effort to annihilate Trump rather than conduct the people's business. Is it when Pelosi held up last summer's stimulus bill for several months just because, as she later said, she didn't want Trump to get any credit? Or is it Pelosi insisting on impeachment of Trump sans due process because the President is "unhinged" and had to be removed immediately, then refusing to follow through until he was out of office 12 days later?
It's a bit confusing. Is that what you mean by malfeasance? Or is it malfeasance only when the other guy does it. Speaking of that, what did the other guy(s) do? People throw around all these claims as if fact, but I never hear about anything specific that supports said claims or proves the truth of the matters asserted. Like I said, very confusing for a novice, especially an objective one whose standards wouldn't permit voting for either candidate.
Vote them out!
After todays obviously condemning evidence. My guess is, the defense will have minor, if any, defense and will take it to a vote knowing that the Republicans will vote against impeachment, no matter what evidence is presented.
If the cowards in the gop senate could vote to impeach anonomously. Trump could be toast. They have their own reasons for Trump to be gone. If Trump is gone they stand a better chance to promote themselves.
If Trump remains democracy is still on the edge. Who trained this guy? How could he possibly know what buttons to push? It is like he was somehow trained like Pavlov's dog's.
What do we do when they claim to represent "we the people," and they don't?
If voted members of government do not or can not claim to represent "we the people" then that should be a crime with viscious consequence for malfaesence
As the WHO said a couple of days ago, COVID_19 could have come from anywhere. All it needed was for the first, asymptomatic, case to fly in from somewhere else. The first Chinese cases were not at the market, though there was a cluster there a few days later. They don't know who patient zero was or where the reservoir of animals where it was caught are.
For more about Trump's mishandling see and for a more detailed timeline see
Convicting him in the Senate would be a good start, even if it is for another of his misdeeds. Then sue the heck out of him. Deter others from following in his footsteps.
Covid-19 may have originated in Wuhan, China but Covid-21 is a product of Washington D.C. With malice aforethought and afterthought the powers behind Trump's throne have devised a way of reshaping the USA into a belligerent war machine bent on destroying our society. How can we stop them?
Yesterday proved that the biggest threat to Democracy in this country is the Republican Party.
Dems need to dwell on what brought these thousands of low lifers in the middle of winter to a very expensive city. Trumps lies. Lies repeated over and over by Republican Senators, Rudy, Lou Dobbs, The pillow guy, etc.
Just because of my day, I caught the live defense first and thought it wasn't too bad and wondered if they were right about the constitutional aspects. But then I watched the recording of the House prosecution and OMG. They blew away the constitutional issues from the beginning with some excellent history and precedents.
The House team gets an A+ and the defense a D+. The Representatives simply told the truth of what they and the police experienced. The rest of the proof of criminal activity literally came out of the mouths of perpetrators including the Perp-in-Chief Trump.
The first day was definitely another example of why they hate the left so much. It's hard to watch your opponents do their homework, present it well, and connect all the dots with some emotion.
I hope they squirm while Trump fumes.
We know you can’t reason with Republicans but with enough accountability you can declaw them.
How Trumpian was it that a good part of his defense teams argument was threatening Senators with what would happen to them if Republicans were back in power.
Reportedly, Trump was furious with his defense teams presentation. Well, you know the old saying, “you get what you don’t pay for.”
I prefer the old term "Robber Barron's" to Oligarch's. I understand that they mean about the same thing but there is a benefit to using a term that does not need to be explained. I know that Thom does a great job explaining this word on his show but the Republicans are masters at messaging. We need words that talk to all people and that are easily understood. Also, it makes it clear what side Trump is on that he would name his son Barron. Like the Republicans/cons, he has always cared more about the wealthiest Americans and champions the "Barron's" over the people of the USA.
Well put. There must be accountability. Win or lose, the most important message an impeachment trial can send is to the future. Also, congressional hearings and Justice Department investigations exposing corruption and crimes are part of that process in healing our democracy for posterity.
Get it on record that the Republicans' contribution to the process was based on lies and pure bullshit and that the Democrats tried to keep the focus on the truth and the irrefutable evidence. That's what history will and should remember.
Good to see this here.
I've had this very same
conversation with people
who seem to have either
no idea or a laissez-faire
attitude toward the for-profit
methods that actually make their
life decisions more difficult in a kind
of "turtle in hot water" manner. Thanks!
As brilliant as the Democratic presentation was today at the Impeachment trial, there was good news and bad news. The bad news is that it’s probably a foregone conclusion that Trump will not be convicted. The video that Democrats showed at the beginning of the presentation was not only a stunning representation of the siege on the Capitol building, it was a documentary about what Republicans have devolved to. Does anyone think that they will suddenly start having feelings of remorse, responsibility, morality, truth or accountability. That they will suddenly believe in facts, logic or reason.
Look at that video. That is who they are!
Actually, I thought the Republican lawyers did a much better job than they have been given credit for. Their job is much easier than the prosecution in that they don’t have to prove anything. They don’t have to prove Trump innocent…they don’t have to prove Trump doesn’t share any responsibility. In fact, they don’t even care about Trump’s guilt or responsibility to duty or anything else for that matter. All they have to do is make a case for a seed of doubt regarding constitutionality, providing a political off ramp that Republican senators can use as an excuse to claim that they are defending the Constitution.
Again, look at the video. That is who they are. That is who Trump’s supporters are. They don’t care about the truth but they do crave validation. This argument of constitutionality is the ticket to the team bus that Republican senators intend to ride to what they perceive as an assured victory as long as they don’t stick their hands out of the windows.
By the way, anyone surprised by McConnell’s flipflop regarding the trial hasn’t been following politics for the last 12 years.
The good news is that Republicans are in the minority and their party is shrinking. While Republicans may be a lost cause, there are plenty of Independents that can be influenced with reason. This trial is about accountability and I believe accountability is what the majority of Americans thirst for. The trial shows Republicans for what they really are and the majority of Americans will see Republicans for what they really are.
Even if Democrats lose, they should not be discouraged, rather they should be ready to double down and keep up the pressure. Republican corruption and treasons have to be held to account until they are throughly defeated and no longer a threat to our democracy. Judicial accountability is the path to this victory.
Phony political hearings like Benghazi, Fast and Furious, etc. have been used over and over again, at the cost of taxpayers, by Republicans to tarnish the Democratic brand, divide the Republic and feed red meat to their deranged base. Now is the time for hearings and trials to be used for accountability and justice to save American democracy.
Rep. Raskin's Video Montage of Capitol Insurrection introduced on the first day of the second impeachment trial of Trump the Loser.
How can you watch a TV and not even ask yourself at least a few questions
about what is being said? ( Left or Right! )
What would make a person dumb enough to blindly follow a nominee,
And not see what trouble their children will have with the world?
And not even ask themselves; is this person good for the public?
Maybe one of our politicial Parties is Zombies?
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You sound frustrated. Try to be more positive. Watching the impeachment trial might cheer you up.