
Caller: We'll Go After FIFA, Why Not the Banksters?

Thom Hartmann explains to a viewer why the United States Justice Department is going after international soccer executives, but won't do anything about the big bank executives that have inflicted so much harm on Americans.

Hedrick Smith on the State of the American Economy...

Thom Hartmann talks with Hedrick Smith, Pulitzer Prize winning NY Times Journalist / PBS Producer (Emmy) / Author of several books, latest Who Stole the American Dream, Website: &

How About a Little Poison with Your Meal?

Thom Hartmann debates Neil W. McCabe, Conservative & Editor-The Washington Mercury news site
Website: who disagrees that Republican budget cuts have caused USDA to cut the number of food inspectors looking at food coming from China.

Thom Hartmann: Beware of the Booming Stock Market!

Thom Hartmann says a Reagan era rule change continues to dog our economy today.

Who Stole the American Dream...and can we get it back?

Thom Hartmann talks with Hedrick Smith, Pulitzer Prize winning NY Times Journalist / PBS Producer (Emmy) / Author of several books, latest Who Stole the American Dream, Website: &

Caller: Fox News Viewers Need to be Deprogrammed...

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How do you Talk to Fox Addicts?

Thom Hartmann asks his audience how they deal with Conservatives who only get their news from Fox News.

The Thom Hartmann Program Live - 5/28/15

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Caller: Slavery Did Not End with Emancipation Proclamation...

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Bernie Sanders Represents the Middle Class...

Thom Hartmann talks with America's Lawyer - Mike Papantonio, Attorney / Host-Ring of Fire Radio , Website:

Who was Paid What to Fast Track TPA?

Thom Hartmann shares a Guardian report that says the average Republican who voted for Trade Protection Authority received just over $19,000 from corporate sponsors, while the average Democrat only got $9,000.

Crackdown on FIFA...can the Banksters be Next?

Thom Hartmann talks with America's Lawyer - Mike Papantonio, Attorney / Host-Ring of Fire Radio , Website: about the arrests of FIFA officials in the United States and Switzerland on corruption charges.

Caller: Race could sink Democrats in 2016...

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Who Protects us From GMO's?

Thom Hartmann debates Justin Danhof, General Counsel & Director-Free Enterprise Project-National Center for Public Policy Research, Website: who argues GMOs feed people more efficiently, GMO crops are more environment-friendly than conventional crops and numerous scientific bodies have determined that GMO foods are safe.

Caller: Police Brutality is Also a Class Issue...

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ADHD: Hunter in a Farmer's World

Thom Hartmann has written a dozen books covering ADD / ADHD - Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder.

Join Thom for his new twice-weekly email newsletters on ADHD, whether it affects you or a member of your family.

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