
Fascism is Economic Savagery!

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Caller: The Patriot Act Smacks of the Gestapo!

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Just Who is Benefiting from the USA Freedom Act?

Thom Hartmann says defense contractors and politicians are using fear to cash in on the USA Freedom Act.

How do we Replace the "F" word?

Thom Hartmann wonders what word we can use to replace "Fascism"?

There's Nothing Civil About "Civil Asset Forfeiture"

Thom Hartmann Talks with Ginnifer Hency, Medical-Marijuana patient and victim of civil asset forfeiture, who shares her horrific treatment at the hands of Michigan police.

Thom Hartmann on Science & Green News: June 1, 2015

Thom Hartmann comments on science and green news for the week of June 1, 2015.

Synergy: How the Media Works...

Thom Hartmann explains how the line between news and entertainment is blurring.

Want to run for President? Better get a Billionaire...

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Caller: Republicans Have Finally Found Their 'Boogeyman' in ISIS...

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Borowitz Alert: NSA Compensates for Loss of Surveillance...

Thom Hartmann shares the latest tongue-in-cheek "Borowitz Report" from Andy Borowitz, who "reports" the National Security Agency is now using FaceBook to conduct it's surveillance.

Caller: Libertarian Philosophy - Dismantle Government...

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Anti-Muslim Behavior, Bigotry or Fear?

If you liked this clip of The Thom Hartmann Program, please do us a big favor and share it with your friends... and hit that "like" button!

Martin O'Malley takes a Swipe at Hillary...

Thom Hartmann comments on former Maryland Governor Martin O'Malley's announcement that he's running for President in 2016.

Rand Paul's Stand Against the Patriot Act...

Thom Hartmann comments on U.S. Senator Rand Paul's (R-KY) effort to end data gathering by the NSA.

Horace Cooper: "Envy Masquerading as Economics"...

Thom Hartmann debates Horace Cooper, Attorney/Senior Fellow-National Center for Public Policy Research, Website:, who argues when Progressives talk about inequality, they are really just envious of the rich.

ADHD: Hunter in a Farmer's World

Thom Hartmann has written a dozen books covering ADD / ADHD - Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder.

Join Thom for his new twice-weekly email newsletters on ADHD, whether it affects you or a member of your family.

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