
Rick Perry says Social Security is Unconstitutional!

Thom Hartmann lays out Republican Rick Perry's presidential platform.

Real Classy, Ted Cruz!

Thom Hartmann takes Republican Texas Senator Ted Cruz to task over a joke he made about Vice President Joe Biden, while Biden is mourning the loss of his son.

Hey Rick Santorum: The Pope IS a Scientist!

Thom Hartmann comments on Rick Santorum saying the Pope needs to leave Science to the scientists.

Rick Perry and the Republican Double Standard...

Thom Hartmann comments on indicted felon and former Texas Governor Rick Perry announcing his run for president.

John McCain & Jeff Flake Stealing Sacred Indian Land...

Thom Hartmann shares the story of how Republican Arizona Senators John McCain and Jeff Flake have snuck in legislation to allow a massive copper mine on sacred San Carlos Apache Indian land.

Conservatives oppose the TPP 'welfare'??? What???

Thom Hartmann discusses the Trans-Pacific Partnership with Bryan Riley, Jay Van Andel Senior Policy Analyst in Trade Policy-The Heritage Foundation Website:

Hey Bernie Sanders, I'm In!

Thom Hartmann shares a blog post from Democratic Underground in which the writer convinces himself to vote for Bernie Sanders.

No, Democrats Haven't Gone Too Far Left!

Thom Hartmann tears down the myth that Bill Clinton won on a Centrist platform.

Caller: How do we Explain Democratic-Socialism?

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The Republicans are Scared of Bernie Sanders!

Thom Hartmann says attacks from right-wingers like George Will are proof the Republicans are growing more and more concerned about presidential candidate Bernie Sanders.

Green Festival DC!

Thom Hartmann talks with Dr. Corinna Basler, President - Green Festivals, Inc, Website:, about the upcoming 11th annual Green Festival in Washington, DC.

Caller: How do I explain how Bad Reagan Was?

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Borowitz Alert: Bush Sorry Patriot Act Repealed Before He Got Chance to Read It

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The Thom Hartmann Program Live - June 4, 2015

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Bruce Fein: TPA 'Fast Track' is Unconstitutional!

Thom Hartmann talks with Bruce Fein Esq. Constitutional Scholar & Attorney-Bruce Fein & Associates, Inc. (Bruce was Deputy Attorney General under President Ronald Reagan) / Author, Constitutional Peril: The Life and Death Struggle for Our Constitution and Democracy

ADHD: Hunter in a Farmer's World

Thom Hartmann has written a dozen books covering ADD / ADHD - Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder.

Join Thom for his new twice-weekly email newsletters on ADHD, whether it affects you or a member of your family.

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Thom's blog in this space and moving to a new home.

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