Transcript: Thom Hartmann: The Big Picture: Do Thom & Sarah Palin agree on Crony Capitalism? 13 September '11
Transcript: Thom Hartmann & Norman Solomon: Health care, education and jobs programs. October 3, 2011
Thom Hartmann: Welcome back, Thom Hartmann here with you live from the Take Back The American Dream conference in Washington DC. An extraordinary coalition of organizations and groups which I will share with you later once I get the list, Louise. Oh hey, surprise, I got the list. America Votes, Power Pack, Demos, that’s a long list. We’ll share it at more length. Anyhow, Norman Solomon is with me right now.
Transcript: Thom Hartmann & Jim Dean: Keeping Our Social Security Promises Act. October 3, 2011
Transcript: Thom Hartmann & Robert Reich: The American Jobs Depression - How do we get out of it? October 3, 2011
Transcript: Thom Hartmann & Stéphane Hessel - "Time for Outrage". September 28, 2011
Transcript: Thom Hartmann: The Big Picture: Why American flags are burning in London. 12 September '11
Transcript: Thom Hartmann: The Big Picture: New Deal trumps Raw Deal. 9 September '11
Transcript: Thom Hartmann: The Big Picture: It's time to give this economy back to working people. 8 September '11
Transcript: Thom Hartmann: The Big Picture: It's about a great forgetting and a re-education of this nation. 7 September '11
I went to the dentist today to get a filling replaced - and walked out with a root canal.
Transcript: Thom Hartmann: The Big Picture: Hartmann: Sons of Bitches vs. Mother of all Wars. 6 September '11
Our nation is in the midst of an unbelievable transformation - a struggle not seen in any of our lifetimes.
Transcript: Thom Hartmann: The Big Picture: A French Revolution on Corps - off with their Corporate Heads! 2 September '11
Transcript: Thom Hartmann: The Big Picture: Hartmann: Here's what UnAmerican really is! 1 September '11
Transcript: Thom Hartmann: The Big Picture: Hartmann: Republicans misread the 2010 election. 31 August '11
This handsome man is Senator Charles Grassley, also known as Chuck Grassley.