
Transcript: Thom Hartmann: The Big Picture: Is it safe to fly with Boehner & Republicans in charge? 2 August '11

If a plane falls out of the sky this month - blame Speaker of the House John Boehner and his little buddy, Eric Cantor.

Transcript: Thom Hartmann: The Big Picture: Uncle Sam vs The United States of Goldman Sachs. 1 August '11

You know, nature hates vacuums - and so does government.

The Republicans appear to have won the debt-limit debate - successfully getting trillions of dollars in spending cuts - and bringing us all closer to their vision of a miniature-sized pocket government.

But one thing everyone seems to forget is that as government power shrinks - something else has to fill that power vacuum.

And that something has always historically been the power of either great wealth or corporations.

Transcript: Thom Hartmann: The Big Picture: Corporate CEO's... job makers or job movers? 28 July '11

Remember this warning from Presidential candidate Ross Perot in 1992 about what "Free Trade" will lead to?

Transcript: Thom Hartmann: The Big Picture: Why Fox News has the Right to Lie to Us. 22 July '11

Ever wonder why it is that Fox News can lie over and over and over again - yet continue to call itself “News”?

Transcript: Thom Hartmann Program: Barbara Ehrenreich - Nickled and Dimed. 15 August '11

David Sirota: I’m David Sirota filling in for Thom Hartmann. The criminalization of poverty, the effort to just kick poor people out of our communities. This is happening all across the country. Punitive laws being passed to essentially, again, criminalize poverty in the middle of the recession. Now we’re going to be talking about this in this coming hour.

ADHD: Hunter in a Farmer's World

Thom Hartmann has written a dozen books covering ADD / ADHD - Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder.

Join Thom for his new twice-weekly email newsletters on ADHD, whether it affects you or a member of your family.

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