Was Fox News a news bubble for angry white men?
Is Jon Stewart single-handedly bringing down Fox News? According to the recent Neilson ratings – the Daily Show averaged 2.3 million viewers – a 19% increase in the month of May alone – and a number that beats every single show on Fox except O’Reilly. But O’Reilly’s hold on the top may not last long either.
Let’s try something that’s been proven to work before…a New Deal
You need to know this. New job numbers highlight a slowing economic recovery. 54,000 jobs were created last month – the 15th straight month of job creation. The jobless rate stands at 9.1%. But 54,000 fell way short of what economists projected – about 165,000 jobs. It’s also the slowest job growth in 8 months. And considering that 200,000 jobs need to be created each month just to keep up with popu
Budget cuts kill people - a man drowned yesterday – as firefighters and first responder just watched from shore
More unfortunate news of how irresponsible budget cuts kill people. A man drowned yesterday – as firefighters and first responder just watched from shore. The firefighters couldn’t help the man because they didn’t have training or cold-water gear thanks to budget cuts back in 2009. Earlier this year – deadly fires were sparked in Chicago and New York with first responders showing up late also because of budget
The war Ronald Reagan started against the working class is a resounding success today
Who’s screwed? Minimum wage workers. The minimum wage is no longer enough to meet a person’s minimum needs in Michigan according to a new report. The organization – Wider Opportunities for Women – published the report and it finds that a single Michigan resident needs to make more than 12 bucks an hour just to house – clothe – and feed him or herself. The minimum wage in Michigan is well short of that marker – just $7.40. But when you throw children into the equation – the picture is even grimmer.
You Need to Know This - Germany is Dropping Nuclear Power
You need to know this. Germany is dropping nuclear power. Chancellor Angela Merkel announced plans yesterday to close down every single nuclear plant in the country by 2022 – that’s 17 reactors in all. Germany has the fourth largest economy in the world – and the largest economy in Europe and generates about 25% of its electricity from nuclear power – just like we do in the United States.
It just goes to show how quickly our freedoms can be eroded – and how quickly we can all get used to it...
The highly sophisticated and complex Big Brother security apparatus known as the PATRIOT Act was extended for another 4 years – signed into law minutes before midnight last night by…a machine. At the authorization of the President who is currently in France – an autopen machine was used that holds a pen and signs the President’s exact signature. Hysterics in Congress said it was crucial to have the bill signed into law bef
Vouchers vs. Public Schools - Is Education a Right or a Privilege?
The New Jersey state Supreme Court told Governor Chris Christie he is in violation of the state’s constitution with his massive cuts to education. That state constitution requires the state to, “provide for the maintenance and support of a thorough and efficient system of free public schools for the instruction of all the children in the State...”
Will Paul Ryan shut down the 2012 election for Republicans?
Democrats scored a huge political victory last night – taking New York’s 26th district – adding another Democratic seat to the House of Representatives. The seat was previously held by Republican Chris Lee until he was busted taking topless photos of himself to solicit women on craigslist. Despite the fact that only three Democrats have ever held the seat since 1857 – and Republicans led by Karl Rove and the Chamber of Com
American can no longer label tuna products as “dolphin safe”
If you thought our government was in charge of making laws – think again. It turns out the World Trade Organization is telling us what to do. Yesterday – the WTO took a bite out of US sovereignty – ruling that American can no longer label tuna products as “dolphin safe.” Why? Because such labeling could restrict the purchase of certain foreign tuna products – thus limiting “free trade” in America.
Can expect more of these “limited” – and unapproved – wars in the future?
The 60-day deadline in the War Powers Act has come and gone – meaning President Obama is required to seek Congressional approval for ongoing military action in Libya. Although on Friday – the President wrote a letter to Congressional leaders saying he has no intention of doing that. Arguing that the US military’s role in Libya is “limited” to just supporting NATO – President Obama said approval from Congress is unnecessary
So here we are in the midst of perpetual war...
Today marks 60 days since America’s war in Libya began. That means that the war powers granted to the President in the War Powers Act are about to expire. The War Powers Act allows the president to commit the nation to war for only 60 days before he MUST seek approval from Congress for further military intervention. A group of Republican Senators have sent a letter to the president reminding him of today’s deadline –
Is perpetual war about to become law of the land?
Is perpetual war about to become law of the land? The House Armed Services Committee recently passed the National Defense Authorization Act – a bill that authorized funding to the Department of Defense. And deep within the bill – in Section 1034 – there’s a provision that affirms we are at war with Al-Qaeda and hands over war powers to the President until “the termination of hostilities.” In other words – it lets the
It seems like the only way banksters go to jail nowadays is if they try to rape a hotel maid
More evidence that banksters should go to jail. The Department of Housing and Urban Development just wrapped up an investigation into the nation’s five largest mortgage companies – Bank of America – JP Morgan Chase – Wells Fargo – Citigroup – and Ally Financial. What the agency found is that these banks routinely lied about the how much foreclosed homes were worth when they were getting reimbursed for those loans by the go
Don’t the millionaire oil executives realize they can’t escape climate change either?
Thanks to record-breaking rainfall last month – the Mississippi River is overflowing, pouring enormous floodwaters across – Louisiana – Mississippi – Missouri – and Tennessee. Several billions of dollars of damage has been reported. The Army Corps of Engineers is now relieving pressure on New Orleans levees by flooding thousands of acres in Louisiana, in a desperate bid to save the city from drowning in a disaster worse th