Is the Game Up at Fox So-Called News?
Another bad weekend for Rupert Murdoch. Yesterday – Rebekah Brooks - the former chief executive of News International – the parent company of Murdoch’s British media empire – was arrested on charges that she illegally intercepted phone calls and bribed UK police officers. Also taking a hit in the scandal yesterday – Britain’s top cop. Sir Paul Stephenson – the head of the Metropolitan Police Service - resigned citing
Does anyone else hear the fiddle playing as the nation burns?
Another day - another credit rating agency warning about our debt. On the heels of Moody’s threatening to downgrade our nation’s debt rating on Wednesday - the S&P rating agency fired a warning shot too - putting our nation’s triple AAA rating on negative watch.
Moody’s Investors Service turned its sights on the United States
One day after downgrading Ireland’s credit rating to junk status – Moody’s Investors Service turned its sights on the United States. In an announcement released yesterday – Moody’s said the United States is in danger of losing its “AAA” credit rating – and has put our nation under review for a credit downgrade. A credit downgrade for the United States could be the first step toward other nations dropping the dollar as thei
The Banksters are back to business as usual...
Homeowners are screwed again. Banksters are laying the groundwork for a second financial crisis. The Wall Street Journal is reporting that private investment firms are once again giving out subprime mortgages to interested homeowners who normally wouldn’t qualify for a home loan. It was these exact subprime mortgages that inflated the housing bubble and crashed the economy 3 years ago.
The race to the bottom in the labor force is killing the American middle-class...
A new report by Brookings shows how corporations are forcing Americans to work to the bone for meager wages. Today – the typical two-parent family has to work 26% longer than back in 1975. And since 1975 – wages have failed to keep up with the longer working hours. In other words – fat cat CEOs are getting a lot more “bang for the buck” out of their workers today.
The Disease of Inequality that’s Infecting America.
Our unequal society is killing off hundreds of thousands of Americans every year. A new study by the American Journal of Public Health takes a look at how certain social factors contribute to early deaths. Looking at just the year 2000 – the study found that 245,000 Americans died because they didn’t receive a quality education.
Could this be the end of "Big Media"?
Media moguls like Rupert Murdoch suffered a blow yesterday in their bid to take over the nation’s news media. The US Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit struck down an FCC rule that allowed companies to own both a newspaper and a broadcast station in the same market. Back in 1997 – the FCC relaxed laws regarding cross-ownership in the media.
Is wealth inequality in America hurdling our nation toward civil unrest?
Is wealth inequality in America hurdling our nation toward civil unrest? In a television interview this morning – former National Security Advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski warned that the growing wealth imbalance in America – now reaching levels not seen since the Great Depression – could lead to civil unrest in the streets. As the middle-class in America falls deeper and deeper into desperation – Brzezisnki said, “we’re
Let's not erode our legal system with Murdoch-style sensationalized infotainment
Yesterday – 12 jurors in Florida found Casey Anthony not guilty of murdering her daughter. With it’s twists and turns – the trial gained nationwide notoriety – and dominated mainstream news reports for the better part of 3 years. Many were shocked by the verdict – as Anthony’s guilt was a foregone conclusion in most of the media.
If we're going to put illegal immigrants in a "tent city" prison w/ a temp of 145 degrees - shouldn't the CEOs that hired them be there too?
You need to know this. Inhumane conditions plague Sherriff Joe Arpaio’s AZ's “tent-city” prison. On Saturday – temperatures at the outdoor prison housing 1,400 non-violent inmates shot up to 145 degrees – the hottest recorded so far this year.
Treasury Tim Geithner leaving...are the rats fleeing the sinking ship or will there be change we can believe in?
Is Secretary of the Treasury Tim Geithner on his way out? According to senior White House officials – Geithner is considering leaving his post after the debt-limit fiasco is resolved. Geithner denied the reports, saying he plans to stay in his job for the “foreseeable future” – but a source at the White House says that Geithner has been discussing plans to leave since early this year. Secretary of Defense Robert Gate
Does President Obama’s have a secret weapon to force Republicans to come to the table?
A group of 248 economist, six of whom are Nobel Prize winners, sent a letter to Congressional leaders yesterday demanding a clean vote to raise the debt-ceiling – arguing that failure to do so could have, “a substantial negative impact on economic growth.” The IMF issued a similar warning too. But as President Obama drew a line in the sand yesterday in debt-limit negotiations demanding that tax loopholes for millionaires,
Governor Rick Scott may have just won the race to the bottom
The jobless are screwed in Florida. Governor Rick Scott may have just won the race to the bottom when it comes to unemployment insurance. Scott – one of America’s most disliked Governors – signed into law yesterday a huge reduction in Florida’s unemployment benefit system – cutting the number of weeks someone is eligible to collect unemployment from 26 down to just 12. The cut falls in line with Governor Scott’s prom
Another day – another Supreme Court decision in favor of big money in our politics...
Another day – another Supreme Court decision in favor of big money in our politics. Yesterday – in another 5-4 ruling – the right-wing of the Supreme Court struck down an Arizona law that provides public financing of elections. The law was intended to level the playing field between people with huge fortunes and rich friends – and just average folks running for office, by supplying matching public funds to candidates who a
The nuclear disaster in Nebraska just got worse
You need to know this. The impending nuclear disaster in Nebraska just got worse. Over the weekend – a floodwall protecting the nuclear plant from the overflowing Missouri River gave way – inundating the facility in floodwater. The plant is less than 20 miles away from Omaha – Nebraska’s largest city – and is now cooling its reactors and spent fuel pools with back-up diesel powered generators.