Thom's Blog

Hell no you can’t!?

You need to know this. “Hell no you can’t!” In a speech yesterday – Speaker of the House John Boehner slammed President Obama’s “American Jobs Act” – calling it a “poor substitute” for actual job creation policies.
But a week ago – when President Obama unveiled his plan – Speaker Boehner seemed open to negotiating on it.

Corporate Freeloaders Act

Republicans in the House of Representatives introduced their own “American Jobs Act” – even though a more apt name for their bill would be the “Corporate Freeloaders Act.” Congressman Louie Gohmert – famous for his fear mongering over “terror babies” and bestiality – introduced the Republican version of President Obama’s jobs plan – and it includes only one provision. No infrastructure spending – no payroll tax cuts – no

It’s up the Gang of 12 to NOT use the same misguided policies - Will they?

The Congressional Budget Office issued a warning to the Gang of 12 Super Committee yesterday – arguing that the nation is on the verge of another recession – and the Gang of 12’s actions could make it worse. “If policymakers wanted to achieve both a short-term economic boost and medium- and long-term fiscal sustainability,” CBO chief Doug Elmendorf told the committee, then they would have to put in place, “changes in taxes and

Welcome to Tea Party rule in America where life is solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short

Another Republican debate last night – and this time the crowd stole the show. CNN hosted the Tea Party debate down in Tampa, Florida – which took place in front of a raucous crowd of Tea Partiers unafraid to cheer on radical claims made by the candidates. The debate itself featured some heated exchanges between front-runners Rick Perry and Mitt Romney – over Perry’s description of Social Security as a Ponzi scheme – a cl

America’s infrastructure now ranks 16th in the world...

Our nation’s infrastructure is crumbling. The Sherman Minton Bridge that spans the Ohio River in Louisville, Kentucky was shut down last Friday due to safety concerns after cracks were discovered in the bridge’s load-bearing parts. The Sherman Minton Bridge is just one of several bridges in danger of collapsing –- As the American Society of Civil Engineers points out, 34% of all the bridges in Kentucky are considered “str

What will happen if Republicans say yes?

President Obama challenges Congress. Last night – the President pitched his much anticipated jobs plan to a joint-session of Congress – calling on Members to immediately pass what he’s calling “The American Jobs Act” – a $447 billion proposal – filled mostly with $250 billion worth of tax cuts – with the rest of the money going toward infrastructure spending – aid to states – and an extension of unemployment benefits. The

Why Republicans may throw their support behind the President’s job plan...

With the President set to present his job creation plan to a joint session of Congress tonight – he’s already getting some bad news from economists. Early reports indicate the job’s plan will cost between $300 and $400 billion – with less than half going to actually rebuilding our infrastructure – and the rest devoted to tax cuts and an extension of unemployment benefits. But economists are warning the President that his

It’s time to dump the post-partisan-mantra – and start acting like FDR!

Will $300 billion fix the economy? President Obama hopes so. According to early reports from the White House – the President’s job creation plan set to be unveiled Thursday night will come with a price tag of $300 billion – a number that is likely too high for Republicans to support – given they likely can’t support a $20 dollar job creation package – and also a number far too low for many progressives hoping the Presiden

Meet the New Republican Plan to Create Jobs – George W. Bush, Recycled

Falling behind in the polls – Mitt Romney is expected to lay out his plan for job creation today at an event in Nevada. And like all the other plans put forward by his colleagues on the right – Romney’s job creation plan sounds more like a Christmas list for millionaires, billionaires and transnational corporations, and less like an effective way to get Americans back to work.

Republican governors are hard at work laying off people like teachers

Zero! That’s the number of net new jobs created in America last month. The latest jobs numbers released today show that 17,000 jobs were created in the private sector – making August the 18th straight month of private sector job growth under President Obama’s watch – however that number was offset by 17,000 government jobs that were lost – mostly thanks to Republican governors who are hard at work laying off people like t

Will you be Watching President Obama or the Packers Thursday?

Speaker of the House John Boehner made history yesterday. After President Obama requested a joint session of Congress to announce his new jobs plan next week – on September 7th – Boehner REJECTED the request - and instead suggested Americans should choose between watching the President or the opening day of the football season. According to the Senate historian – never in the history of this nation had Congres

Republicans - Read the Constitution!

Republican Congressman from Ohio Steve Chabot doesn’t know jack about the Constitution. Last week – the Congressman – fearing that tough questions asked of him may end up on YouTube – banned constituents from having cameras at his town hall meeting – even employing the police to confiscate recording devices from attendees. Now – the first circuit U.S Court of Appeals has ruled that citizens have a right to film government

At least one Republican has Gotten the Message

At least one Republican has gotten the message. Senator John Thune from South Dakota told a local newspaper that if he’s learned one thing during this August recess holding town hall meetings with constituents – it’s don’t cut Medicare and Social Security. Thune told the paper that that message is one that he’ll be taking back to Washington, DC. Of course – the rest of the Republican Party still doesn’t get it.

A “For the Rich, By the Rich” Economy

There’s more evidence of a widening wealth inequality gap in America thanks to 30-plus years of Reaganomics. According to The Atlantic magazine – two-thirds of all new income in America between 2002 and 2007 went to just the top 1% of Americans. That’s 2 out of every 3 dollars in America being sucked up by the richest of the rich.

Dick Cheney confirms he is a war criminal

Draft dodger Dick Cheney has a new book coming out. The man with no pulse is trying to set the record straight about his time in the White House as Vice President – and according to excerpts from the book entitled, “My Time” – which is set to be released next week – Cheney confirms what we all suspected – that he really is that evil. Cheney goes after former Secretary of State Colin Powell for opposing the Iraq War – then

ADHD: Hunter in a Farmer's World

Thom Hartmann has written a dozen books covering ADD / ADHD - Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder.

Join Thom for his new twice-weekly email newsletters on ADHD, whether it affects you or a member of your family.

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