Thom's Blog

18 State Senators undid fifty years of civil rights in Wisconsin

Late last night – Governor Scott Walker and Republicans in Wisconsin proved to the world what we all suspected - that their union-stripping agenda has absolutely NOTHING to do with the budget. With Democrats still AWOL and public opinion turning against him – Walker used the nuclear option. Senate Republicans convened a special session last night – and stripped the budget bill of all the stuff related to an actual budget so that they

Who’s screwed? Homeowners!

Who’s screwed? Homeowners!

Have Republicans made a Faustian bargain with the rich and don't know how to get out of it?

Who’s screwed? America's children. There are 16 million children living in poverty right now – and if trends continue – a quarter of all the kids in our nation will be living poverty. There haven’t been numbers this troubling since the Great Depression. And what do Republicans want to do??

Don't look at the Bankster Behind the Curtain.....

There are reports that AWOL Democrats in Wisconsin may be returning home soon to allow Walker’s anti-union bill to pass. The missing Democrats are calculating that even if they lose this fight – Walker and his Republican cohorts have inflicted so much political damage on themselves – they’ll be crippled for the rest of their terms.

So when is Scott Walker planning to reinstate the Alien and Sedition Acts?

Alien and Edition ActWisconsin’s Republican Governor and Koch brother poodle Scott Walker is upping the ante in Wisconsin. He’s threatened to lay off 1,500 government workers TODAY – unless Democrats come back to the capital and pass his union-destroying legislation.

I guess he’s following up on his threat to public employees – either give up your rights – or get fired.

Will Republicans kick President Obama off the ballot in several states?

Republicans have a new tactic to try to win back the White House in 2012 – and that’s to kick President Obama off the ballot in several states. 11 states in our nation are currently considering legislation that would require President Obama to prove he was born in the United States in order to have his name placed on the state’s presidential ballot. Of course – President Obama has already proven he was born in Hawaii – and that state has repeatedly confirmed it by releasing his birth certificate. But still – the birthers aren’t satisfied. Georgia is the latest state

Walker has pledged to layoff 2000 teachers if Senators don't return - will his divide & conquer strategy work?

Even though his union-busting agenda has stalled thanks to AWOL Democratic state senators – Governor Walker in Wisconsin is unveiling his 2-year budget proposal today – and guess what?

Governor Walker...but Wait! There's More...

ThinkProgress has pointed out some lesser-known provisions that Scott Walker and his Republican colleagues are trying to slip through the state legislature that should worry many Wisconsinites. Even if protestors successfully defend their rights to collectively bargain – they still have to deal with a GOP-led assault on the several health, environmental, and economic programs including a bill that will allow the state’s uber-conservative He

What’s the point in lobbying politicians – when you can just BUY politicians?

The American Petroleum Institute – the largest lobbying organization for big oil polluters – announced yesterday they would start contributing to political candidates this year in preparation for the 2012 elections.

Two children died in a fire in Philadelphia on Tuesday – and budget cuts could be to blame

Two children died in a fire in Philadelphia on Tuesday – and budget cuts could be to blame. In an effort to cut spending – the city of Philadelphia “browned out” – or closed some of it’s fire stations for a day. One of those fire stations that were closed was Engine 61 – and it just so happened to be the nearest company to the fire that killed those two children – and thus would have been first on the scene. As local firefighter Mike

This political battle has the Koch brother’s fingerprints all over it....

Yesterday – we reported about a little known provision in Governor Walker’s anti-union bill that would allow the state to sell of publicly owned power plants to private industries if it’s “in the best interests of the state.” That provision could allow Walker to sell off power plants to one of his top political contributors – Koch Industries – and give the Koch brothers a vertical monopoly on electricity in the state – owning the production, di

Could be the beginning of the end for our Democracy?

Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker told the media yesterday and again this morning that he is unwilling to compromise on his so-called “budget repair” proposal that limits state workers’ collective bargaining rights – essentially destroying their union. In response, the state capital in Madison has been the scene of a weeklong protest against Governor Walker and Republican state lawmakers. 14 Democratic state Senators who fled Wisconsin to

What will the world look like in 2050?

What will the world look like in 2050? Well – according to scientists attending a conference yesterday with the American Association for the Advancement of Science – the planet will be “unrecognizable.” With a population over 9 billion by then – we’ll have to produce more food in the next 40 years than has been produced in the last 8,000 years. And as income in the developing world is supposed to increase – more people will be eating

Will Governor Walker take the high road – or will he take the Hosni Mubarak road?

Democratic state senators in Wisconsin are still AWOL – preventing Republicans lawmakers from passing Governor Walker’s union-busting legislation that will strip state workers of their collective bargaining rights. As one Senator told the Washington Post – “We're going to be staying away until we hear that [the Republicans] are taking the right to organize seriously.” As a sign of solidarity with the 25,000 protestors who showed up outside the stat

ADHD: Hunter in a Farmer's World

Thom Hartmann has written a dozen books covering ADD / ADHD - Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder.

Join Thom for his new twice-weekly email newsletters on ADHD, whether it affects you or a member of your family.

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