Tuesday 29 June '10 show notes

By SueN
- Guests:
- Newsweek's Jonathan Alter, author of "The Promise: President Obama, Year One".
- RT's DC correspondent Alyona Minkovski .
- Topics:
- Kagan Hearings...Why are the Republicans so attached to race bating politics?
- Who is Barack Obama really?
Monday 28 June '10 show notes

By SueN
- Guests:
- RN Martha Kuhl, Board member CNA and National Nurses United.
- Kieran Suckling, Founder/Executive Director of the Center for Biological Diversity.
- Former head of the Texas Republican Party, Tom Pauken.
- Topics:
- Sharks are circling the G-20, as nations tremble before the banksters...
- Senator Robert Byrd, RIP.
Friday 25 June '10 show notes

By SueN
- Guests:
- Senator Bernie Sanders, (I-VT).
- Dylan Ratigan, Host of the Dylan Ratigan Show on MSNBC.
- Casey Nunez, New Orleans tour guide/actor/filmmaker, who made a video of oil raining down in River Ridge, Louisiana.
- Topics:
- "Brunch With Bernie"
- Financial Reform.
Thursday 24 June '10 show notes

By SueN
- Guests:
- William Yeatman, Energy Policy Analyst at the Competitive Enterprise Institute.
- Restaurateur and author Bobby Egan.
- Dr. John Lott, author of "More Guns, Less Crime".
- Minnesota State Senator, Democratic Congressional candidate Tarryl Clark.
Wednesday 23 June '10 show notes

By SueN
- Guests:
- Scientist/Adventurer/Author Mark Moffett, author of "Adventures Among Ants"...
- Dan Gainor, Vice President & T. Boone Pickens Free Market Fellow at the Business and Media Institute.
- Topics:
- Is McChrystal only a symptom of what's really wrong with the war in Afghanistan?
- Everything You know is Wrong...about Ants?!
Tuesday 22 June '10 show notes

By SueN
- Guests:
- Rep. Steve King (R-IA).
- Rep. Brian Baird (D-WA), chairman of the Energy and Environment Subcommittee of the Committee on Science and Technology.
- Carrie Lukas of the Independent Women's Forum.
Monday 21 June '10 show notes

By SueN
- Guests:
- Attorney Mike Papantonio, co-host of Ring Of Fire Radio.
- Doug Cunningham, Producer/Reporter Worker's Independent News.
- Peter Ferrara, General Counsel of the American Civil Rights Union.
- Celebrity Chef/Author Anthony Bourdain of the "No Reservations" TV show.
Friday 18 June '10 show notes

By SueN
- Guests:
- Senator Bernie Sanders, (I-VT).
- Topics:
- "Brunch With Bernie"
- 'Anything Goes' Friday!
- Bumper Music:
- Everything You Want, Vertical Horizon.
- Diamonds And Coal, Incubus.
Thursday 17 June '10 show notes

By SueN
- Guests:
- Pastor Doug Cunningham.
- Renee Lee, an SEIU member who is facing foreclosure.
- Texas Railroad Commissioner and Republican Candidate for U.S. Senate Elizabeth Ames Jones.
Wednesday 16 June '10 show notes

By SueN
- Guests:
- CNBC's John Carney.
- Dennis Hof, operator of the Moonlight Bunny Ranch Bordello in Nevada, with bunny Cami Parker.
- Harvard Law Professor Elizabeth Warren, Chair of the Congressional Oversight Panel on TARP.
- Arthur Brooks, president of the American Enterprise Institute.
Tuesday 15 June '10 show notes

By SueN
- Guests:
- Dr. David Kreutzer of the Heritage Foundation.
- Rob Kall, Executive editor and publisher of OpEdNews.com, Host of the Rob Kall Bottom-Up Radio Show.
- Tim Dickinson, Political correspondent for Rolling Stone magazine and author of the political blog, National Affairs Daily for Rollingstone.com.
Monday 14 June '10 show notes

By SueN
- Guests:
- Geologist/Environmentalist Chris Landau.
- Film maker Josh Fox talks to Thom about his new movie "Gasland". Founder and Artistic Director of the film & theater company "International WOW Company"; writer/director of the new documentary "Gasland".
Friday 11 June '10 show notes

By SueN
- Guests:
- Senator Bernie Sanders, (I-VT).
- Peter Bergman & Phil Ossman of the Firesign Theatre
- Topics:
- "Brunch With Bernie"
- 'Anything Goes' Friday!
- Fun & appearances
- Bumper Music:
- Upside Down, Jack Johnson.
Thursday 10 June '10 show notes

By SueN
- Guests:
- Congressman Brian Baird (D-WA).
- Eddie Vale, AFL-CIO spokesman.
- Climate scientist Dr. Brenda Ekwurzel of the Union of Concerned Scientists.
- Curtis Sliwa, host of The Curtis Sliwa Show; founder and CEO of the Guardian Angels.
Wednesday 9 June '10 show notes

By SueN
- Guests:
- Stephanie Miller, host of the Stephanie Miller Show.
- Brit Mark Boyle, "The Moneyless Man".