Tuesday 8 June '10 show notes

By SueN
- Guests:
- Ron Pollock, Executive Director, Families USA.
- Former U.S. Labor Secretary Robert Reich Professor of Public Policy, Goldman School of Public Policy, University of California at Berkeley.
- Cenk Uygar of The Young Turks Radio Program.
Monday 7 June '10 show notes

By SueN
- Guests:
- Aaron Swartz, Co-founder, Bold Progressives.
- Doug Cunningham, Producer/Reporter Worker's Independent News.
- Environmentalist, activist, Bill McKibben.
- Mark Williams, Chair of the Tea Party Express.
- Robert Greenwald.
Friday 4 June '10 show notes

By SueN
- Show live from the United Nations, New York City.
- Guests:
- Senator Bernie Sanders, (I-VT) spends the hour with Thom discussing the issues and answering listener questions.
- Nick Birnback, Chief of the Peacekeeping Public Affairs Section of the Department of Peacekeeping Operations.
Thursday 3 June '10 show notes

By SueN
- Show live from Dial Global studios, New York.
- Guests:
- Dr. Riki Ott, marine toxicologist and former commercial salmon fisher in Alaska, author of “Not One Drop: Betrayal and Courage in the Wake of the Exxon Valdez Spill".
- Trent Lange, Campaign Chair, Yes on Prop 15 - California Fair Elections Act.
Wednesday 2 June '10 show notes

By SueN
- Show live from Dial Global studios, New York.
- Guests:
- Mike Papantonio, co-host of The Ring of Fire Radio Program with Robert Kennedy, Jr.
- Dan Gainor of the Business and Media Institute.
- Alex Epstein of the Ayn Rand Institute.
Tuesday 1 June '10 show notes

By SueN
- Guests:
- Bryan Fischer of the American Family Association.
- Peter Beinart, Sr. political writer at The Daily Beast.
- Topics:
- "Adolf Hitler and the mystery of the big pink swastika"
- What's up with Israel? Are they pirates or protecting their need to keep Hamas in the Prison of Gaza? Why didn't they recognize the elections in 2006 and just get on with it?
- Volcanic oil spill.
Friday 28 May '10 show notes

By SueN
- Thom broadcasting live from WHMP, Northampton, Massachusetts.
- Guests:
- Senator Bernie Sanders, (I-VT).
- Tim Carpenter, Executive Director, Progressive Democrats of America.
- David Pakman, Host, "Midweek Politics With David Pakman" and Chris Collins, Program Director of WHMP.
Thursday 27 May '10 show notes

By SueN
- Guests:
- Dr. Riki Ott, marine toxicologist and former commercial salmon fisher in Alaska, author of “Not One Drop: Betrayal and Courage in the Wake of the Exxon Valdez Spill".
- Reporter Andy Kroll of Mother Jones Magazine.
- Topics:
- Just back from the Gulf...update on toxic mess & health risks
- President Obama's speech on the oil disaster.
Wednesday 26 May '10 show notes

By SueN
- Guests:
- Richard Steiner, marine biologist and former University of Alaska fisheries extension agent.
- Kuzma Tesvich Louisiana oyster harvester...his family has been in the business for generations.
- Valerie Burch, Staff Attorney, ACLU of Pennsylvania.
- Dan Gainor of the Business and Media Institute.
Tuesday 25 May '10 show notes

By SueN
- Guests:
- Mike Papantonio, co-host of The Ring of Fire Radio Program with Robert Kennedy, Jr.
- Fellow talk show host and author Bill Press.
- Nancy Altman, author of "The Battle for Social Security: From FDR’s Vision to Bush’s Gamble" and co-director of Social Security Works.
Monday 24 May '10 show notes

By SueN
- Guests:
- Attorney Jonathan Saenz, Director of Legislative Affairs at the Liberty Institute.
- Right wing economist Floyd Brown.
- Libertarian economics professor Dr. Walter Block of Loyola University and the Ludwig Von Mises Institute.
- Topics:
- Isn't the Texas school board reinventing America as the Puritan nation of the Salem witch trials?
Friday 21 May '10 show notes

By SueN
- Show live from Chicago.
- Guests:
- Senator Bernie Sanders, (I-VT).
- Topics:
- "Brunch With Bernie"
- 'Anything Goes' Friday.
- Bumper Music:
- Can't Get Enough of You Baby, Smash Mouth.
Thursday 20 May '10 show notes

By SueN
- Guests:
- Senator Jeff Merkley (D-OR).
- Conservative columnist/author David Frum.
- TV news correspondent and author Rita Cosby.
- Topics:
- Will financial reform be real or lipstick on a pig?
- Is BP now in charge of America?
- Geeky Science rocks!
Wednesday 19 May '10 show notes

By SueN
- Guests:
- Tim Carpenter, executive director, PD America.
- Dan Gainor of the Business and Media Institute.
- Daily Beast Reporter Shannon Donnelly.
- Topics:
- Election 2010 – bloodbath in November?!
- $$2bn more for Afghanistan? Progressive "Brownbaggers" Invite Teabaggers to Join Them in Government Spending Protests.
Tuesday 18 May '10 show notes

By SueN
- Guests:
- Ilya Shapiro, Senior fellow in constitutional studies at the Cato Institute.
- Phil Kerpen, Vice president for policy at Americans for Prosperity.
- Maggie Gallagher, President of the Institute for Marriage and Public Policy.
- Topics:
- Can sex can get you indefinite detention...???