
  • Thom's blog - Wednesday November 24th, 2010

    You need to know this about economics. Between July and September this year – American businesses posted the largest profits ever – nearly 1.7 trillion dollars! Never have US companies been so profitable in the history of this country. In fact – this this is part of a steady trend that started when worker salaries began to flatten out with Reaganomics. Most recently, corporations have seen their profits steadily increase every quarter since 2009 – and then they went through the roof the last few months. Yet what have we seen in the labor market?

  • Daily Topics - Wednesday November 24th, 2010

    Quote of the Day: “A thankful heart is not only the greatest virtue, but the parent of all other virtues” -- Marcus Tullius Cicero, Roman Statesman/Orator & Scholar (106BC - 43BC)

    Hour One: A young Florida woman dies after Jeb Bush's Medicaid program outsources to private this "compassionate" conservatism? Plus, will peace ever come to Africa? Dr. John Eibner, Director of Human Rights for Christian Solidarity International will be here -

  • Is the next step for the GOP to strip rights away from Muslims?

    So how do Republicans want to solve the current TSA security fiasco?

  • Thom's blog - Tuesday November 23rd, 2010

    You need to know this about airport security. As public outrage grows over the airport x-ray body scanners – manufacturers of the machine are taking their fight to Capitol Hill. In the last 5 years – body scanner manufacturers have more than doubled their lobbying expenses with lawmakers. Former Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff’s Rapiscan Systems spent $80,000 lobbying Congress five years ago – this year they’ve spent almost $300,000. And it’s working – the government has in turn given Chertoff’s company $41.2 million in contracts and the use of t

  • Daily Topics - Tuesday November 23rd, 2010

    Quote of the Day: And in the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years. --Abraham Lincoln

    Hour One: North vs South Korea...what does it really mean? John Feffer, Co-Director of Foreign Policy in Focus will be here Plus - Iraqi's don't know why we're killing them and neither do we.....

    Hour Two: So how do Republicans want to solve the current TSA security fiasco? By screwing over people who may “look like terrorists.”

  • Bombing into the Stone Age?

    You need to know this about Afghanistan. The old joke used to be that we couldn't bomb the country into the stone age, because most of it is already there. It's one of the poorest countries in the world, only about a quarter of Afghans can read or write, and there's no national radio or TV infrastructure - large parts of the country don't even have electricity. So when 9/11 happened here, nobody told the Afghans.

  • Thom's blog - Monday November 22nd, 2010

    You need to know this about Afghanistan. The old joke used to be that we couldn't bomb the country into the stone age, because most of it is already there. It's one of the poorest countries in the world, only about a quarter of Afghans can read or write, and there's no national radio or TV infrastructure - large parts of the country don't even have electricity. So when 9/11 happened here, nobody told the Afghans. According to a new report on the Afghan population, 92% of Afghans today don’t know what 9/11 was.

  • Daily Topics - Monday November 22nd, 2010

    Quote of the Day: "For one true measure of a nation is its success in fulfilling the promise of a better life for each of its members. Let this be the measure of our nation." - President John F. Kennedy

    Hour One: Afghanistan...we're killing them and they don't know why

    Hour Two: Is Obama a one term President?

  • Friday 19 November '10 show notes

    • Senator Bernie Sanders, (I-VT). "Brunch With Bernie".
    • Congressman Dennis Kucinich (D-OH, 10th District). Fighting for our rights in the House.
    • Governor Brian Schweitzer. Medicaid Prescription coverage for all? Find out what Montana's Democratic Governor is doing to help citizens his state!
  • DiCaprio to star in JFK tale...based on the book about the John F. Kennedy assassination by Lamar Waldron and Thom Hartmann.

    DiCaprio to star in JFK tale

    Assassination story based on book 'Legacy of Secrecy'

    Leonardo DiCaprio will star in and produce the feature "Legacy of Secrecy," based on the book about the John F. Kennedy assassination by Lamar Waldron and Thom Hartmann.

ADHD: Hunter in a Farmer's World

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