So how do Republicans want to solve the current TSA security fiasco? By screwing over people who may “look like terrorists.” Two words – ethnic profiling. Rather than investigate the machines or reconsider pat down procedures – Republican Congressmen Jason Chaffetz of Utah and Peter Hoekstra of Michigan want to limit the people who get irradiated or groped to only those of a certain ethnic background. In other words – people who don’t look like them. In two separate radio interview – both GOP lawmakers agreed that profiling is something they would advocate for as an alternative. While they are the first two federal lawmakers to endorse profiling at airports – the Conservative media – mainly Fox News and Rush Limbaugh - has been calling on this security tactic since this debate began a few weeks ago. Of course – it’s much easier to advocate for profiling when you don’t fit the profile – nearly every person who has spoken out in favor has been a white male. Besides the inherent racism in profiling – it also doesn’t work and could make our country less safe. The past 3 attempted bombers have not been of Middle Eastern decent – the shoe bomber Richard Reid was a white Jamaican from the UK. The underwear bomber was Nigerian. And “jihad jane” was a blonde American woman. So is profiling really the best idea? Or is it just the next step for the GOP to strip rights away from Muslims. After all – they apparently can’t build mosques in the country anymore.