
  • Wednesday 1 May '19 show notes

    • Mid-day with Mark - Congressman Mark Pocan (D-WI, 2nd District)
    • U.S. A.G. Bill Barr Testifies Before the Senate and Thom Takes Your Calls...
    • Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) Talks Trade, Barr & Biden with Thom - the honorable Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT)

  • Tuesday 30 April '19 show notes

    • What Do You Think of the Deal Pelosi & Schumer Made With Trump Today... What's the REAL Deal?
    • This Is How Terrible Thing Always Begin In Authoritarian Regimes
    • How Much Income is Too Much in a Democracy?
  • Monday 29 April '19 show notes

    • How Do We Heal the Country When Trump Is Gone?
    • Shouldn't Our Teachers (and Police) Who Have the Hope (Children) of America in Their Hands Be Paid Well? - Lily Eskelsen Garcia, President - National Education Association (3 million members strong)
    • Digital Civil War: Confronting the Far Right Menace - Peter Daou, Democratic digital media strategist / Author of the new book, Digital Civil War: Confronting the Far Right Menace
  • What Are They Hiding?

    Thom plus logo The Trump administration clearly has a lot to hide. The question is, what exactly are they hiding? Why is Steve Mnuchin willing to go to jail rather than share Trump's tax returns in private with members of Congress?
  • Friday 26 April '19 show notes

    • Anything Goes
    • Why Would Trump Veto Combating Rape As A Weapon of War - Amanda M. Klasing, Acting Co-Director, Women's Rights - Human Rights Watch
    • The 33rd anniversary of the world's greatest nuclear disaster - Chernobyl - is today - April 26th - Adam Higginbotham, Journalist & Contributor to Wired, GQ, The New Yorker, The NY Times Magazine & Smithsonian / Author, latest book: MIDNIGHT IN CHERNOBYL: The Untold Story of the World's Greatest Nuclear Disaster

  • Thursday 25 April '19 show notes

    • Is Impeachment a Remedy to Hate?
    • Has the fed ever been politicized the way Trump is proposing now & what would be the result of that? - Economist Dr. Richard Wolff, Democracy At Work/Capitalism's Crisis Deepens Essays on the Global Economic Meltdown
    • Professor Allan Lichtman - The Case For Impeachment - Professor Allan Lichtman, Distinguished Professor - Department of History, American University / Author, The Case for Impeachment
  • Is Impeachment a Remedy to Hate?

    Thom plus logo Since Trump took office, we have seen several white supremacist, Fox news watching, Donald Trump cult following "very fine people" try to send pipe bombs to the entire leadership of the Democratic Party, murder a young woman in Charlottesville, show up at Hillary Clinton's house to try to arrest her, make death threats against black and Muslim me
  • Wednesday 24 April '19 show notes

    • Mid-day with Mark - Congressman Mark Pocan (D-WI, 2nd District)
    • The Question Every American Should Skip On the Census - Greg Palast, Investigative Journalist/Author/Filmmaker, The Best Democracy Money Can Buy
    • Could Trump's Iran Sanctions lead to World War Three? - Dr. Trita Parsi, Professor-Georgetown University / Author, most recently, of Losing an Enemy: Obama, Iran and the Triumph of Diplomacy

  • The One Thing That Scares Donald Trump

    Thom plus logo The one thing that scares Donald Trump more than anything else is impeachment. Impeachment will lay bare all of his crimes, including his crimes before he came into the White House.
  • Tuesday 23 April '19 show notes

    • Time for Trump To Start Following the Law
    • Why the Paris Yellow Vests are Protesting the Notre Dame Fire Donations - Cole Stangler, Paris-based Journalist / Contributor - The Nation & Jacobin (among others)
    • Watchdog Sounds Alarms on Nuclear Power Plants Unprepared for Climate Crisis - Paul Gunter, director of the Reactor Oversight Project Beyond Nuclear

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