Thom's blog
Is Impeachment a Remedy to Hate?
 Since Trump took office, we have seen several white supremacist, Fox news watching, Donald Trump cult following "very fine people" try to send pipe bombs to the entire leadership of the Democratic Party, murder a young woman in Charlottesville, show up at Hillary Clinton's house to try to arrest her, make death threats against black and Muslim members of Congress. His supporters have murdered multiple people across America already. And now Trump supporter Franklin Graham is going after Pete Buttigieg for being gay. Counties that hosted Trump campaign rallies have seen a 226% increase in hate crimes immediately following the rallies. Donald Trump is spreading a disease in America, and a small part of the cure for that disease is to disgrace and discredit him through a comprehensive impeachment investigation. -Thom
Thursday's Daily Stack 
Hour One: Is Impeachment a Remedy to Hate?
Hour Three: Professor Allan Lichtman - The Case For Impeachment- Professor Allan Lichtman, Distinguished Professor - Department of History, American University / Author, The Case for Impeachment 
Article: " Iraqgate" by Encyclopaedia Britannica.
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Friday on The Thom Hartmann Program, 12-3pm ET
I'll be talking with Amanda M. Klasing, Acting Co-Director, Women's Rights - Human Rights Watch about the Morally Despicable Trump Administration's Threat to Veto a UN Resolution Combating Rape as Weapon of War.
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Watch & Listen to Thom
Is Impeachment a Remedy to Hate?
Funding Medicare for All (w/Mark Pocan)
Will Trump's Iran Sanctions Lead to WWIII?