
  • Friday 21 February '20 show notes

    • Are a Generation of Bullies Being Shaped by Trump's Hate Speech/Deeds?
    • Dark Towers: Deutsche Bank, Donald Trump and an Epic Trail of Destruction - David Enrich, Finance Editor - New York Times & Author of the new book, Dark Towers: Deutsche Bank, Donald Trump, and an Epic Trail of Destruction
    • Science Revolution... Why Biodiversity is a BIG DEAL!
    • Anything Goes Friday... Thom Takes Your Calls...

  • Thursday 20 February '20 show notes

    • Democratic Debate... It's Starting to Get Real...
    • What Will It Take To Break the Dollar? - Economist Dr. Richard Wolff, Democracy At Work / Understanding Marxism / Understanding Socialism
    • Are Electric Vehicles Really Better for the Climate? YES! And, Here's Why... - Dr. David Reichmuth, Senior Engineer, Clean Vehicles Program - Union of Concerned Scientists
  • Wednesday 19 February '20 show notes

    • Thom is LIVE From KBCS Radio in Bellevue Today!
    • "Bernie Sanders: Nothing to Fear Except Fear Itself" - Thomas Palley, PhD, Economist/Co-Editor - Review of Keynesian Economics.
    • Should Undocumented People Get Medicare For All? - Julio Rivera, Reactionary Times/Newsmax/Right Wing News/Politichicks
    • Tonight's Democratic Debate in Las Vegas, NV...What to Expect / PLUS, Anything Goes... Thom Takes Your Calls...
  • Tuesday 18 February '20 show notes

    • Thom is LIVE From Real Talk 910 in San Francisco Today!
    • About That Accountability Issue...?
    • Will the Recession Bomb Drop Before Or After the Election?
    • Extinction Rebellion vs. Zenith Energy Oil Trains... - Margaret Butler, Activist - Extinction Rebellion Portland (XR PDX)
  • Monday 17 February '20 show notes

    • Anything Goes President's Day - Oligarchy... Is It Better Than Tyranny?
    • Once a Bully, Always a Bully. Anything Goes Presidents' Day...
    • "On a Fundamental Level, Trump Doesn't Believe in America..." - Dr. Justin A. Frank, MD, Psychoanalyst & Clinical Professor, Department of Psychiatry & Behavioral Science-George Washington University / Author- Trump On the Couch (Previous books include Obama on the Couch & Bush on the Couch)
  • Friday 14 February '20 show notes

    • Steve Bannon Has Disclosed The New World Order...
    • Anything Goes Friday! What's On Your Mind?
    • L.A. County VSAP System Primary 2020 - Voter Self Protection & Information... What You Need To Know - Mimi Kennedy, Actress/activist/writer/ Board Chair - Progressive Democrats of America (PDA) / & star of the hit series MOM on CBS

  • Thursday 13 February '20 show notes

    • They Thought They Were Free - It Will All Look the Same...Except...
    • Do Trump and Limbaugh Want to Hand Out Pink Stars to Gays? What Kind of Star Will You Be Expecting?
    • Are The Banks Getting Ready to Crash Again? - Economist Dr. Richard Wolff, Democracy At Work / Understanding Marxism / Understanding Socialism
    • Science Revolution: What Should Be Breaking News Isn't Even Being Mentioned...
  • "The Saddest Thing Is This Won't Be Breaking News"

    Thom plus logo As the world burns, and more and more fossil fuels are being used every day planet-wide, atmospheric carbon dioxide levels passed 416 ppm this week at the Mauna Loa Observatory in Hawaii. In the 300,000 years since the emergence of modern humans, carbon dioxide levels have never been this high.
  • Wednesday 12 February '20 show notes

    • Mid-day with Mark - Congressman Mark Pocan (D-WI, 2nd District)
    • Is November 2020 Too Late?
    • Did the New Voter ID Law In NH Suppress the Vote?
  • Is November 2020 Too Late?

    Thom plus logo Donald Trump has officially ended one of the most important parts of the American experiment by demanding that an independent Department of Justice go easy on one of his buddies.

ADHD: Hunter in a Farmer's World

Thom Hartmann has written a dozen books covering ADD / ADHD - Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder.

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