Thom's blog
Is November 2020 Too Late?
 Donald Trump has officially ended one of the most important parts of the American experiment by demanding that an independent Department of Justice go easy on one of his buddies. In 1780, John Adams and Samuel Adams helped draft the constitution for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts which says, "In the government of this commonwealth... the executive shall never exercise the legislative or judicial powers to the end that it may be a government of laws and not of men." By taking on the judicial powers of convicting and sentencing, Trump has turned our "system of laws, not men" on its head. This is the sort of thing you see in Erdogan's Turkey, but never in an advanced democracy. Bill Barr and Donald Trump have committed a complete repudiation of one of the most important of the values and structures that made this country a democratic republic. Four brave federal prosecutors have stood up to this and resigned, but if there is not an overwhelming and systematic response to Trump's subversion of the American justice system, our republic is at an end. November may be too late. -Thom
Wednesday's Daily Stack 
Article: " Massachusetts Constitution" Article XXX. In the government of this commonwealth, the legislative department shall never exercise the executive and judicial powers, or either of them: the executive shall never exercise the legislative and judicial powers, or either of them: the judicial shall never exercise the legislative and executive powers, or either of them: to the end it may be a government of laws and not of men.
Tweet: " A budget is our social contract Trump's $4.8 trillion budget CUTS: Medicare by $850b Medicaid by $920b Social Security by $30b Food stamp by $181b Education by 8% Health & Human Services by 9% EPA by 26% Interior(parks) by 13% Housing by 15% During booming economy & tax cuts" by Maria Teresa Kumar.
Hour Two: Is November 2020 Too Late?
Article: " Massachusetts Constitution" Article XXX. In the government of this commonwealth, the legislative department shall never exercise the executive and judicial powers, or either of them: the executive shall never exercise the legislative and judicial powers, or either of them: the judicial shall never exercise the legislative and executive powers, or either of them: to the end it may be a government of laws and not of men.
Article: " Preamble to the Constitution of the United States". " We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."
Tweet: " Congratulations to Attorney General Bill Barr for taking charge of a case that was totally out of control and perhaps should not have even been brought. Evidence now clearly shows that the Mueller Scam was improperly brought & tainted. Even Bob Mueller lied to Congress!" by Donald J. Trump.
Tweet: " This is a horrible and very unfair situation. The real crimes were on the other side, as nothing happens to them. Cannot allow this miscarriage of justice! ..." by Donald J. Trump.
Tweet: " Who are the four prosecutors (Mueller people?) who cut and ran after being exposed for recommending a ridiculous 9 year prison sentence to a man that got caught up in an investigation that was illegal, the Mueller Scam, and shouldn't ever even have started? 13 Angry Democrats?" by Donald J. Trump.
Tweet: " A shocking, cram-down political intervention in the criminal justice process. We are now truly at a break-glass-in-case-of-fire moment for the Justice Dept." by David Laufman (Former Chief of Counterintelligence & Export Control Section at Justice Dept).
Hour Three:
Quote: " As a matter of fact, in interviews in 1999 with respected journalist, and long time Bush family friend, David Herskowitz, then Governor George Bush stated: 'One of the keys to being seen as a great leader is to be seen as a commander-in-chief. My father had all this political capital built up when he drove the Iraqis out of Kuwait and he wasted it. If I have a chance to invade... if I had that much capital, I'm not going to waste it. I'm going to get everything passed that I want to get passed and I'm going to have a successful presidency." - My Testimony for the Downing Street Memo Hearings" by Cindy Sheehan, June 16 2005.
Tweet: " Democrats are going to destroy your Social Security. I have totally left it alone, as promised, and will save it!" by Donald J. Trump.
Tweet: " @BarackObama will attack Iran in the not too distant future because it will help him win the election. If the... (cont)" by Donald J. Trump, Nov 14, 2011.
Tweet: " @BarackObama will attack Iran in order to get re-elected." by Donald J. Trump, 17 Jan 2012.
Tweet: " Just as I predicted, @BarackObama is preparing a possible attack on Iran right before November." by Donald J. Trump, 3 Jul 2012.
Tweet: " I always said @BarackObama will attack Iran, in some form, prior to the election." by Donald J. Trump, 16 Aug 2012.
Tweet: " Now that Obama's poll numbers are in tailspin - watch for him to launch a strike in Libya or Iran. He is desperate." by Donald J. Trump, 9 Oct 2012.
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They Thought They Were Free
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RedShift: How The GOP Rigged Our Elections
Can Reagan Revolution Be Stopped?
Trump's Budget Is Great For The Rich (w/ Grover Norquist)
Voter Purge Lawsuit Forces Gov. Kemp To Expose Purge List (w/Greg Palast)
On the Road Again
"The War on Voting: Who Stole Your Vote--and How To Get it Back" - Book Tour Is Coming...
Fri, Feb 28, 7:30pm PT: Powell's, 1005 W Burnside St., Portland.
Sun, Mar 1, noon: Frugal Muse Books - Chicago - Call the store to make a reservation 630-427-1140..