
  • Monday 09 May '22 show notes

    • The Abortion Firestorm Is Also a White Freak-out About the Browning of America
    • Should Rupert Murdoch's & Tucker Carlson's Assets Be Frozen for Russian Propaganda?
    • Russians had infiltrated the GOP as early as 2008! & Mark Esper outlines Trump's most 'outlandish' plans to abandon South Korea, Poland and all of Africa
    • Should Protesters Be Allowed to Protest Outside of Supreme Court Justice's Homes?
    • Take down of Dinesh D'Souza's new film, 2,000 Mules: Belly Laughs, Belly Aches from Film's "Proof" that Trump Won - Greg Palast, Investigative Journalist/Author - latest, How Trump Stole 2020: The Hunt For America's Vanished Voters & previously, The Best Democracy Money Can Buy
    • Will the Abortion Battle Seal the Deal on America Becoming "Mutually Hostile Legal Territories?"
    • "Your vote won't help restore abortion rights" - David Daley, Senior Fellow - FairVote / author of Ratf**ked: Why Your Vote Doesn't Count and Unrigged: How Americans Are Battling Back to Save Democracy / former Editor-in-Chief,
    • British scientist says US anti-abortion lawyers misused his work to attack Roe v Wade
  • Friday 06 May '22 show notes

    • Louisiana wants to be the first state to send women to prison for Murder
    • Senate Republicans make it plain: A federal abortion ban is in the offing
    • Is "Democracy in the Workplace" Having a Moment?
    • Free Speech: Why is the Supreme Court getting a Buffer Zone When Abortion Clinics Were Denied the Same?
    • Texas GOP Governor Considers Challenging 1982 Ruling Requiring Free Public Education
    • Geeky Science! If Meatless Mondays Could Save the Forests - Would You Do It?
    • Once 'Unthinkable,' French Left Forms Coalition to Challenge Macron in Parliament
    • Crazy Alert! Trump suggested 'secret' missile strike on Mexico in 2020: Former Pentagon chief
    • It's Anything Goes Friday!
  • Thursday 05 May '22 show notes

    • Why is the Court Using Religious Belief to Alter what Should be Secular Law?
    • What Kind of Can of Worms Has the Supreme Court Opened - If you can fly a Christian Flag at a City Hall then why can't the Church of Satan do the same?
    • Is Mitt Romney Right and Trump Can't be Stopped in 2024? Will He Be the GOP Nominee?
    • How Badly Will Powell Damage the Economy In Time for the Election?
    • What Is Causing the Spike in Violence in America?
    • Geeky Science - Will India's Heat Wave Cause More Global Food Problems?
    • 'Pure propaganda': inside Starbucks' anti-union tactics
      - Will Westlake, Barista / Member National Organizing Committee - Starbucks Workers United in Buffalo, NY
      - Maggie Carter, Barista & organizer in Knoxville, TN
    • Is Putin at Peak Desperation? What Happens Next?
  • Wednesday 04 May '22 show notes

    • National Progressive Townhall Meeting - Representative Mark Pocan (D-WI, 2nd District)
    • Implications of Supreme Court's Roe v Wade Deliberations - Noreen Farrell, Civil Rights Attorney / Executive Director - Equal Right Advocates
    • How Straight Wealthy White Reactionaries Are Fighting Progress
    • Whatever happened to the right of bodily autonomy? And, Why did Alito quote Hale about whether abortion is a crime?!
    • Florida has figured out a way for corporations to make money off forced pregnancies...
  • Tuesday 03 May '21 show notes

    • Federal Abortion Ban: Court Packing Should Be Back on the Table
    • Biden Responds, Calls on Congress to 'Adopt Legislation That Codifies Roe'
    • How will SCOTUS decision affect states' rights? - Heather Shumaker, Director of State Abortion Access - National Womens Law Center
    • Democratic Senate candidates urge eliminating filibuster and passing bill protecting abortion rights
    • Mike Pence...Remember 'Periods For Pence'???
    • Was the Leak Meant to Normalize a federal Ban on ALL Abortion?
  • Monday 02 May '22 show notes

    • A Third of America is Lost to Hate: Is It Time to Move On?
    • Nationwide Ban on Abortion?
    • What Do You say to someone who asks you - Why are you wearing a mask?
    • ecret Trump Program To Privatize Medicare Needs to End - Dr. Susan Rogers, M.D., General Internist & President - Physicians for a National Health Program (PNHP)
    • Should America prepare for war if Russia uses biological, chemical, or nuclear weapons?
    • Geeky Science - One Bite From This Tick and You Are Allergic to Meat for Life
    • Are we having an invisible pandemic? - Dr. Eric Feigl-Ding, Epidemiologist & Health Economist / Adjunct Senior Fellow - Federation of American Scientists
    • Did you know that Trump asked the Pentagon about opening fire on BLM protesters. He said, "Can't you just shoot them?"
    • Nina Turner's run.... - Cenk Uygur, Host, The Young Turks Turks / Founder & CEO-TYT Network
  • Friday 29 April '22 show notes

    • Progressive Town Hall - Representative Ro Khanna (D-CA, 17th District)
    • 30th Anniversary of the L.A. Riots Sparked By the Acquittal of 4 White LAPD Officers for the Beating of Rodney King... - Joseph "Joe" Garner, Media Historian / six-time New York Times bestselling author / writer-producer of We Interrupt This Broadcast: Before it was history, it was news
    • Connecticut Offers Refuge to Red State Women With the "Fugitive Woman Act"
    • It's Anything Goes Friday!
    • Rep. Madison Cawthorn & the Tale of a Bridge Too Far For the GOP...
  • Thursday 28 April '22 show notes

    • Republicans Planned to End Democracy with Martial Law - the Ultimate "Big Government"
    • Medicare Advantage Plans Often Deny Needed Care, Federal Report Finds
    • Ohio lawmaker says pregnancy from rape is an "opportunity" WHAT!?
    • biggest trade vote you've never heard about - Lori Wallach, Director - Rethink Trade, American Economic Liberties Project
    • Holey Moley!
  • Wednesday 27 April '22 show notes

    • Rand Paul Hearts the Russianized Libertarian Version of the Laissez-Faire System
    • The recordings of Kevin McCarthy and Republicans talking immediately after January 6 show that they had a moment of moral clarity.
    • Why Diverse Democracies Fall Apart and How They Can Endure... - Professor Yascha Mounk, Professor of the Practice of International Affairs-Johns Hopkins University / Founder-Persuasion / Contributing The Atlantic & Senior Fellow-Council on Foreign Relations / Author of the new book, The Great Experiment: Why Diverse Democracies Fall Apart and How They Can Endure
    • How is bitcoin not the same thing as the Dutch tulip mania? - Economist Dr. Richard Wolff, Democracy At Work / Author of numerous books - his latest is The Sickness is the System
    • Jan. 6 Committee's Bombshells Hiding in Plain Sight
    • More proof GOP wants theocracy not democracy?
    • Fauci Declares America "Out of the Pandemic Phase" - Are We?
    • The Majority of GOP voters are fine with GOP candidates who hold racist, homophobic and anti-semitic positions
  • Tuesday 26 April '21 show notes

    • Did Jared Sell Out America & Prospects for World Peace for $2 Billion? and...Nobody Cares?
    • We Are Being Prepared for War and No One Is Talking About It or Even knows
    • DeSantis has signed a law creating the first voter fraud police force since the klan quit doing to job
    • Should Hannity's Time on Air Be Considered a Campaign Contribution in Kind?
    • The Fighting Soul: On the Road With Bernie Sanders - Ari Rabin-Havt, Former Deputy Campaign Manager-@BernieSanders 2020 / Former host-The Agenda on SiriusXM / Author - The Fighting Soul: On the Road With Bernie Sanders
    • Joe Biden finally gives justice to America's first black secret service agent that served on presidential detail

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