If this decision succeeds in removing rights — like Dred Scott and Plessy did — history tells us the turning of events will still be toward progress. But how many women will die in the process?
Sam Alito and his buddies may think they're winning, but, if its any consolation, they're on the wrong side of history and will ultimately lose.
The history of democracy moves forward, then is jerked back by reactionary forces, then moves forward again: it's been going that way since ancient Greece.
The leaked SCOTUS decision on abortion isn't a singular and lonely stream of misplaced misogyny; instead, it's part of a larger river of political efforts to turn the clock back to a bygone era when straight wealthy white men ruled everybody else with absolute, unquestioned power.
This is almost never mentioned out-loud or in mainstream media; instead, its reality is lost in the tennis-like back-and-forth of journalism and opinion writing that treats politics as if it were simply another form of sports.Read more at