Thom's blog
Republicans Planned to End Democracy with Martial Law - the Ultimate "Big Government"
 The Trump presidency finally and for all time pulled the mask off their "we oppose big government" lie - there is no conceivable way a government could be "bigger" than for it to establish martial law. Some say the Republican Party has gone nuts. In reality, they've simply reached the endpoint toward which they've been moving for 62 years: fascism. Republican politicians since Barry Goldwater's 1960 campaign have trash-talked "big government" in the United States. Like Reagan's assertions that cutting taxes on rich people would "trickle down" benefits to poor people, or his claim that destroying labor unions would increase take-home pay for working people, this one's just another lie. Since the 1980s, in fact, the GOP has been the ultimate "big government" party. And now we're learning that Republicans in Congress were, just three days before Joe Biden was to be sworn in as president, calling for the ultimate big government power: martial law to prevent Biden's inauguration.Read more at -Thom
Thursday's Daily Stack 
Hour One: Republicans Planned to End Democracy with Martial Law - the Ultimate "Big Government"
Medicare Advantage Plans Often Deny Needed Care, Federal Report Finds
Ohio lawmaker says pregnancy from rape is an "opportunity" WHAT!?
Article: " Skype" by Wikipedia.
Hour Two: biggest trade vote you've never heard about- Lori Wallach, Director - Rethink Trade, American Economic Liberties Project 
Holey Moley! More Inflation & shortages coming from the Shanghai shutdowns
GOP Wants to Stop Biden From Canceling Student Debt
Article: " News Conference, August 12, 1986" by Ronald Reagan. " The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: I'm from the Government, and I'm here to help"
Friday on The Thom Hartmann Program, 12-3pm ET
It's Anything Goes Friday!
Representative Ro Khanna (D-CA, 17th District / Vice Chair-Congressional Progressive Caucus) will be here to talk issues of the day and take your calls.
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How Starbucks Union Success Will Change Labor Movement Featuring Daisy Pitkin
GOP's Martial Law Is Big Government They Pretend To Hate
Marjorie Greene Says Catholics Ruled By Satan