
  • Monday 28 March '22 show notes

    • Democrats Must Demand Justice Thomas Resign...and His Wife is Prosecuted
    • Can Russia Be De-Putinised?
    • Crazy Alert! Michael Flynn is Claiming that Gates and Soros are Planting Under the Skin Tracking Devices for the New World Order...
    • Is the Zero-Covid Approach the Only Way? Could America Reverse Course and Do the "Saves Lives Approach" Rather then the Right Wing Death Cult Way?
    • Extreme Right Wing Alert - Bible Thumper Christian Nationalist Running for State Senate Now Wants to Shoot "Godless Commies."
    • Crazy Alert - Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene said Pete Buttigieg and his husband should 'stay out of girls' bathrooms'
    • Nurses For America to Congress: "Show Us the Money" for Covid Funding Now!! - Teri Mills, MS RN CNE, Oregon Nurse, Public Health Defender and Member of Nurses for America
    • These 6 Corporations Are Funding the Attack on Women's Reproductive Rights - Judd Legum, Journalist / Founder -
  • Friday 25 March '22 show notes

    • Looks like the Supreme Court Was Involved in the Jan 6th Coup? Clarence Thomas Must Be Impeached....
    • Mitch McConnell Is a No Vote on Judge Jackson - Beer Bong Brett and Handmaiden Amy Were Fine - But - A Black Woman - No Way!
    • The Right Wing Media Goes All In For Putin - Is This All About Authoritarianism?
    • Vladimir Zhirinovsky, the founding grandfather of modern Russian fascism, died today in Moscow - I Have a Story About Him That Shows How Fragile Democracy Can Be...
    • What Happened to Tulsi Gabbard? Tulsi is very concerned that Judge Jackson wouldn't define what a woman is - What?!
    • Germany Ditching Putin Gas By End of the Year...
    • Why Is It You Can Sell Drugs & Plan Terrorist Attacks On the Web - But Not At Your Home?
    • It's Anything Goes Friday!
  • Thursday 24 March '22 show notes

    • Why Don't Progressives Get That Seizing the Democratic Party is Our Best Chance to Power?
    • Is Russia screwing up the Iran Nuclear deal? - Jamal Abdi, President - NIAC (National Iranian American Council)
    • Get Ready for the Most Extreme Voter Purge Ever & the Shocking Supreme Court Decision on Wisconsin Voting Maps - The Authoritarians are coming for "Us"
    • Biden in Brussels
    • Judge Jackson: "Would they be asking these questions if this were not a Black woman?"
    • America Knows Trump Must Be Held Accountable - Should the Feds Take Over in NY?
    • Corruption & Authoritarianism Is Why Putin Is Losing
    • Geeky Science: What Will Be the Impact of Finding Plastics in Our Blood?
  • Wednesday 23 March '22 show notes

    • Judge Jackson Hearing Proves All the Sold-Out GOP Has Left is Performance Art
    • With this hardening of belief, how will this end? How can we even talk with them?
    • Geeky Science -Liquid metal, ruby and sapphire could rain down on huge exoplanet
    • The War In Ukraine Is Taking Place in the Worlds 5th largest Wheat Producing Nation - What Will that Mean Socially and Economically for America & the World? - Economist Dr. Richard Wolff, Democracy At Work / Author of numerous books - his latest is The Sickness is the System
    • As GOP Blocks Funds, Federal Agency Ends Covid Coverage for Uninsured - How any Poor and Uninsured Families Will Covid Devastate?
    • NeoNazis Plotted to Kill BLM Leaders and Blow Up the Power Grid - How different would the coverage have been if they were Muslims? Or Black people?
    • A New SEC proposal on De-Carbonizing the Planet - Could It Work? - Frank Dalene, Creator of the ICEMAN® Carbon Factor Index / Author - Decarbonize the World: Solving the Climate Crisis While Increasing Profits in Your Business & President / CEO - Telemark, Inc.
    • UN chief calls for extreme weather warning systems for everyone on Earth. What is it going to take to wake up enough Americans that they'll start voting for the climate?
  • Tuesday 22 March '21 show notes

    • A Middle Class Should Be a Dream and Not a Nightmare
    • Could It Be that the GOPers Don't Like Judge Jackson Because She Was a Public Defender?
    • Crazy Alert! - Dog Gets Dumped At Shelter For Being "Gay" - WHAT?!
    • Wealthy Countries Have 12 Years To End Oil & Gas Production - Yet None Have Plans To - Collin Rees, Senior Campaigner - Oil Change International & Oil Change U.S.
    • Colorado Pro-Trump Groups Are Sending Armed Members Door to Door to Intimidate Voters
    • Does Putin Have a Victimhood Narrative & If So, What Does That Mean? - Psychoanalyst Dr. Justin Frank MD, Psychoanalyst & Clinical Professor, Department of Psychiatry & Behavioral Science - George Washington University / Author - Trump on the Couch (Previous books include Bush on the Couch & Obama on the Couch)
    • Dictator DeSantis Is Eyeing Special Session to Target Black-Held Congressional Seats
  • Monday 21 March '22 show notes

    • Is America is Facing The "Doom Loop" of Democracy?
    • The "Unthinkable" is Happening & Scientists are Shocked as Polar Temperatures Soar 50 to 90 Degrees Above Normal
    • Finland Confronts America for It's Role in Putin's Invasion
    • Will the Hague Bring Putin to Account for His War Crimes?
    • The Republicans Have Revealed They Are Coming For Birth Control
    • Is it Now Clear that Trump's "Team" All Conspired to Encourage the Attack on the Capitol?
    • Putin's War Is Causing Europe to Convert to Electric Vehicles Faster - Can America Do the Same Please?
    • Anonymous Not Only Disrupts Putin's Propaganda to Russians but Show How Vulnerable Anyone Is to Hacking
  • Friday 18 March '22 show notes

    • Could Putin Be Failing Because of a Lack of Democracy?
    • Happy Vernal Equinox arriving Sunday 3/20 at 8:33am PDT
    • Is Putin Celebrating with a North Korean Style Rally or a Trump Styled Rally? Or Both?
    • Trekkie Alert! Stacey Abrams Appears in Star Trek as president of Earth?
    • Progressive Town Hall - Representative Ro Khanna (D-CA, 17th District)
    • The evidence is clear: it's time to prosecute Donald Trump
    • It's Anything Goes Friday!
  • Thursday 17 March '22 show notes

    • What About the Zelenskyy's Proposal to Protect Democracies Around the World?
    • Happy Saint Patrick's Day
    • Why are Tucker, Fox News & the Right Wing Lining Up With the Authoritarian Countries Around the World? Is Putin Taking Lessons from Tucker Or It It the Other Way Around?
    • How One Small MI College Turned Into a Pivot Point for the GOP Culture Wars? - Kathryn Joyce, Investigative Reporter - Salon / Author of 2 books: The Child Catchers: Rescue, Trafficking and the New Gospel of Adoption and Quiverfull: Inside the Christian Patriarchy Movement
    • How Many American Business' are with Russia Instead of America?
    • Roger Stone Has a Plan to put Trump Back in the White House without Being Elected
    • Conversations with Great Minds: Joe Madison - Joe Madison, The Black Eagle, Host-The Joe Madison Show (weekdays 6-10am on SiriusXM ch. 126 Urban View) and author of the new book, RADIO ACTIVE: A Memoir of Advocacy in Action, on the Air and in the Streets
  • Wednesday 16 March '22 show notes

    • National Progressive Townhall Meeting - Representative Mark Pocan (D-WI, 2nd District)
    • President Biden speaks live
    • How Billionaires Picked Putin as "Russia's Pinochet" - Greg Palast, Investigative Journalist/Author - latest, How Trump Stole 2020: The Hunt For America's Vanished Voters & previously, The Best Democracy Money Can Buy
    • 40 Years of the Reagan Revolution's Libertarian Experiment Have Brought Us Crisis & Chaos
    • Trump Is All In On Authoritarianism
  • Tuesday 15 March '21 show notes

    • Congress Should Be Regulating the Corrupt Supreme Court? Where Are They?
    • Does Russia Want Alaska?
    • Why Don't We Have Cameras In the Supreme Court?
    • How Trump's Call To Ukraine Helped Putin
    • Why Is America Ignoring the Increasing Violent Rhetoric From the GOP?
    • Joe Manchin is Joining the GOP in Tanking Biden's Fed Nominee & Oh by the way - Manchin Doesn't see the Need for Electric Cars

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