Thom's blog
Why Is It You Can Host Terrorist Attacks & Drug Sales On the Web, But Not At Your Home?
 It's past time to update the "castle doctrine" for the internet. There are castles on the Internet, and the rules they live under are quite different from those of your home or your business. In this age of "Stand Your Ground" laws, and after the murder a decade ago last month of Trayvon Martin by a racist invoking them, most Americans are familiar with the concept of the "Castle Doctrine." Sir Edward Coke, in The Institutes of the Laws of England, laid it out in 1628: "For a man's house is his castle, et domus sua cuique est tutissimum refugium [and each man's home is his safest refuge]." In that Latin phrase, he was citing a law ratified in 1275 by England's King Edward III. Read more at -Thom
Friday's Daily Stack 
Hour One: Looks like the Supreme Court Was Involved in the Jan 6th Coup? Clarence Thomas Must Be Impeached....
It's Anything Goes Friday!
Mitch McConnell Is a No Vote on Judge Jackson - Beer Bong Brett and Handmaiden Amy Were Fine - But - A Black Woman - No Way!
Transcript: " March 25, 2022" (Brianna Keilar: " Minority Leader McConnell said he will not support the confirmation of Ketanji Brown Jackson") by CNN.
The Right Wing Media Goes All In For Putin - Is This All About Authoritarianism?
Quote: " Labor is superior to capital and precedes capital. Without labor, there is no capital" - Abraham Lincoln .
Article: " 14th Amendment, July 9, 1868 (citizenship, representatives, public debt, Equal Protection Clause).
Hour Two: Vladimir Zhirinovsky, the founding grandfather of modern Russian fascism, died today in Moscow - I Have a Story About Him That Shows How Fragile Democracy Can Be...
What Happened to Tulsi Gabbard? Tulsi is very concerned that Judge Jackson wouldn't define what a woman is - What?!
Quote: " Brandeis was a militant crusader for social justice whoever his opponent might be. He was dangerous not only because of his brilliance, his arithmetic, his courage. He was dangerous because he was incorruptible." - William O. Douglas.
Hour Three: Germany Ditching Putin Gas By End of the Year...
Tweet: " MAPS Forecast 3-24-2022: Not really a forecast but a point of concern. Bottom line: 2nd booster ASAP!!! @PeterHotez @mtosterholm @CDCDirector @CIDRAP @mnhealth @DrEricDing @KPochickMD went through the state by state vaccination data from 1-12-2021-3-17-2022 and applied a [chart]" by jellyrollblues.
Site: Money in Politics -- See Who's Giving & Who's Getting.
Why Is It You Can Sell Drugs & Plan Terrorist Attacks On the Web - But Not At Your Home?
Monday on The Thom Hartmann Program, 12-3pm ET
Nurses For America to Congress: "Show Us the Money" for Covid Funding Now!! - Teri Mills, MS RN CNE, Nurse Educator & Public Health Defender, Nurses For America
Plus, Judd Legum, Journalist / Founder - about six corporations that are financing an assault on reproductive rights in six states
And, the best of the rest of the news along with your calls right here on...
The Thom Hartmann Program, Occupying The Media 3 hours a day 5 days a week for "we the people"
And don't forget...Democracy is NOT a spectator begins with you...
Watch & Listen to Thom
Should Clarence Thomas Be Impeached Or Recuse Himself?
Did Tulsi Gabbard Just Expose Herself?
How Devastating Will the GOP Block to Covid Funds Be?
There Is Only One Way for Progressive Change
The Judge Jackson Hearing Is Nothing But a Racist, Sexist Circus