Thom's blog
What About the Zelenskyy's Proposal to Protect Democracies Around the World?
 Zelenskyy's proposal is an important conversation to engage, and the American press, by ignoring it, does a disservice to the cause of world peace. Ukraine's President Zelenskyy yesterday proposed that the world create a new agency, one that is well-armed enough to take on the most powerful nations, to defend smaller countries and, particularly, smaller democracies that are under attack from larger nations. The American press is ignoring it. But it's the opening for a conversation the world should engage now, as democracies around the world are increasingly failing and under attack.Read more at -Thom
Thursday's Daily Stack 
Hour One: What About the Zelenskyy's Proposal to Protect Democracies Around the World?
Quote: " All power tends to corrupt; absolute power corrupts absolutely." - Lord Acton.
Quote: " They make a desert and call it peace." - Tacitus.
Why are Tucker, Fox News & the Right Wing Lining Up With the Authoritarian Countries Around the World? Is Putin Taking Lessons from Tucker Or It It the Other Way Around?
Quote: " If the only tool you have is a hammer, you tend to see every problem as a nail." - Abraham Maslow.
How Many American Business' are with Russia Instead of America?
Roger Stone Has a Plan to put Trump Back in the White House without Being Elected
Friday on The Thom Hartmann Program, 12-3pm ET
It's Anything Goes Friday!
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Is Putin Watching Fox News?
Why Zelenskyy's Proposal Protecting Democracies Is Being Ignored?
Did Trump's Call To Ukraine Help Putin?
The Libertarian Experiment Have Brought Us Crisis & Chaos