Sean Dunagan, Law Enforcement Against Prohibition (LEAP), joinsThom Hartmann. Last Tuesday - Washington and Colorado became the first two states to legalize marijuana - much to joy of college students in both states. But - is President Obama ready to stop America's failed war on drugs - and allow college campuses to go "green?"
Former Senator, Tom Hayden, Director of the Peace and Justice Resource Center, joins Thom Hartmann. What lessons should the Democratic Party take from Tuesday's election moving forward into fiscal cliff negotiations?
When does the Democratic Party do best? When it champions the progressive policies and causes that will build a stronger America. With the fiscal cliff negotiations heating up - will Democrats heed the advice of FDR - and stick to the party's progressive roots?
Thom talks with author and activist Tom Hayden on the 2012 election and how Democrats need to be more progressive. Also discussed: what legalizing marijuana in Colorado and Washington means for the movement to end the drug war, what the Occupy Movement's doing to help end the debt crisis for the people and in tonight's "Daily Take" Thom discusses how a millionaire "job creator" is mad about having to offer his employees health care.
In tonight's "Bigger Picture" discussion Thom talks with a panel of experts about Climate Change and the Right's refusal to believe in science. Tonight's "Big Picture Rumble" panel discusses raising taxes on the rich, implementing Obamacare, immigration and how voter suppression and gerrymandering effected the 2012 election. In tonight's "Daily Take" Thom discusses how America can turn into a third world nation in just four easy steps.
Erikka Knuti, Democratic Strategist & Sam Sacks, Progressive writer/strategist both join Thom Hartmann. Will Republicans put partisanship aside to save the American economy - or are we just 48 days away from falling into total economic despair?
Professor Richard Wolff, New School University NYC, joins Thom Hartmann. Riots have again erupted in Greece - as the Greeks continue to protest the austerity measures that are destroying their country. Is America out of the woods when it comes to austerity policies - or is there a chance Republicans will still force the crippling policies down our throats?
Attorney Mike Papantonio, Ring of Fire Radio, joins Thom Hartmann. When the newly elected Congress gets underway - the House will still be controlled by Republicans - and the Senate still controlled by Democrats. What did Republicans across America do in 2010 to keep as many Democrats as possible out of the halls of Congress - and what effect did it have on this year's election?
Remember sitting around for hours as a child playing Monopoly - trying to take away money and property from everyone else? Well - look around you - because the global economy has become one big game of Monopoly - and it's a game that's dragging us into economic collapse.