First the corporate masters of the universe came for Greece, and we here in the United States did nothing. We watched with silence as corporate technocrats toppled the democratic government of Prime Minister George Papandreou and forced austerity on the Greek people against their will. We said nothing as unemployment rates spiraled out of control and suicide rates shot up 40%. We didn't flinch when a Greek pensioner walked up to Parliament and shot himself in the head, leaving behind a letter blaming austerity that read quote, "I cannot find any other form of struggle except a dignified end before I have to start scrounging for food from rubbish bins." This week, the Conservative Greek government unveiled a new round of austerity cuts for the Greek people, who've already lost their universal healthcare system to the banister masters. Pensioners and public workers will again be hit the hardest, just so these corporate masters can collect their returns on their failed investments. And none of us here in the United States are asking any questions as Greece descends into chaos. The main question being, "What's the point of austerity?" Austerity has nothing to do with paying down Greek's debt. After these new austerity measures, Greece's current debt ratio will soar from 165% of GDP to 190% of GDP, making it even more difficult in the long run to pay down any debts. On top of that, the economy is projected to contract 4.5% in 2013, compared to previous prediction of 3.9%. And ...