With 42% of residents living below the poverty line, Camden is one of the poorest and most dangerous cities in the nation. Fifty-nine residents have been murdered this year - already shattering a 20-year record for killings. To fix this, local leaders are disbanding the 141-year-old police department - firing all the unionized cops - and replacing them with a new, lower-paid police force. But critics say this has nothing to do with crime - and everything to do with busting up unions.
Thom talks with Earth Policy Institute's Janet Larsen following the World Banks warning of a 7 degree temperature rise by 2100. Also discussed: the spreading Wal-Mart strike and what it means for Black Friday, what the growing shadow banking system means for our economy and in tonight's "Daily Take" Thom discusses how the group Anonymous may have prevented Karl Rove and the GOP from giving Romney the presidency.
What does it take for a foreign corporation to get the corporate death penalty in America? That's a question we need to ask ourselves, after news broke yesterday of BP's legal settlement over its Gulf oil spill disaster in 2010.
Ethan Rome, Healthcare for America Now & Ron Pollack, Families USA & Karen Davenport, National Women's Law Center all join Thom Hartmann. As more and more portions of Obamacare go into effect - millions of Americans will gain access lifesaving healthcare. But - there are still many questions about Obamacare that need to be answered - and details that need to be hashed out. We'll put all the pieces together in tonight's Bigger Picture discussion - Healthcare in America.
Ethan Rome, Healthcare for America Now & Ron Pollack, Families USA & Karen Davenport, National Women's Law Center all join Thom Hartmann. As more and more portions of Obamacare go into effect - millions of Americans will gain access lifesaving healthcare. But - there are still many questions about Obamacare that need to be answered - and details that need to be hashed out. We'll put all the pieces together in tonight's Bigger Picture discussion - Healthcare in America.
In tonight's "Bigger Picture" discussion Thom talks with a panel of experts about Health Care in America and what the full implementation of Obamacare will mean for the country. Tonight's "Big Picture Rumble" panel discusses the latest on the politics of the Benghazi attack, why Hostess is closing their doors and the rise of private prisons in the US In tonight's "Daily Take" Thom discusses the pathetic BP settlement and calls to bring back the corporate death penalty.
How many more millions of Americans would be working today if, rather than investing a billion dollars in Mitt Romney, the corporate elite had invested a billion dollars in research and development, new factories, new workers?
Thanks to global warming and pollution - coral reefs across the globe are disappearing at an alarming rate. These same reefs also have to contend with toxic seaweed - but new research suggests they have an ally in in their fight for survival.