Thom's blog
It’s not exactly the corporate death penalty, but it’s a start

On Thursday, the Environmental Protection Agency announced that it is barring BP from receiving any new federal government contracts due to the foreign oil corporation’s “lack of business integrity” following the 2010 Gulf oil spill. BP recently agreed to pay $4.5 billion in fines for the environmental catastrophe, which will only put a slight dent in their corporate money chest.
The race-baiting and hyper paranoid conspiracy theories continue...

From the “three amigos” in the Republican Party. Senators John McCain, Lindsey Graham, and Kelly Ayotte continued their attacks against our UN Ambassador Susan Rice on Tuesday after the three met with her in a closed-door meeting.
Goldman Sachs domination...Global Coup d'etat?

On Monday, the Bank of England named former Goldman Sachs investment banker Mark Carney as its new chief – adding to the long list of former Goldman Sachs bankers who've seized positions of immense power all around Europe and the rest of the world. As Europe descends into an austerity-induced economic crisis, Goldman Sachs is making sure it gets all of its failed investments back.
Grover Norquist Vs. The Constitution

Multimillionaire K-Street lobbyist, billionaire toady, and Republican anti-tax master Grover Norquist is losing his grip on power. Realizing their backs are against the wall with the so-called “fiscal cliff” looming, a number of Republicans have come forward in recent days to disavow Grover Norquist’s pledge to never raise taxes.
Despite receiving little attention from the Left or the Right during the election...

Our nation’s drone warfare program continues to inflame anti-American sentiments across the world – particularly in volatile nations like Pakistan. And we ignore this semi-covert drone war at our own peril, because in the near future, those same drones will be flying over U.S. skies, too. In fact, they already are – assisting in law enforcement and anti-immigration missions.
Listen carefully...

And you’ll hear the drug war breathing its last gasps. Following the historic passage of marijuana legalization laws in Colorado and Washington, our federal government is now under pressure to abandon its continued war on drugs – in particular its war on marijuana.
As the planet warms, it’s the poor around the world who will suffer the most

That’s the warning coming from a new World Bank report that projects global temperatures increasing 4-degrees Celsius by the end of the century. The temperature increase will be felt the most along the equator in the Mediterranean, North Africa, the Middle East, and parts of the United States.
BP Gets Off Easy

On Thursday, oil giant BP pled guilty to 14 charges related to the 2010 gulf oil spill and agreed to pay $4.5 billion in fines. Despite being the largest settlement in our nation’s history, it’s nothing compared to the actual damage BP did to our nation two years ago.
Mitt Romney just couldn’t beat Santa Claus

At least that’s how he’s spinning his landslide loss to President Obama in last week’s election. According to the New York Times and the Los Angeles Times, Mitt Romney convened a conference call with donors on Wednesday and blamed his loss on a President who was “very generous” and promised to give away “big gifts” to women, minorities, and the poor.
After meeting with labor leaders in the White House on Tuesday...

President Obama is putting forward a big number when it comes to raising revenue ahead of “fiscal cliff” negotiations. The White House is proposing $1.6 trillion in new revenue from letting the Bush tax cuts expire for the top 2% wealthiest Americans and closing deduction and loopholes.