Daily Topics - Wednesday February 29th, 2012
Feb. 29, 2012 7:32 amBy shawnt56EXCLUSIVE ENGAGEMENT..."Heist-The Movie"...MARCH 2 - 8, 2012 | ONE WEEK ONLY! at NY’s Quad Cinema 34 West 13th Street, NYC, Featuring Bernie Sanders, Robert Kuttner, David Cay Johnston, Nomi Prins, Van Jones & more! See here for longer list
Hour One: The banksters like stealing candy from little children
The Banksters like Stealing Candy from Little Children
Feb. 29, 2012 5:33 amBy louisehartmannThe Banksters like stealing candy from little children. No, I'm not exaggerating...they really do. At least according to a new study out of the University of California Berkeley and the University of Toronto. Two teams of researchers discovered that wealthy upper-class Americans are more likely than middle-class or poorer Americans to break traffic laws - lie for financial gain - and yes - steal candy from children.
Daily Topics - Tuesday February 28th, 2012
Feb. 28, 2012 8:37 amBy shawnt56EXCLUSIVE ENGAGEMENT..."Heist-The Movie"...MARCH 2 - 8, 2012 | ONE WEEK ONLY! at NY’s Quad Cinema 34 West 13th Street, NYC, Featuring Bernie Sanders, Robert Kuttner, David Cay Johnston, Nomi Prins, Van Jones & more! See here for longer list
Hour One: Detroit's children...who eats, who doesn't - Russ Russell, Forgotten Harvest
Transcript: Thom Hartmann: CA could have been our Saskatchewan - how the leeches won. 1 February '12
Feb. 28, 2012 8:26 amBy SueNWhen it comes to a single-payer health care system - we have to look toward Canada.
The Canadian government didn't just one day say, "it's time for a single-payer system" - and then poof - everyone was covered.
Instead - it was a process.
It was a process that started locally.
Welcome to the Corporatocracy - where Life is Nasty, Brutish, and Short
Feb. 28, 2012 8:09 amBy louisehartmannThe Supreme Court is set to hear a case that could give corporations the power to commit genocide with no consequences. The High Court has agreed to hear the case of Kiobel v. Royal Dutch Petroleum which could give corporations immunity from any civil suits for engaging in some of the worst violations of human rights around the world that you can think of.
Rick Santorum wants America to be more like Iran?
Feb. 27, 2012 9:21 amBy louisehartmannSpeaking of Iran – Rick Santorum wants the United States to be more like the rogue Arab nation. In an interview with ABC on Sunday – Santorum said, “I don’t believe in an America where the separation between church and state is absolute.”
Daily Topics - Monday February 27th, 2012
Feb. 27, 2012 8:50 amBy shawnt56Hour One: Why is Dow spying on The Yes Men? Mike Bonanno, The Yes Men / Plus, who is really behind Canadian Tar Sands company? / And, Occupy politics? Tyrone Givens, The Occupation Party
Hour Two: A win for Union workers in Chicago - Vincente Rangel, United Electrical Workers
Transcript: Thom Hartmann: The MSM Media's Love Affair with Politicians Who Spew Lies... 31 January '12
Feb. 27, 2012 8:13 amBy SueNThere's one industry - just one industry - that's specifically mentioned in the United States Constitution - and that's the press.
That's because the founders knew how important a free, open, and diligent press is to keeping a too-powerful government in check and for a population informed enough to make a democratic vote.
As Thomas Jefferson said:
Is our Afghanistan troop withdrawal in doubt?
Feb. 27, 2012 7:35 amBy louisehartmannConflicts between Afghan Security forces and US and NATO troops are on the rise in the fallout from the Koran-burning incident more than a week ago. Our withdrawal plans hinge on NATO officials working with Afghan security forces after American troops leave – but after two NATO officers were killed by an Afghan Security official – that working relationship is in doubt.
A top UN Commander has recalled his forces from Afghan ministrTranscript: Thom Hartmann: Greece & Michigan - dealt the same hand by Banksters. 30 January '12
Feb. 27, 2012 2:06 amBy SueNRight-wing politicians and their bankster buddies have dealt the same terrible hand to Michigan as they have to Greece.
When it comes to economic troubles - the United States hasn't quite reached the disaster scenario that Greece finds itself in.
The Greek economy is contracting - while the U.S. economy is growing.
The unemployment rate in Greece is 18.8% - in the US it's officially 8.5%.