Thom's blog
4 Ways Republicans Are Trying to Take Us Back to the Jim Crow Era

If you haven’t already seen Selma, the new movie about Martin Luther King, Jr. and the fight for voting rights, do it tonight or tomorrow. It’s a great film - one of the best I’ve seen in a long time - and it does a great job of showing why all successful social movements start from the bottom up. But what’s really amazing about Selma is how relevant it is.
Did Democrats finally get the message?

Democratic lawmakers may have finally heard our voices. For the first time in a long time, party leaders in the House of Representatives have put forth a progressive tax plan that would tax Wall Street to give Main Street a little relief. This week, Representative Chris Van Hollen announced the Democratic plan to create “the kind of economy where the pie is growing and everyone is getting a better slice.”
Time To Lock Up The Lobbyists

There was a time when corporations didn't have anything close to the power they do over politics in America.
DC should be a little more like CA!

California has big plans for the future. Last week, the Golden State made not one, but two, big announcements about how they will respond to the climate crisis.
Will internet freedom soon be protected?

According to officials at the Federal Communications Commission, by next month, we may finally have an ruling on net neutrality. That agency has been considering new rules for internet providers since the DC Circuit Court struck down the FCC's previous net neutrality regulations last January.
It's getting hot in here...

According to the Japan Meteorological Agency, 2014 was hotter than any other year in their 120 years of record keeping. Here in the U.S., NOAA and NASA are expected to make similar announcements in the coming weeks. And, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change says that if we stay on this path, the result will be dangerous and irreversible.
We must undo the voodoo!

Republicans know that trickle-down economics is no longer an easy sell, so they've wrapped up those bad policies in a new package.
Let’s Call All Terrorists “Terrorists”

Earlier today, three gunmen stormed the Paris offices of the French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo, killing 12 people, including two policemen. Although we still don’t know the motive behind the attack, it seems like it was in response to Charlie Hebdo publishing cartoons that mocked the Prophet Muhammad.
TPP/SHAFTA-Ross Perot is still right...

Ross Perot is still right. During the 1992 presidential campaign, Ross Perot arguably played the role of spoiler. But he also played the role of realist. Throughout that campaign, Perot made it a point to highlight just how harmful so-called “free trade” agreements were for the United States.