March 2019

  • Trump's AG Bill Barr has a history of cover-ups - and he just struck again

    Thom plus logo Back in 1992, the last time Bill Barr was U.S. attorney general, iconic New York Times writer William Safire referred to him as "Coverup-General Barr" because of his role in burying evidence of then-President George H.W. Bush's involvement in "Iraqgate" and "Iran-Contra."
  • Friday 22 March '19 show notes

    • If Trump Is not Indicted in the Mueller Report & Barr hides from the American people un-Indicted crimes by Trump, how should America react?
    • The Scarlet Letter Club - Matt Taibbi, Hate, Inc., Contributing Editor - Rolling Stone, Author of 5 books including his latest, I Can't Breathe: A Killing on Bay Street
    • Everything You Know is Wrong: My Diet Is Driving Me Crazy - Roger Thiel, Historian (you may have seen him on the History channel) / Author, his latest book is My Diet is Driving Me CRAZY!: Profound Diet Sayings and Stories Of Courage And Humor
    • Anything Go
  • Thursday 21 March '19 show notes

    • Should Joe Biden Announce Prez Run Out of the Gate with Stacey Abrams as His VP? Gimmick? Smart political move? Setting a precedent? Lack of confidence is his own ability to run?
    • Since Social Democratic Nations Rank the Happiest- Shouldn't the US Aspire to Be a Better Democratic Socialist Country? - Julio Rivera, Reactionary Times/Newsmax/Right Wing News/Politichicks
    • How Can Nikki Haley Be So Unaware of How Healthcare Works in the US & Finland?
  • Wednesday 20 March '19 show notes

    • Mid-day with Mark - Congressman Mark Pocan (D-WI, 2nd District)
    • Is Trump Whipping Up Violence In Anticipation of the Mueller Report?
    • Making sure the opposition doesn't take over the Venezuelan embassy in DC - Medea Benjamin, CODEPINK/Global Exchange
    • Vicky Ward - new book, Kushner Inc.: Greed, Ambition, Corruption - Vicky Ward, Editor at Large - Huffington Post / Author of the new book, Kushner Inc.: Greed, Ambition, Corruption
  • Here's what Republicans and billionaires really mean when they talk about 'freedom'

    Thom plus logo America is having a heated debate about the meaning of the word socialism. We'd be better served if, instead, we were debating the meaning of freedom.
  • Is Trump Whipping Up Violence In Anticipation of the Mueller Report?

    Thom plus logo We may be on the verge of seeing the Mueller report, at the same time that Steve King is encouraging Trump followers to prepare for a civil war, saying his side has "8 trillion bullets." Thank about that - a civil war is the only kind of war where, literally, neighbors kill their neighbors, family members murder family members, all in the name of
  • Tuesday 19 March '19 show notes

    • Why Do Trump Loyalists Believe in Magical Thinking - That Terrorists Would Walk 100s of Miles To Get Into America - When History Shows They Just Hop On a Plane? - Eric Caron, U.S. Special Agent & US Diplomat (Ret) / Author - Switched On - The Heart and Mind of a Special Agent
    • Time To Expel Rep Steve King From the Senate?
    • Is the Midwest Flooding an Act of God or an Act of Koch Industries and Exxon Mobile?
    • Billionaires Get the Profits and Average Americans Get the Poison and the Bill For Clean-Up....
  • Time To Expel Rep Steve King From the House?

    Thom plus logo Congressman Steve King, in a new Internet meme, says that red state America has 8 trillion bullets and blue state America is still debating who can use which bathroom.
  • Monday 18 March '19 show notes

    • Democrats Need To Reclaim the Word Freedom Now
    • Thom vs Sheriff Mack - If Trump Loses the 2020 Election and Claims the Election Was Stolen & Is Widely Believed on the Right, What Percentage of Sheriffs Would Define His Claimed "right" to stay in the White House? Would they Travel to DC to Enforce? - Sheriff Richard Mack, The Constitutional & Peace Officers Association/Oath Keepers
    • Wajahat Ali - The Roots of the Christchurch Massacre - Wajahat Ali, Contributing Opinion Writer, New York Times
  • Democrats Need To Reclaim the Word Freedom Now

    Thom plus logo The big debate among democratic circles is about the word socialism. It really needs to be about the word freedom. Billionaires claim that freedom means no taxes for the billionaires. Industrialists claim that freedom means no regulation for their industries.

ADHD: Hunter in a Farmer's World

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