March 2019

  • Friday 8 March '19 show notes

    • Irshad Manji - DON'T LABEL ME - Conversations With Great Minds: Irshad Manji, renowned author, educator, & advocate of a reformist interpretation of Islam...her latest book is "Don't Label Me: An Incredible Conversation for Divided Times"
    • Anything Goes...Thom Takes YOUR Calls!
  • Thursday 7 March '19 show notes

    • Mid-day with Mark - Congressman Mark Pocan (D-WI, 2nd District)
    • Is It Possible America Will Follow Japan & Have a Sluggish Economy for the Next Few Decades? - Economist Dr. Richard Wolff, Democracy At Work/Capitalism's Crisis Deepens Essays on the Global Economic Meltdown
    • Marianne Williamson on her Prez Run - Marianne Williamson, Author/Lecturer & Activist
    • Why the GOP Won't Raise Age of Consent to 16? - Rep. Melissa Wintrow, Idaho State Representative (D-district 19, house seat B)
  • Trump - The Biggest Scandal in US History?

    From hush payments to adult film stars to secret meetings with Russians to overriding security clearances to his kids and in-laws, Trump has superpassed any president is history for scandals, and is the third president in history to have scandals involving interactions with foreign powers - and this is as bad as Reagan's treason in Iran-Contra or Nixon's treason colluding with the South Vietnamese to extend that war for another 8 years.

  • Wednesday 6 March '19 show notes

    • What Do TV Pundits Mean When They Say Democrats Should Move to the Middle? WTF is the Middle?
    • Should Democrats Move to the Middle to Oust Trump in 2020? (Or, Is This Just the Latest GOP "Lie to Win" Strategy?) - Bryan Pruitt, Contributor -
    • Guaido Returns & Challenges Maduro - Greg Palast, Investigative Journalist/Author/Filmmaker, The Best Democracy Money Can Buy
  • What Do TV Pundits Mean When They Say Democrats Should Move to the Middle? WTF is the Middle?

    You can't turn on a cable TV news channel these days without seeing some TV pundit or panelist saying that Democrats need to "move to the middle." What the heck do they mean?

  • Tuesday 5 March '19 show notes

    • Is it Time to End Corporate Bankruptcy that are the Result of Crimes Like Perdue Addicting America and PGE Starting the Paradise Fire, and instead Prosecute the Corporate Criminals - who have already Made Off with Billions? - Julio Rivera, Reactionary Times/Newsmax/Right Wing News/Politichicks
    • It Is Time to Stop Oppressing the Majority
    • How We Can Stop Trump & Save America... - Senator Jeff Merkley, U.S. Senator (D-OR)
    • Once Banned 1918 Flu Being Studied in Secret?
    • Rights of Lake Erie Recognized in Historic Vote!
  • Monday 4 March '19 show notes

    • What Will It Take For Republicans To Turn On Trump & Focus on What's Right For America?
    • Why Are Democrats Listening to Republicans About Moving To the Center?
    • A Debate! If We're Going to Do Away With Free College (as we have) - Then Why Not Do Away with K - 12? - Charles Sauer, Libertarian / Economist & President-The Market Institute / author of Profit Motive: What Drives the Things We Do
    • What If Super PAC Spending Were Eliminated in Elections?
  • Friday 1 March '19 show notes

    • Conversations with Great Minds: How's the New Guilded Age Treating You? - Professor Steve Keen, Crowd-funded Professor of Economics Author, new book "Can we avoid another financial crisis?"
    • Dr. Dena Grayson was at the Cohen Hearings - Her thoughts? - Dr. Dena Grayson, Physician (MD), biochemist (PhD) and former Democratic candidate for U.S. Congress in FL-9
    • Anything Goes Friday!
  • Thursday 28 February '19 show notes

    • Mid-day with Mark - Congressman Mark Pocan (D-WI, 2nd District)
    • A new model for the 21st century - Thugocracy
    • Climate Scientists are Starting to Panic - 1 Degree Makes a Big Difference - Dr. Michael Mann, Professor of Meteorology & Director, Earth System Science Center-Penn State University AND recipient of this year's 'Nobel Prize for the Environment', the Tyler Prize for Environmental Achievement / author of The Madhouse Effect: How Climate Change Denial Is Threatening Our Planet, Destroying Our Politics, and Driving Us Crazy

ADHD: Hunter in a Farmer's World

Thom Hartmann has written a dozen books covering ADD / ADHD - Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder.

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