Thom's blog
China: If They Pull the Plug, We're Screwed

One of the most dangerous low-level conflicts in the world right now is the fight over the South China Sea, and if a war breaks out there, it could tank the American economy.
Big Pharma is Killing Us

Drug company profits are literally killing people - and now even doctors are speaking out.
America. No Longer the Home of the Brave but the Scared S*#tless

Today, for the first time in years, normal everyday Americans can theoretically make a phone call without the government spying on them. That’s because just after midnight last night, Section 215 of the Patriot Act expired.
Climate deniers are running out of excuses...

One-by-one, the excuses for failing to act on climate change are disappearing.
Earlier this month, China proved that it's possible to quickly and dramatically reduce carbon emissions. According to an analysis by Greenpeace, our planet's largest greenhouse gas emitter reduced coal use by about 8 percent in a single year.
How much did "fast track" cost the corporate elite?

It cost corporations less than $18,000 bucks per vote to get “fast track” passed in the United States Senate.
According to a recent analysis by The Guardian Newspaper, corporate members of the US Business Coalition for TPP donated more than $1.1 million dollars to Senate campaigns in the first quarter of 2015. The average Democrat received about $9,700 dollars and the average Republican raked in almost $20,000.
Capitalism Could Kill All Life On Earth

Are we going to let capitalism destroy life on Earth? According to 99% of climate scientists – we’ll know by the end of the century.
Can we make California the last oil spill?

A state of emergency has been declared in California after crews realized that the Rufugio Beach oil spill was five times worse than original estimates. This week, the Plains All American Pipeline ruptured and dumped crude oil over a four-mile stretch of pristine California coastline.
Would Washington have asked for "Fast Track?"

This week, it appears that President Obama got the Senate to give him “fast-track” authority for the Transpacific Partnership and the House isn't far behind.
End the Banksters’ Get Out of Jail Free Card

If you want a lifetime guaranteed get out of jail free card, all you need to do is break the law while working for a giant transnational corporation.
Pope takes on perpetual war!

Once again, Pope Francis has spoken truth to power. At an event last Monday, the Pontiff spoke to 7,000 schoolchildren, and one of them asked him a question about war. In response, the Pope said, “Why so many powerful people do not want peace?