Thom's blog
On the Program - June 18th 2008

Quote: Cats are smarter than dogs. You can't get eight cats to pull a sled through snow - Jeff Valdez
Hour One - Congressman (D-OR) Peter DeFazio Topic: Gas prices and off shore drilling
Hour Two - Terry Jeffrey Topic: Are liberals trying to socialize transportation?
Hour Three - "Everything You Know is Wrong" Jessica Valenti Topic: Her new book "He's a Stud, She's a Slut and 49 Other Double Standards Every Woman Should Know"
Guest: Larry Scott Topic: Veteran's issues
You can find the report the Rep. Peter DeFazio (OR-4) was referring to at...
On the Program - June 17th 2008

Hour One - Stephen P. Halbrook Topic: Gun debate...why would the founding fathers oppose a gun ban?
Guest: Anthony Romero
Hour Two - Rick Perlstein Topic: In his book Nixonland, Perlstein argues that Nixon was the "grandfather of today's politics of hate"
Hour Three - Gov. Don Siegelman Topic: update on his case
Guest: Senator Mike Gravel Topic: New book on his political career "Political Odyssey"
GOP convention button asks, ‘If Obama is president…will we still call it the White House?’
A booth at this weekend’s Texas Republican convention sold buttons asking, “If Obama Is President…Will We Still Call It The White House?”
Call Tina Benkiser - Republican Chair of Texas Republicans at 512-477-9821
On the Program - June 16th

Watch Thom "live" noon to 3p et
Quote of the Day: The future is here. It's just not widely distributed yet - William Gibson
Hour One - Dozens Of Men -- Perhaps Hundreds -- Wrongfully Imprisoned By U.S.
Hour Two - Carrie Lukas Topic: Will deregulating the health care industry turn it into the wild, wild west?
Hour Three - Rick Perlstein Topic: In his book Nixonland, Perlstein argues that Nixon was the "grandfather of today's politics of hate"
Guest: "Labor Segment" Tim Newman Topic: Campaign against Bridgestone/ Firestone to end child labor practices
NEXT WEEK: June 23 - 27 - Broadcasting "live" from Denmark
June 10 2008 show notes

- Good for Dennis Kucinich introducing 35 articles of impeachment to the House.
- Guest: Carrie Lukas, Independent Women's Forum. Should we have cap & trade or loot & pollute?
- 'Cap and Trade or Loot and Pollute' rant.
- Guest (Higgins alert): Dr.Leslie Lyons. National Geographic Channel show, "Explorer: Science of Cats".
- The true price of gasoline.
- Guest: Robert Naiman, Just Foreign Policy. Will bombing Iran bring about Armageddon?
- Guest: Former U.S.Ambassador to the United Nations John Bolton who says that it would not be a war crime if the United States were to bomb Iran. Transcript.
- Guest: David Sirota. The Uprising: An Unauthorized Tour of the Populist Revolt Scaring Wall Street and Washington.
- Guest: Dr. Lewis Mehl Madrona. Why can't we all have "Kennedy Care?"
Topics, guests, upcoming events, quotes, links to articles, audio clips, books & bumper music.
June 09 2008 show notes

- Welcome to new affiliate 92.1 The MIC, Madison.
- Guest: Reverend Dr. Jesse Lee Peterson, Brotherhood Organization of a New Destiny. What Role is Race going to play in the presidential campaign?
- Profits over Humanity - How low can we go? (transcript)
- Guest: Frank Gaffney, Center for Security Policy. Should individuals convicted of terrorist acts against America get the death penalty?
- Guest: Rich Trumka, Secretary-Treasurer of the AFL-CIO. AFL-CIO Working Families to McCain: Actions Speak Louder than Words.
Topics, guests, upcoming events, quotes, links to articles, audio clips, books & bumper music.
On the Program - June 13 2008

Hour One "Brunch With Bernie" U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders
"Anything Goes Friday"
On the Program - June 12 2008

To Watch Thom During the Program -
Hour One - Ralph Reed, GOP consultant Topic: his new political thriller "Dark Horse"
Hour Two - John F. Wasik Columnist for Bloomberg News...most recent book is called "iMoney" Topic: How the middle class can get ahead
"Taking Our Country Back Segment" Gary Pritchard Topic: Democratic Candidate for California State Senate from District SD33
Hour Three - Bob Barr, Libertarian nominee for President Topic: The 2008 election...who will he help or hurt...
Guest: Christy Harvey Topic: News under the Radar
On the Program - June 11 2008

Watch Thom Now!
Hour One - Congressman Peter DeFazio Topic: Who are the fatcats that are killing our economy…why and how?
Hour Two - Terry Jeffrey Topic: Issues of the day through the lens of liberal and conservative.
Guest: Congressman Robert Wexler Topic: Congressman Kucinich's Bush impeachment resolution intro'd yesterday
Hour Three "Everything You Know is Wrong" Rick Shenkman Topic: "Just How Stupid Are We?"
Guest: Peter Yarrow "Peter Paul and Mary" will be here in studio to sing "Where have all the Flowers Gone" and "Puff the Magic Dragon"
On the Program - June 10th 2008

Hour One - Carrie Lukas Topic: Should we have cap & trade or loot & pollute…(lewd & crude?)
Guest: (Higgins Alert!!) Dr. Leslie Lyons Topic: National Geographic Channel show "Explorer: Science of Cats" airing tonight at 10p Eastern
Hour Two - Debate - Will bombing Iran bring about Armageddon?
Guest: Richard Naiman
Guest: Former U.S.Ambassador to the United Nations - John Bolton
Hour Three - David Sirota Topic: His new book "The Uprising"
Guest: Dr. Lewis Mehl-Madrona Topic: Why can't we all have "Kennedy Care?"
June 06 2008 show notes

- Show live from the Talkers New Media Seminar, New York City.
- "Brunch with Bernie" with Senator Bernie Sanders, Independent of Vermont.
- Guest: Dan Hynes, 3 term Illinois Comptroller. He ran against Obama, but later called for him to run for president.
- 'Anything Goes' Friday.
Topics, guests, upcoming events, quotes, links to articles, audio clips, books & bumper music.