Hour One - Stephen P. Halbrook www.independent.org Topic: Gun debate...why would the founding fathers oppose a gun ban?
Guest: Anthony Romero www.aclu.org
Hour Two - Rick Perlstein www.rickperlstein.org Topic: In his book Nixonland, Perlstein argues that Nixon was the "grandfather of today's politics of hate"
Hour Three - Gov. Don Siegelman www.donsiegelman.org Topic: update on his case
Guest: Senator Mike Gravel www.gravel2008.us Topic: New book on his political career "Political Odyssey"
GOP convention button asks, ‘If Obama is president…will we still call it the White House?’
A booth at this weekend’s Texas Republican convention sold buttons asking, “If Obama Is President…Will We Still Call It The White House?”
Call Tina Benkiser - Republican Chair of Texas Republicans at 512-477-9821