Thom's blog
Is Trump's Political Grandstanding Getting To You?

Trump has said that he wants to send the whack job who killed 8 people in New York last week to Gitmo.
What Trump is doing here, he's been doing long enough and well enough that it's starting to become quite obvious.
His game is to constantly own the news cycle.
And the way that you constantly own the news cycle is by being outrageous.
What America's Founders Would Say to Alabama's Fundamentalist Hustler Roy Moore

Judge Roy Moore, the "Ten Commandments Judge" in Alabama now running for the U.S. Senate, says the controversy he and Fox News have stirred up is about religion.
Is John Kelly Encouraging the "Good Nazis" of the Confederacy?

People Are Officially Done With John Kelly After His 'Absurd' Civil War Comments.
This is fascinating. "The White House chief of staff blamed the war on a 'lack of compromise'?" A lack of compromise? The Civil War!
How Reaganomics Are Turning America into a Third World Country

The Republican tax plan costs five trillion dollars which is not paid for and will not create jobs or do anything to stimulate the economy.
The Soul Of The Trump Administration

Every now and then something happens that just gives you a glimpse into essentially the soul of another party or a politician and I think the story of Rosa Maria Hernandez is just such a gli
Is this the America You wanted?

In New Mexico they are coming up with new standards for their textbooks. These are based on what are called the Next Generation Science Standards but the New Mexicans would like to make some changes to the Next Generation Science Standards which is a set of standards at a federal level.
Why Republicans Ignore the Interests of Voters!

Having a scientist who worked for the chemical industry now shaping policy on hazardous chemicals at the EPA I think is a huge big deal.
Why Are We Subsidizing Low-wage Employers?

A new study out of the General Accounting Office (GAO) - arguably the least political part of the executive branch - found that millions of families with a worker earning the federal minimum wage are living in poverty.
Is There Any Pride Left In Being an American?

"House Republicans To Vote On Loosening Restrictions On Gun Silencers After Las Vegas Shooting" - this from PoliticusUSA.
Trump's New Plan for Women... Barefoot & Pregnant

The Republicans - or apparently the Trump/Pence Republicans - have a new campaign: 'end birth control for American women'.
No, not making this up. This is a leaked memo.
What you're seeing here in my opinion is Mike Pence's influence on the the Republican ticket, on this administration.