Thom's blog
Can Mass Extinction Lead to Something Better?

Every day we hear more and more about the disasters that we face if we continue to rely on fossil fuels for our main energy sources.
And while we used to hear about the warnings as dangers far off in the future - now we know that the effects of climate change are happening today.
And that the effects are more extreme than we originally predicted even two or three years ago.
Netanyahu is Pulling a George W. Bush on Iran

One of, if not the biggest, Republican talking points about the nuclear deal with Iran is that it’s bad deal because it’s bad deal for Israel.
We know this deal is bad for Israel, Republicans say, because Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu says it is.
Fukushima - Selling Out the Next Generation

Japan has restarted its first nuclear reactor to generate power since 2013. And that's really bad news.
Remember what happened in 2013? Why Japan closed all of its reactors abruptly and why we're still tracing the spread of radioactive material across our Pacific Coast and into the atmosphere?
Bernie & BlackLivesMatter

You need to know this… Over 28,000 people came out to see Bernie Sanders speak at the Moda Center in Portland - Oregon last night.
It was the largest crowd yet for the Sanders campaign - and - this is even more impressive - the largest crowd for any candidate of any party this election cycle.
Rebooting the American Dream

Thom Hartmann Here with an excerpt from my book “Rebooting the American Dream: 11 ways to rebuild our country.”
If You Liked the Iraq War, You'll Love the Iran War

If you liked the war in Iraq, you probably love the idea of going to war with Iran.
Why? It's the same agenda from the exact same people who took us into Iraq just over a decade ago.
Welcome Back To the Smoked-Filled Back Rooms

It’s an iconic image: A group of tough-talking, cigar-smoking politicians wearing cheap suits and drinking whiskey gather in the backroom of some convention center somewhere in America.
They trade bribes, offer each other favors, and calculate the odds, and then, after hours of debate punctuated by the occasional cigar puff, they pick their candidate.
Why aren't the Democrats debating now?

You need to know this… Last night, Fox So-Called News announced the lineup for Thursday's first Republican presidential debate. The 10 candidates who will take the stage in Cleveland, Ohio will be: Donald Trump, Jeb Bush, Scott Walker, Mike Huckabee, Ben Carson, Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, Rand Paul, Chris Christie, and John K
Chris Matthews is a Shill for the Insider Machine

Mahatma Gandhi supposedly once said about all successful political revolutionaries that “First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.”
“Rebooting the American Dream.”

Thom Hartmann Here with an excerpt from my book “Rebooting the American Dream: 11 ways to rebuild our country.”
My radio show has a mission statement. We don’t say it on the air, as it sounds a bit pompous, but it’s the metric against which we measure our work: Saving the world, by awakening one person at a time.