Thom's blog
The Union of Concerned Scientists is very concerned about politics!

The Union of Concerned Scientists say that they're worried about the political pressure that is undermining scientific research. According to a new report from that group, scientists in all of our governmental agencies feel that political interests get in the way of their research.
We Shouldn't Honor Genocidal Colonialists-End Columbus Day Now

Today, while millions of people across America are celebrating Columbus Day, the city of Albuquerque, New Mexico is doing something different -- it’s celebrating Indigenous People’s Day.
It’s using the second Monday in October as a chance to raise awareness about the cultural contributions of the people who lived on this continent long before the Nina, the Pinta, and the Santa Maria crossed the Atlantic.
Tax cheats stash $2 trillion overseas!

America's biggest companies are playing by their own set of rules. According to a recent report from two major watchdog organizations, our nation's Fortune 500 companies have $2.1 trillion dollars stashed in overseas tax havens.
To put that number in perspective, it's worth noting that the entire federal budget for 2015 was only about $3.8 trillion.
Why the Media isn’t Covering Citizens United

Americans have always been skeptical of corporate power. In fact, this country was founded by a revolt against the biggest corporation of its day - the British East India Company.
You know how conservatives are always going on about how the Boston Tea Party was an example of America’s anti-government roots?
The Billionaire Hypocrisy of Helping the Poor

There's one thing that both progressives and conservatives can agree on, and they can quote both FDR and Ronald Reagan on it.
And that is that, "The best welfare program is a job."
FDR extended the idea to say that when there are no jobs, the government should act as an employer of last resort.
Bernanke: Jail the Banksters

President Obama should have thrown the banksters in jail.
That’s more or less what former Federal Reserve chairman Ben Bernanke said in an interview this weekend with USA Today.
Bernanke doesn’t get off totally scot-free here.
"The market has become tilted..."

It seems like the most popular word in this election cycle is 'inequality,' but we need more than talk to narrow the great divide between the haves and have-nots in our nation.
According to a recent article by former Labor Secretary Robert Reich, the pro-corporate elite have rigged the system against us, and it's going to take the majority of us standing together to change the system.
Alabama Toughens Rules for Voting While Black

If you live in Alabama and need to register to vote before the 2016 presidential election, it just got a little harder, especially if you live in any of the counties where black Americans make up more than 75% of the registered voting population.
Because due to "budget constraints" - 31 DMV offices are losing their driver's licenses examiners.
Seditious McCarthy Shouldn’t be Speaker

The scramble is on for who’s going to replace John Boehner as Speaker of the House, and one man has emerged as the clear frontrunner: California congressman Kevin McCarthy.
McCarthy is currently the House Majority Leader and thus the second ranking Republican in Congress after Boehner - he is very much part of the GOP establishment.
We CAN make the switch to clean energy.

'It can be done.' That's the take away from a new report that says our world can make the switch to 100% renewable energy by 2050.
That new analysis, called “World Energy Revolution: A Sustainable World Energy Outlook 2015”, was produced by Greenpeace, in collaboration with researchers from the German Aerospace Center.