Thom's blog
What Will Happen to the Economy When the Federal Reserve Stops Buying Bonds?

Chuck Butler does a daily newsletter called the Daily Pfennig - the German word for penny - and he talked about a Minsky moment in bonds in yesterday's newsletter.
Why Donald Trump is actually the Ultimate "Globalist"

So Donald Trump goes to Davos and the whole media in America is like, "whoa, he's hanging out with the globalists, how can he do that?"
How Can Conservatives Claim to be Pro Life and Still Oppose DACA?

I don't think that you can argue that a two-year-old decided to take a risk to come to this country with their parents, any more than you can argue that the African Americans decided to come over to the United States.
Net Neutrality Means You Can Have The Internet Your Way

The international order is changing as a result of populism, and I would argue that the populism is a response to the disintegration all around the world in developed countries of the middle class, as the predatory class, the over class, the top 1% keeps taking more and more and more.
If we Don't Regulate Capitalism It Will Dismantle Democracy!

The New York Times has a piece by Max Fisher and Amanda Taub and it's a little video where they point out that over the last 200 years we've gone from basically no democracies in the world - or a couple, ours being one of the very first.
What To Do About The Right Wing Media?

The Republicans have the power to out-message Democrats almost every time.
You find a majority of the people who show up on television are Republicans, the majority of the pundits who are on television are Republican-leaning or conservative, even on MSNBC.
The airwaves of this country are almost exclusively right-wing. You've got Fox so-called News.
Why Isn't The The Growth Of White Right Wing Terrorists Being Seen as a Threat To Our Country?

The Southern Poverty Law Center is reminding us - and there was a great thread by SunLei over at Democratic Underground pointing this out, and thanks for the for the tip on that - that we're not paying atte
Why Don't Norwegians Immigrate to the United States?

This is from Occupy Democrats: "Dear Trump: this is why Norwegians don't immigrate to America."
The World Happiness Rank for the United States, we're number 19 - Norway, number one.
Organized Money Is Dangerous To Democracy

The question that is constantly being asked, particularly on the talking heads on television, is "what do the Democrats have to do to regain political power?" What does it take?
The Cancer Metastasizing Our Body Politic - Time To Cut it Out

There's one particular cancer that has attacked our body politic, and that cancer is money in politics. We tried to get that out of politics in 1973 after the Nixon scandals.
We passed some really strong laws. You can't give more than $1700 to any presidential candidate. You can't give more than $4,000 to a political party, all that stuff.