Thom's blog
Divine Intervention?

Divine intervention? The UK-based Alliance of Religions and Conservation, in working with the U.N., recently hosted 200 representatives from nine major world religions with over 60 different religious organizations.
Sundance Swindle?

Sundance Swindle? Director Robert Redford launched the Sundance Channel fourteen years ago to broadcast independent and progressive films from all over the world. It is pretty surprising that the network is now showing the notoriously inaccurate “Great G
Legacy of Secrecy: Introduction

Legacy of Secrecy: The Long Shadow of the JFK Assassination
Click here to buy it from
Climate October Surprise?

Climate October Surprise? - could climate change be a thing of violent swiftness? New research indicates it took only months for Europe to freeze solid 12,800 years ago.
Armored Car - Without Penis?

U.S. President Barack Obama and other world leaders are now supporting delaying a legally binding climate pact until 2010 or even later, under a compromise deal for next month's Copenhagen summit.
FAQ - Message Board & Chat Room Rules

The Thom Hartmann Program Forum & Chat Room Rules:
The message boards and chat room are communities designated as safe places for people to come and discuss topics. While all variety of opinions are welcome here, people who make others feel unsafe in the chat room or forums in the following ways (or others, at the discretion of the owners and managers of the message boards and chat rooms) may be evicted and
1. Abusive Posting: Ad Hominem attacks, death threats, racism, anti-
Semitism, and trolling are all prohibited and can result in a ban.
Wednesday November 18th 2009

Hour One: "Too big to block...Comcast-NBC merger?" Thom and Dan Gainor of the Business and Media Institute mix it up
Tuesday November 17th 2009

Hour One: Why don't you think the "constitution" is strong enough to protect America from the 911 criminals? with Chris Holton
Monday November 16th 2009

Hour One: Why are Conservatives hysterical here in the United States that President Obama performed a diplomatically correct bow to Japan's emperor? and What about the best Democracy lobbying can buy......
What a difference it makes to have a sane president!

Army psychiatrist Hasan accused in the Fort Hood shootings is charged with 13 counts of premeditated murder in the military's legal system, making him eligible for the death penalty.