Hour One: Why don't you think the "constitution" is strong enough to protect America from the 911 criminals? with Chris Holton wwwcenterforsecurity.org
plus...Why do you think your peers are so terrified of trying the 911 criminals in America...is it Obama hatred or do they not understand the constitution? Bob Barr www.bobbarr.org
Hour Two: What ties together Dick Cheney, Watergate and they JFK assassination that we've just uncovered in the last few months? with Lamar Waldron www.legacyofsecrecy.com. The Discovery Channel is doing a special "Did the Mob Kill JFK" airing this Sunday 11/22 8pm et.
Hour Three: "Hoodwinked: An Economic Hit Man Reveals Why the World Financial Markets IMPLODED-and What We Need to Do to Remake Them" John Perkins guests with Thom www.johnperkins.org
Plus...Don Siegelman...Is President Obama leaving Siegelman behind? www.donsiegelman.com