Thom's blog
Both Red & Blue states want to go green!

Congress may be divided on the issue of climate change, but the vast majority of Americans agree that we must do more to protect our planet.
A Mysterious Hole at the End of the World

The wilderness of Siberia has just gotten a lot more mysterious. Helicopter pilots flying over the Yamal Peninsula have discovered a giant crater-like hole in the Siberian tundra.
Which is Worse - Government or Corporate Bureaucracy?

Libertarians have been saying for a long, long time that if we just get rid of government, everything will run a whole lot better.
Banksters Get Help But Not Homeowners?! Are We Crazy?

It’s time to start helping the people, and stop helping Wall Street. According to an agreement announced earlier today, big bank Citigroup will pay $7 billion to settle a Department of Justice investigation into that bank’s involvement with risky subprime mortga
We are subsidizing our own destruction.

The fossil fuel industry is cashing in on government welfare. According to a new report from Oil Change International, the oil, gas, and coal industries raked in $21.6 billion dollars in state and federal subsidies in 2013 alone. In comparison, the entire 2013 budget request for the Department of Labor was only $12 billion dollars, and the Environmental Protection Agency only requested about $8 billion.
How to leap frog carbon...

The world is going solar. According to new data released by the Fraunhofer Institute, in the first half of 2014, renewable energy, like solar power, accounted for almost 31% of ALL electricity
Japan’s Near Miss Shows It’s Time to Say “No” Nukes

Japan narrowly missed another nuclear disaster. Today, the island nation of 126 million people is anxiously awaiting the arrival of Typhoon Neoguri, a storm that was once so strong that meteorologists called it a “once in a decade” storm.
Does the Economy Serve Us or Them?

Let’s talk about the destruction of the American economy – mergers and acquisitions style. As The New York Times points out, back in 1994, Massachusetts allowed its two most prestigious hospitals – Massachusetts General and Brigham and Women’s
What West Virginia can learn from Sarah Palin

It’s time for West Virginia, and the rest of America, to take a page out of the Palin Playbook. Louise and I spent the holiday weekend near Lewisburg, West Virginia. While we were there, we saw some pretty extraordinary signs of wealth.
The Crash of 2016 Gets Closer Every Day

The denial of fundamental economic principles is setting the world up for another Great Crash. Although wages have been flat or declining since the West started following Thatchernomics and Reaganomics in the late '70s and early 1980s, the stock market