The Racial Theory of "No Soul" is Once Again With Us....
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The Washington-based Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) has big concerns about the Emerald Coast Tea Party Patriots inviting Brigitte Gabriel, the head of the anti-Islam hate group "ACT! for America," to be their keynote speaker at its “U.S. Constitution Freedom Rally” on August 21 in Fort Walton Beach, Fla. CAIR is asking political candidates scheduled to be at the event, such as Marco Rubio, to cancel their appearances unless Gabriel is dropped as a speaker.
Daily Topics - Monday July 19th, 2010
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Quote of the Day: “History records that the money changers have used every form of abuse, intrigue, deceit, and violent means possible to maintain their control over governments by controlling money and its issuance.” – James Madison
Hour One: When are Americans going to wake up and protect their economy?
Hour Two: Will repealing Obamacare bring back insurance industry death panels? Thom challenges Cngressman Steve King of Iowa
To Donate to The Salem Children's Trust...
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Salem needs your help. In these trouble economic times the states are slowing their payments to kids in care. If you can spare $5, $25, $100 or more...please help by going to and donate.
"If I had one wish for every child that comes to Salem, it would be that he reaches goals that have meaning for him as an individual."
Who Will Protect Consumers?
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According to a source close to Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner, he is openly against the potential nomination of Elizabeth Warren to head the new Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. The financial reform bill passed by the Senate on Thursday mandates the creation of this new consumer agency charged with protecting consumers from predatory lenders. Geithner doesn't want the most outspoken advocate for creating the agency to lead it.
Daily Topics - Friday July 16th, 2010
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Quote of the Day: "The tyranny of a prince in an oligarchy is not so dangerous to the public welfare as the apathy of a citizen in a democracy." -- Montesquieu
Anything goes on townhall Friday!
Dark Money...
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The U.S. Chamber of Commerce sent the White House an "open letter" laying out a proposed roadmap to economic recovery, coinciding with the organization's "Jobs Summit" underway in Washington. The Chamber plans to spend more than $50 million electing Republicans to Congress in 2010 and here are the highlights of their recovery plan. Cut taxes on the wealthy and business, cut or reduce social security, privatize roads, drill offshore, and log national forests.
Daily Topics - Thursday July 15th, 2010
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Quote of the day: The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs. -- Thomas Jefferson
Hour One: What the hell is happening in the there a conspiracy of silence? Independent journalist/author Dahr Jamail will be here; Plus, Why is war contractor KBR getting an immunity deal? Congressman Earl Blumenauer tells Thom why the Pentagon has some explaining to do
Tea Party - Live Free or Die?
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A new billboard in downtown Mason City, Iowa features our President Obama, flanked by photos of Hitler and Lenin. The billboard headlines “Radical leaders prey on the fearful and naive.” Last fall that billboard said “Obama-Nation, Live Free or Die” with the Communist symbol of a hammer and sickle. It's brought to you by the North Iowa Tea Party. Iowa state Tea Party coordinator John White says, “everything Obama has done is ‘lock-step’ with what Hitler did in his day.” The Tea Party was initially created, funded, and promoted by operators and funders like Dick Army and David Koch.
Did BP Just Give the Middle Finger to All Taxpayers?
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It looks like the ironic outcome of the BP mess will come in the form of a truly poetic gesture that involves a middle finger offered by BP's treasurer to British and American taxpayers.
Daily Topics - Tuesday July 13th, 2010
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Quote of the Day: " I wouldn't go to war again as I have done to protect some lousy investment of the bankers. There are only two things we should fight for. One is the defense of our homes and the other is the Bill of Rights. War for any other reason is simply a racket." -- Major General Smedley Darlington Butler
Daily Topics - Monday July 12th, 2010
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Quote of the day: Too many people expect wonders from democracy, when the most wonderful thing of all is just having it. -- Walter Winchell
Hour One: How is Wall Street starving millions and getting away with it? Harper's Magazine Contributing Editor Frederick Kaufman will be here
Is the Elderly being Forced to Retire Later "Change We Can Believe In?"
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Social Security has absolutely nothing to do with the federal deficit, as it's a separate self-funding program. Nonetheless, all the conservadems in the Obama Administration are talking about the deficit as an excuse to cut and partially privatize Social Security, instead of just lifing the cap on it so that Bill Gates will pay the same percentage of his pay into Social Security as you and I do. For example, Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Ber
Has Faux News Far Right-Wing Fear Mongering Paid Off?
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Has over a year of Faux News right-wing fear mongering and Calling President Obama a socialist finally paid off?
Daily Topics - Friday July 9th 2010
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Quote of the Day: “When plunder becomes a way of life for a group of men living together in society, they create for themselves in the course of time, a legal system that authorizes it and a moral code that glorifies it.” - Frederic Bastiat - (1801-1850) in Economic Sophisms
Anything Goes on Townhall Friday!!