Daily Topics - Friday July 9th 2010

Quote of the Day: “When plunder becomes a way of life for a group of men living together in society, they create for themselves in the course of time, a legal system that authorizes it and a moral code that glorifies it.” - Frederic Bastiat - (1801-1850) in Economic Sophisms

Anything Goes on Townhall Friday!!

Hour One: How have the greedy banksters and Republicans caused the biggest market decline in the last 300 years and how do we stop it?! Market forecaster Robert Prechter of Elliott Wave International will be here www.elliottwave.com

Hour Three: South of the Border - Academy Award winning film director/screenwriter Oliver Stone talks to Thom about his new movie http://southoftheborderdoc.com

ADHD: Hunter in a Farmer's World

Thom Hartmann has written a dozen books covering ADD / ADHD - Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder.

Join Thom for his new twice-weekly email newsletters on ADHD, whether it affects you or a member of your family.

Thom's Blog Is On the Move

Hello All

Thom's blog in this space and moving to a new home.

Please follow us across to hartmannreport.com - this will be the only place going forward to read Thom's blog posts and articles.