Daily Topics - Wednesday March 14th, 2012

Catch The Thom Hartmann Program LIVE at our new time, 3-6pm Eastern!
Hour One: Why does Goldman Sachs think you're a muppet?
Hour Two: Why shouldn't 25 year olds get social security too? Peter Ferrara, Carleson Center for Public Policy
Hour Three: If we regulate prescription drugs why not regulate all Wall Street derivatives / Plus, Occupy Homes-MN
Goldman Sachs thinks you’re a “Muppet”

Former Goldman Sachs Executive Director Greg Smith recently resigned from the banking giant, and today in a New York Times op-ed blew the whistle on what he called a “toxic and destructive” environment within the bank. Smith writes, “I believe I have worked here long enough to understand the trajectory of its culture, its people and its identity.
Daily Topics - Tuesday March 13th, 2012

Catch The Thom Hartmann Program LIVE at our new time, 3-6pm Eastern!
Hour One: "We Can Live With A Nuclear Iran" - Paul Pillar, Washington Monthly
Hour Two: Voter ID or voter suppression? Hans Von Spakovsky, Heritage Foundation
Are Wall Street Speculators Inflating The Cost of Food?

Food prices have increased 4.4% in the last year – nearly twice as much as all other consumer goods. And a new study out of the New England Complex Systems Institute argues that Wall Street speculators are the ones driving up the price this year – just like they did in 2008 – when a billion people around the planet were pushed to the brink of starvation, and unrest and food riots swept the globe.
The new study forecasts anothe
Daily Topics - Monday March 12th, 2012

Catch The Thom Hartmann Program LIVE at our new time, 3-6pm Eastern!
Hour One: How Ayn Rand Became the New Right's Version of Marx - George Monbiot, The Guardian / Plus, Occupy the (foreclosure) "scene of the crime" - Tim Nonn, Occupy Petaluma
Afghanistan should serve as a warning to those who call for war with Iran

The dogs of war were released in Afghanistan more than a decade ago – and are now out of our control. News broke this week of a murder spree in Afghanistan’s Kandahar province committed by at least one US soldier against Afghan civilians. Reuters reports that as many as 3 American soldiers, who appeared to be drunk, opened fire in a small village at around 2am Sunday morning – shooting dead 16 civilians – including nine children.
Chamber of Commerce investing in Republican politicians

Daily Topics - Friday March 9th, 2012

We're moving! Be sure to catch The Thom Hartmann Program LIVE at our new time, 3-6pm Eastern, starting Monday!!
Anything Goes on Townhall Friday!
Hour One: Brunch With Bernie - Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) takes your calls
Daily Topics - Thursday March 8th, 2012

EXCLUSIVE ENGAGEMENT..."Heist-The Movie"...MARCH 2 - 8, 2012 | ONE WEEK ONLY! at NY’s Quad Cinema 34 West 13th Street, NYC, Featuring Bernie Sanders, Robert Kuttner, David Cay Johnston, Nomi Prins, Van Jones & more! See here for longer list
Hour One: The best of the rest of the news
The Chesapeake Bay clean up would create 35x the jobs of the Keystone XL Pipeline!

When Republicans talk about killing off the EPA – they’re also talking about killing American jobs. Despite right-wing talking points that environmental regulations are “job-killers” – a new analysis by the Economic Policy Institute finds just the opposite – regulations are ACTUALLY job creators. EPI estimates that as many as 135,000 net jobs will be created by 2015 thanks to new EPA regulations.
The war on voting rights in Wisconsin is temporarily put on hold?

Governor Scott Walker and his Republican buddies in the state legislature passed a radical voter ID law last year that could disenfranchise tens of thousands of eligible voters in the Badger state. Recognizing that – Dane County Judge David Flanagan blocked the law from going into effect – calling it “extremely broad and largely needless.”
Judge Flanagan went on to say that, “irreparable harm is likely to occur in the absence
Daily Topics - Wednesday March 7th, 2012

EXCLUSIVE ENGAGEMENT..."Heist-The Movie"...MARCH 2 - 8, 2012 | ONE WEEK ONLY! at NY’s Quad Cinema 34 West 13th Street, NYC, Featuring Bernie Sanders, Robert Kuttner, David Cay Johnston, Nomi Prins, Van Jones & more! See here for longer list
Will America experience a Lost Generation?

As many as 68 patriots were arrested as they occupied the state capital in California Monday night – protesting against planned cuts to education. With tuition fees soaring – hundreds of demonstrators descended on the capital building in Sacramento calling for a tax on millionaires to help fund public universities in the state.
Over the last five years – tuition at public universities in California has doubled – and - along wi
Daily Topics - Tuesday March 6th, 2012

EXCLUSIVE ENGAGEMENT..."Heist-The Movie"...MARCH 2 - 8, 2012 | ONE WEEK ONLY! at NY’s Quad Cinema 34 West 13th Street, NYC, Featuring Bernie Sanders, Robert Kuttner, David Cay Johnston, Nomi Prins, Van Jones & more! See here for longer list
Hour One: Super Tuesday and the Ohio primary - Cliff Schecter, Libertas LLC
Daily Topics - Monday March 5th, 2012

EXCLUSIVE ENGAGEMENT..."Heist-The Movie"...Now through this Thursday March 8, 2012 | THIS WEEK ONLY! at NY’s Quad Cinema 34 West 13th Street, NYC, Featuring Bernie Sanders, Robert Kuttner, David Cay Johnston, Nomi Prins, Van Jones & more! See here for longer list