Transcript: NLP 5. Dec 14 2004
Thom's online class in NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming).
Week 5: Goal-setting. What is the purpose of your life? Associate picture, sound, feeling with goal. Desire. Story. Don't share your goal with others (unless very close) until you've reached it. Visualize yourself in that future. Begin it now!
Transcript: NLP 4. Dec 07 2004
Thom's online class in NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming).
Week 4: The meaning of communication is the response you get. Communicate in their language. Benefits without features have no credibility. Features without benefits have no relevance. Show, don't tell. Ask for feedback. Always call for action. Campaign 365 days a year. Plus Attention Deficit Disorder, education.
Transcript: NLP 3. Nov 30 2004
Thom's online class in NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming).
Week 3: Framing. The map is not the territory.
Transcript: NLP 2. Nov 23 2004
Thom's online class in NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming).
Week 2: Primary motivation strategies: moving toward pleasure, moving away from pain. Goal setting. There is no failure, only feedback. There are no mistakes, only outcomes.
Transcript: NLP 1. Nov 16 2004
Thom's online class in NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming).
Week 1: Rapport, modalities: visual, auditory, kinesthetic (feeling). Anchoring.