Radio Show

On the Program - Oct 13th 2008

Hour One: Grace-Marie Turner Topic: Thom and Grace-Marie debate healthcare, Obama v. McCain or…

Hour two: Carrie Lukas Topic: Thom and Carrie "Mix it up” about the economic crisis and big corporations - should they continue to get big tax breaks?

Guest: Robert Greenwald Topic: McCain's anger problem?

Hour Three - President/CEO Humane Society Wayne Pacelle Topic: Factory-farm practice of caging farm animals in spaces so tight that they are unable to turn around, stretch or lay down.

Thom on Russian TV -

October 17 @ 7:00 PM Thom is speaking & Booksigning - Democratic Headquarters -San Fernando Valley (DPSFV) 14529 Archwood Van Nuys, CA 91405 (818) 995-DEMS 

October 19 – Debate - 2p-4p American Jewish University, Bel Air CA
Gindi Auditorium Register 310-440-1246S

with Allan Stolk Las Vegas, Bill Handel LA, Stephanie Miller national and Thom Hartmann national

On the Program - Oct 10th 2008

Quote: You have to know the past to understand the present - Carl Sagan, Cosmos

Hour One - "Brunch With Bernie" Senator Bernie Sanders

Hour Two - Dr. Ravi Batra Topic: Economic crisis...when and where will it end?

October 03 2008 show notes

Topics, guests, upcoming events, quotes, links to articles, audio clips, books & bumper music.

On the Program - Oct 8th 2008

Quote: When you get to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on - Franklin D. Roosevelt

Hour One - Who won the Debate? That One?

Hour Two - Terry Jeffrey
Topic: Economy, bailout and tonight's debate

Hour Three "Everything You Know is Wrong" Matthew "Mat" Stein Topic: How to survive "When Technology Fails"

On the Program - Oct 7th 2008

Hour One - Guest: Rep. Brad Sherman, California 27th District Topic: Martial law threatened if Congress didn't pass bail out bill

Guest: Tim Dickinson
Topic: McCain...Make-Believe Maverick?

Hour Two - Guest: Bruce Fein
Topic: His new book "Constitutional Peril"

Hour Three - Guest: Dr. Marjorie Cohn
Topic: Why a McCain/Palin Administration would be dangerous for America

Guest: Greg Palast
Topic: "Steal Back Your Vote"

October 02 2008 show notes

Topics, guests, upcoming events, quotes, links to articles, audio clips, books & bumper music.

On the Program - Oct 6th 2008

Hour One - Brian Kennedy Topic: Thom and Brian take on “Drill Baby Drill.”

Hour Two - Carrie Lukas Topic: Thom and Carrie debate - Is there a a double standard between Palin and Biden?

Hour Three - Stephen Larsen Topic: author of the newly released book "THE FUNDAMENTLIST MIND"

Guest: Larry Zamba Topic: Running for Wisconsin Assembly, District 66, against Republican incumbent Samantha Kerkman

October 01 2008 show notes

Transcript: Excerpts from the New York Times of 1929 - 1932 Thom quoted on 01 October 2008

Thom compared the crash of 1929 and the subsequent Republican Great Depression with current events and actions by Congress, quoting from many articles from the New York Times at the time.

Excerpts from the New York Times of 1929 - 1932 which Thom quoted on 01 October 2008

These excerpts are all from the New York Times from around the time of the stock market crash and the subsequent great depression. Most New York Times stories were dated the day before the date of publication.

  • October 24 1929 was black Thursday

On the Program - Oct 3 2008

Anything Goes! Friday

Hour One "Brunch With Bernie" Senator Bernie Sanders

Hour Two - Dr. Ronald Bronow & Matt Stoller Topic: Brave New Films' campaign John McCain's Health Records Must Be Released!

On the Program - Oct 2 2008

Quotation: Conscience is the most sacred of all property - James Madison, 1792

Hour One
- Stephen Spoonamore Topic: Voting machine security...

Hour Two - Peggy Noonan Topic: Is post election unity possible no matter who wins?

Guest: "Taking Our Country Back" Robert Hamilton Topic: Democratic nominee for California's 49th Congressional District...against by GOP Darrell Issa

Hour Three -Naomi Wolf Topic: Her new book "Give Me Liberty: A Handbook for AmericanRevolutionaries"

September 30 2008 show notes

Topics, guests, upcoming events, quotes, links to articles, audio clips, books & bumper music.

Transcript: Ralph Reed. Church exempt status, Karl Rove, selective prosecutions. Sep 30th 2008

They discussed whether a church should lose its tax exempt status if any of its pastors preached politics in the pulpit. Thom asked about Karl Rove's role in the effort to defeat Don Siegelman's proposed lottery to pay for education. They discussed whether there was selective prosecution of Democrats like Don Siegelman, Paul Minor, Richard Scrushy and even Republican Bob Ney who upset the Bush administration (some of whom are said to be innocent), while others at least as guilty were not prosecuted.

On the Program - Oct 1 2008

Quote: The things that will destroy America are prosperity-at-any-price, peace-at-any- price, safety-first instead of duty-first, the love of soft living, and the get-rich-quick theory of life --Theodore Roosevelt 1917

Hour One - Guest: Chuck Collins Topic: Ten Ways to Bail Out Wall Street without Soaking Taxpayers

Hour Two - The Great Republican Depression of 1929 and Today – are they similar?

Hour Three - Guest:Naomi Klein Topic: the latest "shocks" on the American crisis, bailout, Republican spin

Guest: Larry Scott Founder & Editor VA Watchdog dot Org

Thom's Travel & Upcoming events: October 3-4 Palm Springs Thom is speaking at The Evolution of Revolution... Shining Dawn's Early Light on Spirit, Science and the System conference at Renaissance Esmeralda Resort and Spa Indian Wells, California

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