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  • McConnell: Let Them Eat a Three-Martini Lunch   4 years 9 weeks ago

    Republicans have all ready started knocking the Biden Administration. Right wing media (in other word, the main stream media) is at its strongest when it is a Democratic Administration.

  • McConnell: Let Them Eat a Three-Martini Lunch   4 years 9 weeks ago

    Thanks, Legend, for digging up those quotes. I was just about to chase some of those down, so you saved me a lot of time and effort this morning.

    I did come across this article though, which puts a little more faith in the American electorate and the Republicans' survival instincts than may be warranted. But hope springs eternal:

    "The good news about the very near future, such as it is, is that Americans will probably (and correctly) blame Donald Trump, not Joe Biden, for the misery they’re experiencing — and this very fact may make Republicans willing to cough up at least some money." (full article) -- Paul Krugman, distinguished professor, Nobel prize laureate.

    BTW, have you noticed how Trump's puffy eyebags have swollen since becoming a world-class ...l-o-o-o-s-e-r? 🤡 It must be hard to get a good night's sleep knowing that you're probably going to jail, that your house-of-cards financial empire is collapsing, and, even worse, that most people in the real world think you absolutely deserve it. What an ego buster!

  • McConnell: Let Them Eat a Three-Martini Lunch   4 years 9 weeks ago

    Just one example of rediculous tax write off for a business owner. Many atheletes incorporate and become a business. This would make more sense if the deduction was for green vehicles. Then Thom could write off his Prius.

    Heavy SUVs, pickups and vans are treated for tax purposes as transportation equipment. So, they qualify for 100% first-year bonus depreciation and Sec. 179 expensing if used more than 50% for business. This can provide a huge tax break for buying new and used heavy vehicles.

    However, if a heavy vehicle is used 50% or less for business purposes, you must depreciate the business-use percentage of the vehicle’s cost over a six-year period.

    To illustrate the potential savings from these first-year tax breaks, suppose you buy a new $65,000 heavy SUV and use it 100% for your business in 2020. You can deduct the entire $65,000 in 2020 thanks to the 100% first-year bonus depreciation privilege. If you use the vehicle only 60% for business, your first-year deduction would be $39,000 (60% x $65,000).

    To qualify as a “heavy” vehicle, an SUV, pickup or van must have a manufacturer’s gross vehicle weight rating (GVWR) above 6,000 pounds. You can verify the GVWR of a vehicle by looking at the manufacturer’s label, which is usually found on the inside edge of the driver’s side door where the door hinges meet the frame. Examples of suitably heavy vehicles include the Audi Q7, Buick Enclave, Chevy Tahoe, Ford Explorer, Jeep Grand Cherokee, Toyota Sequoia and lots of full-size pickups.

  • McConnell: Let Them Eat a Three-Martini Lunch   4 years 9 weeks ago

    When President Obama first nominated Merrick Garland for the Supreme Court vacancy in March 2016, there was quite an outcry from Republicans to wait until after the election to fill Antonin Scalia’s empty seat. (Republicans refused to even grant Judge Garland a hearing some 8+ months before the 2016 presidential election.)

    However, in late 2020 when a Court vacancy recently arose as a result of Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s death (less than 2 months before the presidential election) the Republican Senators were singing a very different tune. In a display of shocking hypocrisy, Republicans put on a full-court press to nominate her immediate replacement for the Supreme Court.

    Here are some choice quotes showing the hypocrisy of Republicans like Lindsay Graham, Ted Cruz, and Mitch McConnell on the issue of nominating a Supreme Court Justice during an election year.

    1. Senator Ted Cruz Quote: “Let the Election Decide”

    “It has been 80 years since a Supreme Court vacancy was nominated and confirmed in an election year. There is a long tradition that you don’t do this in an election year.”

    …This should be a decision for the people. Let the election decide. If the Democrats want to replace this nominee, they need to win the election.”

    2016, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas)2. Lindsey Graham Supreme Court Quote:

    I strongly support giving the American people a voice in choosing the next Supreme Court nominee by electing a new president. I hope all Americans understand how important their vote is when it comes to picking a new Supreme Court justice.

    “…If there’s a Republican President… and a vacancy occurs in the last year… you can say, Lindsay Graham said let’s let the next President, whoever that may be, make that nomination, and you could use my words against me and you’d be absolutely right.

    2016, Sen. Lindsey Graham (Republican -S.C.)3. Mitch McConnell Quote:

    Rarely does a Supreme Court vacancy occur in the final year of a presidential term … Given that we are in the midst of the presidential election process, we believe that the American people should seize the opportunity to weigh in...

    The American people should have a voice in the selection of their next Supreme Court Justice. Therefore, this vacancy should not be filled until we have a new president.”

    Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, Merrick Garland nomination March, 20164. “If it Was a Republican President…”

    I don’t think we should be moving on a nominee in the last year of this president’s term – I would say that if it was a Republican president.”

    2016, Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.)5. “Do Not Start This Process…” (Merrick Garland Nomination)

    “The very balance of our nation’s highest court is in serious jeopardy. As a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, I will do everything in my power to encourage the president and Senate leadership not to start this process until we hear from the American people.”

    2016, Sen. David Perdue (R-Ga.)6. “Lifetime Appointments in an Election Year…”

    “I believe the best thing for the country is to trust the American people to weigh in on who should make a lifetime appointment that could reshape the Supreme Court for generations. This wouldn’t be unusual. It is common practice for the Senate to stop acting on lifetime appointments during the last year of a presidential term, and it’s been nearly 80 years since any president was permitted to immediately fill a vacancy that arose in a presidential election year.

    During a very partisan year and a presidential election year … both for the sake of the court and the integrity of the court and the legitimacy of the candidate, it’s better to have this occur after we’re past this presidential election.”

    2016, Senator Rob Portman (R-Ohio)7. “The American People Should Not Be Denied…”

    “A lifetime appointment that could dramatically impact individual freedoms and change the direction of the court for at least a generation is too important to get bogged down in politics. The American people shouldn’t be denied a voice.”

    2016, Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) – Merrick Garland nomination8. “Partisan, Divisive Confirmation Battle…”

    “The campaign is already underway. It is essential to the institution of the Senate and to the very health of our republic to not launch our nation into a partisan, divisive confirmation battle during the very same time the American people are casting their ballots to elect our next president.”

    2016, Thom Tillis (Republican Senator, N.C.) about Obama’s Merrick Garland nomination9. “Vacancy Should Not Be Filled…”

    “In this election year, the American people will have an opportunity to have their say in the future direction of our country. For this reason, I believe the vacancy left open by Justice Antonin Scalia should not be filled until there is a new president.”

    2016, Sen. Richard Burr (Republican -N.C.)10. “Should Not Confirm a New Supreme Court Justice…”

    “The Senate should not confirm a new Supreme Court justice until we have a new president.”

    2016, Sen. Roy Blunt (R-Mo.)11. “Too Close to the Election”

    “I think we’re too close to the election. The president who is elected in November should be the one who makes this decision.”

    2016, Sen. Cory Gardner (R-Col.)12. “The American People Should Decide…”

    “I strongly agree that the American people should decide the future direction of the Supreme Court by their votes for president and the majority party in the U.S. Senate.”

    2016, Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wisc.)13. “Full Faith of the People…”

    “In a few short months, we will have a new president and new senators who can consider the next justice with the full faith of the people. Why would we cut off the national debate on the next justice? Why would we squelch the voice of the populace? Why would we deny the voters a chance to weigh in on the make-up of the Supreme Court?”

    Senator Tom Cotton March 16, 201614. “The American People Should Have Their Voices Heard…”

    “The American people should have the opportunity to make their voices heard before filling a lifetime appointment to the nation’s highest court. In November, the country will get that chance by choosing a new president – a process that is well underway. Until then, our time should be spent addressing the many other legislative matters before us to strengthen our economy, create jobs, and secure our nation.”

    Mississippi Sen. Roger Wicker – WSJ March 16, 2016 discussing Merrick Garland SCOTUS nomination15. “Let the People Decide the Supreme Court’s Future”

    …the next president should be the one to fill the vacancy on the Supreme Court. … I will oppose this nomination as I firmly believe we must let the people decide the Supreme Court’s future.”

    Jim Inhofe (Republican Senator Oklahoma)

  • Wednesday 02 December '20 show notes   4 years 9 weeks ago

    Listening to Gar Alperovitz on how progressive change happens ties in perfectly with a book I'm reading about "banking politics," which was used by ordinary people in the early 1900s to create substantial progressive change in finace and banking. A new wave of progressive change is needed now. This book, "Money, Power, and the People: The American Struggle to Make Banking Democratic" shows how is was done and has lessons for how it can be done again. We need a revival of banking politics. (Author: Christopher W. Shaw; U. of Chicago Press)

  • McConnell: Let Them Eat a Three-Martini Lunch   4 years 9 weeks ago

    “So I commit to you tonight and I commit to all of your viewers and everyone else that’s watching, I want to allay those fears, I want to rest those fears for you right now because when they talk about whether it be packing the courts or ending the filibuster, I will not vote to do that,” he continued. “I will not vote to pack the courts and I will not vote to end the filibuster.”

    Senator Joe Manchin, Democrat, West Virginia

  • McConnell: Let Them Eat a Three-Martini Lunch   4 years 9 weeks ago

    The super wealthy live behind secured guarded gates. Usually own several homes. Homes are often very difficult to trace who actually owns them due to trusts and LLC titles. They have property managers that take care of all maintenance, supplies etc. They socialize in private country clubs and private restaurants called clubs. Much of this if not all being a tax write off. In the case of ski resorts, the club membership allows them 1 hour early access so that they can ski the untouched powder snow. Plus their ski lodges have heated driveways and walkways so that snow does not have to be removed. Lots of times these memberships are a perk of employment. They travel in Private Jets (Wheels Up, Netjet etc. are doing booming business). They receive a lot of pay in stock. Which allows them to cash in at a much lower tax rate. Foreign bank accounts etc. (See Panama Papers) is the norm. This could go on forever.

  • McConnell: Let Them Eat a Three-Martini Lunch   4 years 9 weeks ago

    Curious. Going off topic. If ALL the people in an oficial capacity approached by Trump do everything within their power (Dirty but legal) ALL helping him as much as the law allows, could they leagally turn the election?

  • The Soul Of The Trump Administration   4 years 9 weeks ago

    The topic of the article is always the attention of everyone, I rate the topic that you bring up to discuss is very good. io games skribbl io

  • McConnell: Let Them Eat a Three-Martini Lunch   4 years 9 weeks ago

    The saddest part of it all is the fact that very few in the media reveal the realities that we face. The reality that for the past 40 years the wealthy in this country have implemented a strategy to demolish the American Economy for working people and the middle class. This is a controlled demolition of democracy through transferance of wealth to the wealthy and the elimination of jobs that pay a living wage for anyone other than a few that are willing to over educate themselves while going into debt oblivion. The migration of manufacturing and the well paid jobs that go with it as well as the theft of pensions and wages through unfair taxation has basically provided the rich with unlimited revenue and the ability to weather any disaster of their own making. They are so well insulated that economic collapse will never affect them. Meanwhile the rest of us suffer these boom and bust cycles. This strategy has allowed them to buy legislators and con the masses into voting against their own interests. Which is why the super rich media will never discuss the real strategy thats been going on since Reagan. Instead its nonsense like racism, guns, abortion and the war on Christmas. Meanwhile the rich get richer and we remain pissed off for the wrong reasons.

  • McConnell: Let Them Eat a Three-Martini Lunch   4 years 9 weeks ago

    The Major Disappointment for me is that I never heard a peep from Dems on TV about the "Liability gift", which seemed to be the main obstacle all along!! I recently listened to an African American congresswoman speak for nearly 8 minutes on Ari Melbur - no interruptions, and NO mention of the Liability obstacle... Only a lecture on those nasty Republicans and about the millions of needy Americans (We Know Both - Already!!!).

    Why is congress sabotaging our constitutional right to sue?

    And W T F is wrong with the so called debate and discourse??? I thought the reduction in the size of the package was because the liability gift was Not part of it!

    this country is still barreling down the wrong tracks without brakes.

  • McConnell: Let Them Eat a Three-Martini Lunch   4 years 9 weeks ago

    The upcoming Georgia runoffs are the most important part of the game. We are on the one yard line folks, it took ninety nine yards to get Biden elected. But, in order for all of our efforts to matter we need to take control of the senate.

    My suggestion is that if you know anyone who lives in Georgia or even if you don't, It's time to "ADOPT A GEORGIAN". That's right, find a Georgian and adopt them through social media, radio, television, pen pals. Whatever it takes adopt a Georgian and make sure they show up to vote on January 5th 2021! Our democracy depends on it, we can do this people, the whole world, not just the USA needs America to do the right thing.

  • McConnell: Let Them Eat a Three-Martini Lunch   4 years 9 weeks ago

    The GOP and their donors have already collapsed the country, in so many key ways, and have already blamed the Democrats for basically failing to stop them. 2020 is just a repeat of 2008, and their base of fools just love it -- the chaos of collapsing democracy. Trump proved that in spades.

    If Warnock and Ossoff don't win the Georgia runoffs, get used to more of the same underhanded tactics by Republicans, as Thom continuously lays out blog after blog. Democrats controlling the Senate is paramount; otherwise, Biden will be forced to govern by executive order and will, of course, be endlessly ridiculed for doing so, never mind the hypocrisy. Pelosi will pass wonderful legislation that could help alleviate so much suffering, only to watch it die miserably in McConnell's Senate.

    For Republicans, it's all about raw power. Taking back the House and keeping the Senate in 2022, and "winning" the White House again in 2024 is all they give a shit about. For these failed human beings, it is not about doing what's right for the People or honoring the principles of the Constitution.

    Lather, rinse, repeat.

  • McConnell: Let Them Eat a Three-Martini Lunch   4 years 9 weeks ago

    Improve your probability to finding the aid that you would like by figuring out also file and just how exactly to organize a household law announcement.

  • McConnell: Let Them Eat a Three-Martini Lunch   4 years 9 weeks ago

    Improve your probability to finding the aid that you would like by figuring out also file and just how exactly to organize a household law announcement.

  • McConnell: Let Them Eat a Three-Martini Lunch   4 years 9 weeks ago

    I wonder what the GOP will say when their getting and giving money to or from the rich, finally collapses the country?

    Who then is left to blame? The corporations made me do it! ???

    Blame it on the poor and Democrats?

    That will be one hell of a twisting of the truth

  • The Republican Wealth-Worshiping Death Cult Continues to Let Americans Die   4 years 9 weeks ago

    Well, Republicans do want to take civilization backward make it great again.

  • The Republican Wealth-Worshiping Death Cult Continues to Let Americans Die   4 years 9 weeks ago

    Jeez, hope that I never piss you off!

    The Georgia Republican voting officals are getting a little upset at the threats on their lives that they are receiving.

    Donald Trump has an agreement with Plm Beach that nobody, including himself can live at Mar a Lago. Plan B.

  • The Republican Wealth-Worshiping Death Cult Continues to Let Americans Die   4 years 9 weeks ago

    The criminal Steve Bannon called for the beheading of Dr. Anthony Fauci and F.B.I. director Christopher A. Wray and for their lifeless, rotting skulls to be impaled on pikes at the front corners of the White House as a warning to government workers who aren't sufficiently loyal to Trump's Republican right-wing agenda of destroying democracy.

    The Fox News buffoon Joe diGenova called for the execution of former Homeland Security official Chris Krebs to be "drawn and quartered" and "Taken out at dawn and shot.” (note to Joe: Normally, you would execute prisoners first then quarter them. Although, quartering them alive would be more fun, eh?)

    The disgraced traitor Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn and the discredited Trump attorney L. Lin Wood called for martial law and a literal military coup to overthrow America's free and fair (according to all the evidence) elections.

    At least diGenova backtracked a little, declaring that he was merely being rhetorical (so as to avoid a felony charge).

    Riiight! Okaaay -- rhetorically speaking -- when King Trump is finally dethroned, he should be dragged naked across the pavement and sidewalks to the Washingon DC National Mall and put on public display in a wooden stock for his many crimes, not the least of which are the nearly 300,000 criminally negligent homicides of innocent citizens. After three days of being pilloried with rotten fruit and vegetables and McDonald Big Macs, he should then be hung, castrated, disemboweled while still alive. Finally, four horses tied to each limb should rip his body apart, and each "quarter" sent to the four corners of the kingdom as a warning to all other Trumpian Republicans.

    So, let's get medieval on these mthrfckrs -- you know, rhetorically speaking...

    Or, are Democrats better than that?

  • The Republican Wealth-Worshiping Death Cult Continues to Let Americans Die   4 years 9 weeks ago

    Property taxes are local, not national. Biden has no control. Property taxes are a long established wealth tax.

    Trump is an expert at the con. Republicans enable it and fall for it.

    Michael Flynn, a man the president pardoned just last week for "any and all possible offenses" related to the Mueller probe, has endorsed a call for the president to "temporarily suspend the Constitution," "declare limited martial law," have "the military oversee a national re-vote," and "silence the destructive media."

  • The Republican Wealth-Worshiping Death Cult Continues to Let Americans Die   4 years 9 weeks ago

    Don't expect any empathy from Republicans, 'they got theirs' and you are on your own.

    My friend likes Trump becasuse he's afraid Biden will raise property taxes. He doesn't realize that when the bottom earners are gone. They will move up to the next rung of 'people doing well'. Then after that, people with a few million. And so on..

    Money flows from the bottom up. I have no idea how the country will survive with no money. I also think that Mexico is going to wise up, become independent, and stop immigrating here for cash.

  • The Republican Wealth-Worshiping Death Cult Continues to Let Americans Die   4 years 9 weeks ago

    The Department of Justice is investigating a money for pardons scheme involving the White House. With Bill Barr as head of the Department of Justice, that is like the coyote guarding the chickens. 48 days left with Trump. How many more pardons?He knows that his followers do not care. Of course Fox News helps Trump to deny it.

  • The Republican Wealth-Worshiping Death Cult Continues to Let Americans Die   4 years 9 weeks ago

    Answers can be found here. Psychologists define stupidity as a willful conscious decision to ignore facts. It is motivated by narcissism, greed, pack mentality, low self-esteem and fragile psyche (fragile ego).

    “Understanding Stupidity” by James F. Welles, PhD is a fascinating, informative and disgusting book. He intended to write a light, humorous book. As the project developed, he realized there were no comprehensive stupidity studies. Most psychologists avoided it as offensive rather than as a serious issue. It is transcending through the ages as civilizations developed and failed in an endless predictable cycle. He mentioned if enough people took it seriously, perhaps we could develop a behavior program for our long term survival.

    It has taken 200 million years for the human brain to develop the technology and knowledge we have today. It has taken it less than 2 million hours to assure we suffer the 6th mass extinction event that is well underway.

  • If We Don't Want Another Trump, We Have a Big Job Ahead of Us   4 years 9 weeks ago

    If Biden and company want to unify the country, and turn some DJT folks to the light, they'd better get off their duffs and vocalize a message on growing the middle class again by pushing a covid relief package, and increasing the minium wage, just for starters. AND, use social media to do it. Worked for DJT, it'll work for Biden.

  • The Republican Wealth-Worshiping Death Cult Continues to Let Americans Die   4 years 9 weeks ago

    Meanwhile, our military has had a comparatively successful and long standing Covid19 policy vs. our epic failure for civilians. So far 79K positive cases, 12 deaths, as described at these links. This includes masks by all on bases, even though Trump did not support supplying masks to the military.

    The army issued this mask mandate back in April:

    details of orders:

    Deaths, cases, and NO ONE who has had covid and recovered can join the armed forces: ...

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