If the Democrats keep keep on passing bills with poison pills in them, they will end up with nothing to bargan with. They are already waining in power because they don't have rich "friends". AND certain Democrats don't even vote with them!
Too many of our fellow Americans have not developed the crucial skills that lead to opportunity and freedom; the abilities to learn, teach, and make good decisions. People who have learned to choose lies and propaganda that reinforce their beliefs are dangerously unskilled learners. These poorly educated citizens make easy targets for the onslaught of fake news spewed from the oligarch-controlled media which compels them to make bad decisions, and then we are all forced to pay for their negative externalities. People born with a brain that works reasonably well come into this world with an overpowering desire to learn, and that craving endures unless it is somehow repressed. When that happens, it is a crime against not just that citizen, but the rest of us as well. Those of us who have lost their passion to learn are victims, just like those of our citizens who would love to have the opportunity to learn, but will never get it. The heartbreaking fact is that the chance to get a great education is denied to millions of Americans because our public sector elected officials have chosen to not create and maintain a role model education system, which is provably the best investment that can be made for our democracy. These public sector decision-makers are commanded to sacrifice our tax dollars (as well as our health, security, and commons) to service their faction-masters. Their learning deficiencies are manifested by their ignorance and stupidity, making them more likely to be tragically bad at good decision-making.
avn013, you are right that science doesn't prove things. It does give statistical probabilities which can be very high. For example, the odds that all the oxygen in my room will randomly flow out the door is so small as to be negligible. And it does work off tested and repeated results which can be used (with a high probability) to predict what is likely to occur. That's certainly better than just making things up, which basically is what religions seem to do. I think that's what scares those who don't know much about these fields; they require hard study and are not football games but based on sound observations that (as of now) work.
Also, in good science skepticism is built into the system. Other people who know a field expected to test and pick apart any new ideas or observations until they are as certain as possible that they can be repeated and verified. All it takes is one different result to blow the proposed concept out of the water, or at least requires major revision of the basic idea. Again, religion doesn't work like that, nor do the softer fields like psychology or the social sciences. Those work to some extent on principles, but with far more unpredictable variations. That opens the door for things like Supply Side Economics, or regime change, where people invested in a system can fool themselves rather than look at what makes sense. Such thinking doesn't work with physics or chemistry, including things like climate change or what toxins are (likely) to cause cancers.
Earlier than Rome; I remember a history book that discussed how ancient Greece "committed suicide", which was about right at least as far as Athenian style democracry was concerned. Fundamentally the problem is an educational system that doesn't encourage creative and indepenent thinking based on testable facts rather than memorization, and asks questions about causes rather than just dealing with effects.
That's speaking broadly. There is a need for some basic memorization and certainly there are teachers and schools that do a wonderful job of bring out creativity and independence among their students. But you do see the rigid "in the box" thinking everywhere. In a medical system that until recently was just focused at treating illnesses but lousy at preventing them, on a military system that rarely rewards people who prevent conflicts, on a government where not spending all your budget is punished by getting a smaller one next time, by corporations that only look at short-term bottom lines, and so on.
Maybe most people are like this, and perhaps Heinlein was right when he said the only universal crime is teaching children to think. But none of this encourages democracy, and perhaps it is what those in power ultimately want, no matter the consequences.
This aspect of what we are facing with Republicans goes unaddressed and is best explained by this article from 2018:
'It's not just about whether a politician is lying or not. It's whether he's lying on my behalf.' — Monika McDermott, a professor of political science at Fordham University.
Editor's note: This article is part of the Deseret News' annual Ten Today series, which explores the relevance of the Ten Commandments in modern life.
"SALT LAKE CITY — Dishonesty isn't a deal breaker for most Republicans in the age of Donald Trump.
Fifty-five percent of Republicans say they would still vote for a presidential candidate in 2020 who they believe "would lie to cover up the truth," according to a new Deseret News survey on honesty and the Ten Commandments. That's up from just 12 percent of Republicans who said the same in July 2015, when a Fox News poll asked the same question.".........
And the one true thing that happened is they did vote for him. Other articles have spoken about how they view the lying as a game, and surely you have seen interviews where someone says that. This new breed of Republican feels they are toying with the opposition. The reality of what they have done is starting to soak-in for the old guard. They got the policies they wanted in their bargain with the devil, and now they are stuck with his demons. Will the last Republican with integrity please turn out the lights.
There is a common misconception that science is based on proof rather than belief. The ultimate proof that scientists have for the existence of anything (including that of electrons) is their belief in the so-called scientific method.
(Paraphrasing Churchill) The scientific method is the worst one except for all those others (superstition, astrology, religion, Luck/Fortuna etc) that have been tried from time to time.
Nowadays many people (including several 'scientists') seem to think that scientific conclusions are (mathematically) proven, which is simply wrong. Science (like Art) is empirical (and it will likely remain so) and no less fallible than the humans who practice it. As such, accepting (or not) a scientific conclusion is a matter of choice (for those believing in the existence of free will) requiring a leap of faith! (A reasonable antidote against blind faith is (healthy) skepticism, i.e. the faith that the right doze of skepticism may one day lead to the Truth, assuming the latter is uniquely defined).
"Healthcare and quality education, including college, must become a right". How correct! Actually, for a country like USA, so economically and technologically advancedy, these rights are long (over)due. Furthermore, imo this is a rather conservative opinion. Even Andrew M. Young's U$1,000/mo-freedom dividend lies imo at "center-right", since it is on the poverty line and USA economy can do much better. (For example the rate of inheritance tax above (let's say) U$10 millions should be 99% and "increasing" by a "9" (99.9%, 99.99% etc) for each additional 100 million. This is a small price to pay for satisfying the will of someone who is not alive any more. Not to mention higher tax rates on transactions of established corporations and generally established wealth).
I think there is sufficient historical evidence (scientific "proof") to show that advancement in technology has been largely funded by public money, and in a democracy the benefits of technology (technology dividends) should be shared equally, with the exception of the more needy ones, who need some additional attention.
Damn D-space, you're on one hellva' roll, and IMO, a true list of CIVID-45's failings. The really sad part is, that so many Americans can't see him for what he really is, and isn't..
As he has indicted several times, unlike Trump, Biden would be wise to maintain a thick firewall between his government and the Justice Department, allowing its professional prosecutors and the FBI to pursue whatever criminal cases are judged worthy enough to shepherd through the system, untainted by politics.
Following the scientific method, let the evidence lead to a conclusion rather than first accepting a biased opinion as fact and then cherrypicking certain evidence to fill in the gaps while ignoring other evidence that doesn't fit the predetermined outcome and which might lead to a different conclusion.
And may the door smack Bill Barr's fat ass on his way out.
Good point. For the most part, probably because of so many other serious transgressions to cover, it does seem like Trump's long history of sexual abuse went down the MSM memory hole as if it wasn't a big deal for voters to consider. Although I suspect that most women, who were hugely instrumental in handing Biden his victory, would vociferously disagree.
At least Trump is still facing a criminal investigation by the Manhattan DA for paying off Stormy Daniels and Karen McDougal as illegal campaign contributions in 2016. And E Jean Carroll's defamation case is still active. Michael Cohen said that down through the years it was fairly routine to buy off and then bury the stories of many other victims, whom the public will probably never find out about.
Then there's the whole Jeffrey Epstein saga and his principle enabler, Ghislaine Maxwell -- a sordid story bound to shed more light on the subject in the not too distant future, one would expect. The authorities seem pretty damn serious about keeping her alive after Epstein's suspicious "suicide." Stay tuned.
Deepspace, thank you for doing a sweet job of articulating Trump's failings, but when was the last time you heard the MSM talk about his Bill Cosby level of sexual predations?
Mo Brooks and his fascist cohorts plan to fight the election to the very end by disrupting the formal Electoral College count on January 6. That should make Pence's head explode.
Trump is right; we are descending into third-world status, but it's he and his anti-democratic apparatchiks in the White House and Congress who are the most responsible.
And naturally, the ruling elite will get the first inoculations.
Physically, he is fat, ugly, lazy, and horribly out of shape. And to hide that puffy, embarrassing visage staring back at him in the mirror every morning, he wears fat suits, cakes on makeup, and styles his hair like a sissy (no offense to sissies), belying his fake he-man persona, fooling no one but himself. (No references needed but your own eyes.)
Intellectually, he has a low IQ with little or no reading comprehension, stubbornly clinging to preconceived notions with no relation to truth or reality, even when frustrated national security briefers desperately resort to simplistic, one-page presentations with lots of pictures. (Read the many whistleblower accounts.)
Morally, he is a serial liar and a completely self-absorbed bigot with zero empathy for the plight of other human beings, gleefully shit-canning those closest to him when they are deemed no longer useful in implementing his endless cons, or when they can no longer feed his enormous ego. (Read the many tell-all books by those who know him best, not the least of whom is his longtime "fixer," Michael Cohen.)
Businesswise, he is a habitual failure living on borrowed money and time, who has piled up six major bankruptcies while having stiffed local, state, and federal governments, banks, investors, contractors, and workers. (Read the many shocking exposés by seasoned investigative journalists who gleaned the public records.)
Legally, he is a white-collar criminal and tax dodger of the first order (Stay tuned for the many investigations coming down the pike when the office of the presidency will no longer protect his crooked ass.) By the way, the Supreme Court has already ruled that accepting a presidential pardon is an admission of guilt, waving your 5th Amendment right in testifying against other fellow perps involved in your crimes.
Governing, he is as clueless and inept as one could possibly imagine. (Read the many insider accounts by some of his closest advisors, or just read Bob Woodward's two books, Fear and Rage, which tells all you need to know about how unqualified for the job this goddamn fool actually is.)
(Or, if you can communicate with the dead, ask Trump's 300,000 COVID sacrificial lambs, victims of his craven and unscientific "herd immunity" program, which basically means that he was too damn lazy, stupid, and criminally negligent to do the job for which he was elected: to protect the American people.)
Emotionally, he is a petulant five-year-old constantly throwing crybaby tantrums and lashing out at the adults around him, a sore loser who can't face his inner realities. (Again, trust your own eyes.)
Mentally, he is a sadistic, malignant narcissist so far down the spectrum of pathologies as to be the very definition of a human monster. (Read the many analyses by qualified psychiatrists and psychologists, not the least of whom is Dr. Bandy X. Lee, a psychiatrist, professor at Yale University, and accomplished author, and his own niece, Dr. Mary L. Trump, a clinical psychologist, businesswomen, and best-selling author.)
But the main thing about this cartoonish, yellowed-haired, orange-faced buffoon is that, by all accounts, he is one big fat LOOOOOOSER !!! And so is every single Republican dumb enough to still support him in spite of the reams of evidence staring them all in their stupid faces.
So let us count the ways Trump the Loser lost in just these last five weeks:
Charlie Pride has died from Covid at 86. Last month he performed at the CMA's where he received the lifetime achievement award. Some were concerned that he should not attend an event that tried to not be a super spreader event. How can anybody assure that an indoor event is not a super spreader. We have got to stop spreading this virus. 3000+ a day die each day from this virus.
Now that the Loser in Chief has lost again, the local maskless wonders are up in arms, itching for a fight, for civil war, for secession, for whateverthefck -- stayed tuned for the next episode of Looney Tunes.
With 19 Republican state attorneys general and 126 House Republicans backing Texas Attorney General and indicted serial criminal Ken Paxton's surreal and seditious SCOTUS lawsuit, these gun-toting white boys, traitors, and general all-around suckers and fools actually thought that this was the big one, a real slam-dunker, the ultimate libtard trigger.
And then the bubble popped, their heads exploded, and now they're back to being nothing but whiny little bitches again, playing soldiers all gussied up in ridiculous costumes, like a scene out of the Gangs of New York. Really scary stuff! And pretty funny.
Which shows to go ya that you can fool all the people some of the time and some of the people all the time, and you damn sure can fool all the Trumpees all the time. So send more money to the Trump crime family and the losers' Lost Cause.
2020 PC Install v4.16 Win serial key or numberBy admin 2020 PC Install v4.16 Win serial key or number 0 Comments2020 PC Install v4.16 Win serial key or number 2020 PC Install v4.16 Win serial key or number Where can I find the Activation Key and File Installation Key (FIK) for my license? IMPORTANT: If you are looking for the File Installation Key for the purposes of installing MATLAB on an offline machine, see "How can I install MATLAB or other MathWorks products on an offline machine?" for complete instructions. Entering a File Installation Key into a MATLAB installer downloaded directly from the MathWorks website will not enable you to install MATLAB on an offline machine. Administrators License administrators can obtain the Activation Key and File Installation Keys through through the "Advanced Options" button in the license center. To retrieve your Activation Key and File Installation Key, follow the steps below:
2020 PC Install v4.16 Win serial key or numberBy admin 2020 PC Install v4.16 Win serial key or number 0 Comments2020 PC Install v4.16 Win serial key or number 2020 PC Install v4.16 Win serial key or number Where can I find the Activation Key and File Installation Key (FIK) for my license? IMPORTANT: If you are looking for the File Installation Key for the purposes of installing MATLAB on an offline machine, see "How can I install MATLAB or other MathWorks products on an offline machine?" for complete instructions. Entering a File Installation Key into a MATLAB installer downloaded directly from the MathWorks website will not enable you to install MATLAB on an offline machine. Administrators License administrators can obtain the Activation Key and File Installation Keys through through the "Advanced Options" button in the license center. To retrieve your Activation Key and File Installation Key, follow the steps below:
Очень часто при выборе смарт приставки мы стоим перед дилеммой: что лучше Смарт ТВ или Андроид По ссылке monstrogolod.blogspot.com мы будем рассказывать и помогать вам купить смарт приставку на Android, также известную как TV box. Из большого выбора Android TV Box сложно выбрать нужный, поэтому в приведенной выше нашей заметке мы собрали интересные предложения приставок, основанные на опыте эксплуатации, которые вам подойдут. Android Смарт приставка, также известная как Smart TV, являет нам небольшой компьютер, который, как следует из названия, обычно работает под управлением ОС Андроид и может быть задействован для расширения возможностей телевизора. Программная оболочка в смарт-телевизорах, используемая сейчас, иногда раздражающе медленная, меню открываются медленно, видео материалы загружаются медленно. И, что важно, приложений далеко не так много, как заявляют производители. Мы также можем значительно улучшить их, используя умный телевизор, поскольку мы получаем гораздо более быстрое оборудование от телевизионной системы, и в зависимости от модели мы можем реализовать огромный спектр приложений, и мы будем использовать телевизор только в качестве экрана.
If the Democrats keep keep on passing bills with poison pills in them, they will end up with nothing to bargan with. They are already waining in power because they don't have rich "friends". AND certain Democrats don't even vote with them!
Too many of our fellow Americans have not developed the crucial skills that lead to opportunity and freedom; the abilities to learn, teach, and make good decisions. People who have learned to choose lies and propaganda that reinforce their beliefs are dangerously unskilled learners. These poorly educated citizens make easy targets for the onslaught of fake news spewed from the oligarch-controlled media which compels them to make bad decisions, and then we are all forced to pay for their negative externalities. People born with a brain that works reasonably well come into this world with an overpowering desire to learn, and that craving endures unless it is somehow repressed. When that happens, it is a crime against not just that citizen, but the rest of us as well. Those of us who have lost their passion to learn are victims, just like those of our citizens who would love to have the opportunity to learn, but will never get it. The heartbreaking fact is that the chance to get a great education is denied to millions of Americans because our public sector elected officials have chosen to not create and maintain a role model education system, which is provably the best investment that can be made for our democracy. These public sector decision-makers are commanded to sacrifice our tax dollars (as well as our health, security, and commons) to service their faction-masters. Their learning deficiencies are manifested by their ignorance and stupidity, making them more likely to be tragically bad at good decision-making.
avn013, you are right that science doesn't prove things. It does give statistical probabilities which can be very high. For example, the odds that all the oxygen in my room will randomly flow out the door is so small as to be negligible. And it does work off tested and repeated results which can be used (with a high probability) to predict what is likely to occur. That's certainly better than just making things up, which basically is what religions seem to do. I think that's what scares those who don't know much about these fields; they require hard study and are not football games but based on sound observations that (as of now) work.
Also, in good science skepticism is built into the system. Other people who know a field expected to test and pick apart any new ideas or observations until they are as certain as possible that they can be repeated and verified. All it takes is one different result to blow the proposed concept out of the water, or at least requires major revision of the basic idea. Again, religion doesn't work like that, nor do the softer fields like psychology or the social sciences. Those work to some extent on principles, but with far more unpredictable variations. That opens the door for things like Supply Side Economics, or regime change, where people invested in a system can fool themselves rather than look at what makes sense. Such thinking doesn't work with physics or chemistry, including things like climate change or what toxins are (likely) to cause cancers.
Earlier than Rome; I remember a history book that discussed how ancient Greece "committed suicide", which was about right at least as far as Athenian style democracry was concerned. Fundamentally the problem is an educational system that doesn't encourage creative and indepenent thinking based on testable facts rather than memorization, and asks questions about causes rather than just dealing with effects.
That's speaking broadly. There is a need for some basic memorization and certainly there are teachers and schools that do a wonderful job of bring out creativity and independence among their students. But you do see the rigid "in the box" thinking everywhere. In a medical system that until recently was just focused at treating illnesses but lousy at preventing them, on a military system that rarely rewards people who prevent conflicts, on a government where not spending all your budget is punished by getting a smaller one next time, by corporations that only look at short-term bottom lines, and so on.
Maybe most people are like this, and perhaps Heinlein was right when he said the only universal crime is teaching children to think. But none of this encourages democracy, and perhaps it is what those in power ultimately want, no matter the consequences.
This aspect of what we are facing with Republicans goes unaddressed and is best explained by this article from 2018:
'It's not just about whether a politician is lying or not. It's whether he's lying on my behalf.' — Monika McDermott, a professor of political science at Fordham University.
By Kelsey Dallas@kelsey_dallas Mar 28, 2018, 12:05am MDT
Editor's note: This article is part of the Deseret News' annual Ten Today series, which explores the relevance of the Ten Commandments in modern life.
"SALT LAKE CITY — Dishonesty isn't a deal breaker for most Republicans in the age of Donald Trump.
Fifty-five percent of Republicans say they would still vote for a presidential candidate in 2020 who they believe "would lie to cover up the truth," according to a new Deseret News survey on honesty and the Ten Commandments. That's up from just 12 percent of Republicans who said the same in July 2015, when a Fox News poll asked the same question.".........
And the one true thing that happened is they did vote for him. Other articles have spoken about how they view the lying as a game, and surely you have seen interviews where someone says that. This new breed of Republican feels they are toying with the opposition. The reality of what they have done is starting to soak-in for the old guard. They got the policies they wanted in their bargain with the devil, and now they are stuck with his demons. Will the last Republican with integrity please turn out the lights.
I think there is sufficient historical evidence (scientific "proof") to show that advancement in technology has been largely funded by public money, and in a democracy the benefits of technology (technology dividends) should be shared equally, with the exception of the more needy ones, who need some additional attention.
for the ninth time: *martial*
P.S.---IMO, him and his sycophants will walk...
Damn D-space, you're on one hellva' roll, and IMO, a true list of CIVID-45's failings. The really sad part is, that so many Americans can't see him for what he really is, and isn't..
As he has indicted several times, unlike Trump, Biden would be wise to maintain a thick firewall between his government and the Justice Department, allowing its professional prosecutors and the FBI to pursue whatever criminal cases are judged worthy enough to shepherd through the system, untainted by politics.
Following the scientific method, let the evidence lead to a conclusion rather than first accepting a biased opinion as fact and then cherrypicking certain evidence to fill in the gaps while ignoring other evidence that doesn't fit the predetermined outcome and which might lead to a different conclusion.
And may the door smack Bill Barr's fat ass on his way out.
Good point. For the most part, probably because of so many other serious transgressions to cover, it does seem like Trump's long history of sexual abuse went down the MSM memory hole as if it wasn't a big deal for voters to consider. Although I suspect that most women, who were hugely instrumental in handing Biden his victory, would vociferously disagree.
At least Trump is still facing a criminal investigation by the Manhattan DA for paying off Stormy Daniels and Karen McDougal as illegal campaign contributions in 2016. And E Jean Carroll's defamation case is still active. Michael Cohen said that down through the years it was fairly routine to buy off and then bury the stories of many other victims, whom the public will probably never find out about.
Then there's the whole Jeffrey Epstein saga and his principle enabler, Ghislaine Maxwell -- a sordid story bound to shed more light on the subject in the not too distant future, one would expect. The authorities seem pretty damn serious about keeping her alive after Epstein's suspicious "suicide." Stay tuned.
Deepspace, thank you for doing a sweet job of articulating Trump's failings, but when was the last time you heard the MSM talk about his Bill Cosby level of sexual predations?
Bill Barr "resigns". Rats jumping off of a sinking ship.
Thom wants to stop funding Trump and the Republican Party. Hard to do when the so called Evangelicals lead the way.
Here we go! An Alternate Slate of Electors. Is this similar to Alternate Facts?
Mo Brooks and his fascist cohorts plan to fight the election to the very end by disrupting the formal Electoral College count on January 6. That should make Pence's head explode.
Trump is right; we are descending into third-world status, but it's he and his anti-democratic apparatchiks in the White House and Congress who are the most responsible.
And naturally, the ruling elite will get the first inoculations.
And he has 34 more days of scorched earth rule. It is not over and he does not care what he does to the country.
Trump is many things, none of them good.
Physically, he is fat, ugly, lazy, and horribly out of shape. And to hide that puffy, embarrassing visage staring back at him in the mirror every morning, he wears fat suits, cakes on makeup, and styles his hair like a sissy (no offense to sissies), belying his fake he-man persona, fooling no one but himself. (No references needed but your own eyes.)
Intellectually, he has a low IQ with little or no reading comprehension, stubbornly clinging to preconceived notions with no relation to truth or reality, even when frustrated national security briefers desperately resort to simplistic, one-page presentations with lots of pictures. (Read the many whistleblower accounts.)
Morally, he is a serial liar and a completely self-absorbed bigot with zero empathy for the plight of other human beings, gleefully shit-canning those closest to him when they are deemed no longer useful in implementing his endless cons, or when they can no longer feed his enormous ego. (Read the many tell-all books by those who know him best, not the least of whom is his longtime "fixer," Michael Cohen.)
Businesswise, he is a habitual failure living on borrowed money and time, who has piled up six major bankruptcies while having stiffed local, state, and federal governments, banks, investors, contractors, and workers. (Read the many shocking exposés by seasoned investigative journalists who gleaned the public records.)
Legally, he is a white-collar criminal and tax dodger of the first order (Stay tuned for the many investigations coming down the pike when the office of the presidency will no longer protect his crooked ass.) By the way, the Supreme Court has already ruled that accepting a presidential pardon is an admission of guilt, waving your 5th Amendment right in testifying against other fellow perps involved in your crimes.
Governing, he is as clueless and inept as one could possibly imagine. (Read the many insider accounts by some of his closest advisors, or just read Bob Woodward's two books, Fear and Rage, which tells all you need to know about how unqualified for the job this goddamn fool actually is.)
(Or, if you can communicate with the dead, ask Trump's 300,000 COVID sacrificial lambs, victims of his craven and unscientific "herd immunity" program, which basically means that he was too damn lazy, stupid, and criminally negligent to do the job for which he was elected: to protect the American people.)
Emotionally, he is a petulant five-year-old constantly throwing crybaby tantrums and lashing out at the adults around him, a sore loser who can't face his inner realities. (Again, trust your own eyes.)
Mentally, he is a sadistic, malignant narcissist so far down the spectrum of pathologies as to be the very definition of a human monster. (Read the many analyses by qualified psychiatrists and psychologists, not the least of whom is Dr. Bandy X. Lee, a psychiatrist, professor at Yale University, and accomplished author, and his own niece, Dr. Mary L. Trump, a clinical psychologist, businesswomen, and best-selling author.)
But the main thing about this cartoonish, yellowed-haired, orange-faced buffoon is that, by all accounts, he is one big fat LOOOOOOSER !!! And so is every single Republican dumb enough to still support him in spite of the reams of evidence staring them all in their stupid faces.
So let us count the ways Trump the Loser lost in just these last five weeks:
Here are all the losses Trump's campaign has faced since Election Day.
@ # 8; Yeah right, and stop lights were created just to " take away our freedoms"..
PLEASE, change your drugs..
If anything, COVID was accidently released from a bio-weapon lab, who,by the way, still exist.
As far as this country is concerned, most Americans can't tell the difference between reality , and advertising. At least 74 million can't.
E. Bernays understood that in his day. Advertising and marketing, in ours times, create the "reality", and too many Americans absorb it like a sponge.
Charlie Pride has died from Covid at 86. Last month he performed at the CMA's where he received the lifetime achievement award. Some were concerned that he should not attend an event that tried to not be a super spreader event. How can anybody assure that an indoor event is not a super spreader. We have got to stop spreading this virus. 3000+ a day die each day from this virus.
Hah! "Fight on!"
Now that the Loser in Chief has lost again, the local maskless wonders are up in arms, itching for a fight, for civil war, for secession, for whateverthefck -- stayed tuned for the next episode of Looney Tunes.
With 19 Republican state attorneys general and 126 House Republicans backing Texas Attorney General and indicted serial criminal Ken Paxton's surreal and seditious SCOTUS lawsuit, these gun-toting white boys, traitors, and general all-around suckers and fools actually thought that this was the big one, a real slam-dunker, the ultimate libtard trigger.
And then the bubble popped, their heads exploded, and now they're back to being nothing but whiny little bitches again, playing soldiers all gussied up in ridiculous costumes, like a scene out of the Gangs of New York. Really scary stuff! And pretty funny.
Which shows to go ya that you can fool all the people some of the time and some of the people all the time, and you damn sure can fool all the Trumpees all the time. So send more money to the Trump crime family and the losers' Lost Cause.
I guess that the Supreme Court did not understand the Loyalty requirement. 38 days left. What will happen in the next episode of The Lame Duck Narcissist President.
2020 PC Install v4.16 Win serial key or numberBy admin 2020 PC Install v4.16 Win serial key or number 0 Comments2020 PC Install v4.16 Win serial key or number 2020 PC Install v4.16 Win serial key or number Where can I find the Activation Key and File Installation Key (FIK) for my license? IMPORTANT: If you are looking for the File Installation Key for the purposes of installing MATLAB on an offline machine, see "How can I install MATLAB or other MathWorks products on an offline machine?" for complete instructions. Entering a File Installation Key into a MATLAB installer downloaded directly from the MathWorks website will not enable you to install MATLAB on an offline machine. Administrators License administrators can obtain the Activation Key and File Installation Keys through through the "Advanced Options" button in the license center. To retrieve your Activation Key and File Installation Key, follow the steps below:
2020 PC Install v4.16 Win serial key or numberBy admin 2020 PC Install v4.16 Win serial key or number 0 Comments2020 PC Install v4.16 Win serial key or number 2020 PC Install v4.16 Win serial key or number Where can I find the Activation Key and File Installation Key (FIK) for my license? IMPORTANT: If you are looking for the File Installation Key for the purposes of installing MATLAB on an offline machine, see "How can I install MATLAB or other MathWorks products on an offline machine?" for complete instructions. Entering a File Installation Key into a MATLAB installer downloaded directly from the MathWorks website will not enable you to install MATLAB on an offline machine. Administrators License administrators can obtain the Activation Key and File Installation Keys through through the "Advanced Options" button in the license center. To retrieve your Activation Key and File Installation Key, follow the steps below:
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