So instead of slamming you (Thom), I suggest that you investigate your claims, before vocalizing them. In fact, I'd offer to investigate claims..... with an open mind.... and report back to you with details.
The Constitution was ratified on September 17, 1787. Today, a mere 233 years later, and after four long, interminable years of Trump, an obsequious Republican Party and their Wall Street masters have put the lie to the Preamble and exposed the truth of our fake democracy to the world.
The Union is as imperfect as it could possibly be:
There is no Justice worth a damn for the little people -- only for the wealthy elite.
Domestic Tranquility is nothing but a laughable pipe dream.
The common defense has morphed into a ruthless worldwide military empire, defending the interests of the money mongers and power mongers, earning the hatred of the little people in occupied nations, guaranteeing endless warfare and endless profits for the defense and fossil-fuel industries and their billionaire owners.
General Welfare is the exclusive domain of the rentier class, as the common working people sink deeper into debt from unlivable wages, who sicken and die from unaffordable healthcare and from polluted air, water, land, and food, who remain unskilled and ignorant from unaffordable higher education, who have no hope for a worthwhile retirement, who will toil away miserably to the day they drop dead.
"Liberty" is a cheap, hollow slogan mindlessly hurled about by self-centered fascist followers, who don't want to pay their fair share of taxes, who don't believe in following the rules of civilized society, who don't want to help their fellow human beings in need -- because they got theirs by taking advantage of other people's taxes and sweat-of-the-brow labor by those who make society civilized in the first place.
Republican-caused (let's be honest) worldwide climate destruction has ensured a very dark future indeed for our Posterity.
To sum up: Fck the 74 million despicable traitors who voted for fascism! Their votes are the ones that are truly fraudulent and that should be tossed out.
These racist, ignorant fools absolutely do NOT deserve to display the American flag -- the ultimate oxymoronic insult to the Constitution they pretend to represent. These fake patriots should only hoist their beloved Trump flag and Confederate battle flag as proof of their full-throated disloyalty to our neglected principles and the mythical "American way of life." Fck em all!
Thom has interesting perspectives, but at times, he is totally wrong.
Dec 17 2020 KPFK broadcast he claimed that "billionaires" don't get Corona Virus because they remain isolated with "live-in" housekeepers, nannies, or other house helpers. This is a thought of fantasy.
I work near Elon Musk, and I know that he has no live-in housekeepers (they all commute) and that he contracted Covid a couple of weeks ago. All this is public information, and you shouldn.t need me to bring these fact about,
......though you still posed the question and answer : "do you know of any billionaires getting Covid ? No !""
You exagerate and subjectively stylize the "rich", so you can somehow slam them once again to persuede peoples' opinions.
Доброго времени суток . Ваш форум мне показался очень привлекательным и перспективным. Хочу приобрести рекламное место для баннера в шапке, за $1500 в месяц. Оплачивать буду через WebMoney, 50% сразу, а 50% через 2 недели. И еще, адрес моего сайта - он не будет противоречить тематике? Спасибо! Напишите о Вашем решении мне в ПМ или на почту
Доброго времени суток . Ваш форум мне показался очень привлекательным и перспективным. Хочу приобрести рекламное место для баннера в шапке, за $1500 в месяц. Оплачивать буду через WebMoney, 50% сразу, а 50% через 2 недели. И еще, адрес моего сайта - он не будет противоречить тематике? Спасибо! Напишите о Вашем решении мне в ПМ или на почту
America's survival depends on bankrupting the Republican Party
It's time to defund the GOP, and there's precedent and strategy for the effort.
The need to cut the party's access to both private and government money is seen in the reaction by some extremist Republicans to news like a New York State lawmaker's proposal to make vaccination against COVID-19 mandatory. Predictably, the far right is freaking out. "Freedom!" they scream as they run around maskless, assaulting their fellow citizens with potentially virus-laden breath.
Large parts of the Republican base now join conspiracists in the misguided belief that vaccine manufacturers are participating in mind-control experiments and that public health measures like masks are "un-American," while we're being sickened and dying from the highest rates of COVID-19 infection and death in the developed world.
Republicans on the Supreme Court even say the founders of our republic and the framers of the Constitution would never go along with preventing churches and synagogues from holding superspreader events during a pandemic, but, like so many things GOP, it's a lie.
In 1798, President John Adams signed the first public health care legislation - it was to pay for medical care and hospitalization not just for the Navy but also for civilian sailors. And both he and President George Washington had participated in quarantine events during epidemics in the summers of 1793 and 1798, and both promoted inoculation against smallpox.
From 1790 to 1800, Philadelphia was the nation's capital. When the yellow fever epidemic of 1793 recurred in 1798, that city's board of health, with no objections raised by President John Adams or any member of Congress, ordered a block-by-block evacuation of parts of Philadelphia.
Most signers of the Declaration and Constitution were still alive, and many were in Congress and on the Supreme Court. None opposed the lockdown. Churches not only couldn't meet; a few in the quarantine areas were closed down entirely for much of the year in America's capital city.
From their bans on teaching sex education and evolution in our schools, to denying climate change, to this latest campaign against public health, far-right Republicans' fight against science has damaged America's standing in the world and destroyed the lives of millions.
Thomas Paine, in his time, wrote about "The Age of Reason." Today we have "The Age of Intentional Republican Stupidity." And they don't just embrace it for themselves; they're hell-bent on imposing it on every American, from schoolchildren on up.
Since the election of Ronald Reagan, Republicans have damaged America more in 40 years than our worst enemies could have dreamed of by other means.
These Republicans are not patriots; they're traitors to reason, science, education, human rights, democracy and now, unbelievably, public health. They're traitors to humanity itself.
The only way to deal with a death-dealing cult is to end it; thus, we must embark on a campaign to defund the Republican Party.
Back in 1981, the Republican Party decided to defund the Democratic Party, and actually pulled it off.
While the Republican Party had principally been funded by rich people and big business since the 1920s, the Democrats were largely reliant on the labor unions. So Ronald Reagan, as part of his "Reagan Revolution," figured the best way to destroy the Democratic Party was to destroy America's unions.
His first shot was to destroy PATCO, the air traffic controllers' union, and he did it in less than a week in August of 1981. He, along with Republicans in Congress and conservatives on the Supreme Court, then embarked on a campaign to eliminate unions from the American landscape, thus gutting the Democratic Party's ability to win elections.
It worked, and by 1992, American union membership, and union's ability to fund elections, had collapsed so severely that Bill Clinton and the Democratic Party turned to giant corporations and billionaires to win that election year.
Reagan's plan not only kneecapped the Democratic Party for the next 40 years but also changed the party at its core, turning it from President Lyndon B. Johnson's Great Society party into Bill Clinton's corporate-friendly Democratic Leadership Council/New Democrats, now in bed with big banks, insurance companies, etc.
Defunding the Republican Party may even force it to start focusing on the needs of regular people rather than just billionaires and corporations, which only adds to the urgency of the job. There are just a few steps through the process, which include:
End "Red State Welfare."Kentucky gets $2.41 for every dollar they send to Washington, D.C. Most other red states are similarly "taker" states, so let's fight for a law limiting states to no more than, say, $1.50 for every buck they sent to D.C. in tax revenues. Call it welfare reform!
End corporate monopolies. Break up giant corporations and make America safe again for small businesses while rejuvenating local economies. From airlines to tech to banking and retail, giant monopolies rip off working-class Americans and use some of that money to fund the GOP.
Bring back Eisenhower's 91 percent top tax rate, or at least something north of 50 percent. America's strongest economy was during the 30 years from 1950 to 1980, with a top tax rate of 91 percent to 74 percent. Progressive taxation on the super-wealthy was openly supported by Republican presidents like Eisenhower, Nixon, and Ford. With that tax revenue, we built highways, schools and hospitals, and put men on the moon, while the best way CEOs could avoid the tax was to use the money to pay their workers better wages. Reagan cut that top rate to less than 30 percent, and the billionaires it produced now pour money into the GOP to keep it that way.
Follow Europe's example and impose a wealth tax on great fortunes. Average Americans pay a wealth tax every year - the property tax on their largest store of wealth, their homes. Billionaires should pay a similar annual tax on their money bins.
End campaign contributions from corporations, end super PACs, and limit billionaires' ability to skew our politics with their money. We did this in the 1970s after the Nixon bribery scandals, but the Supreme Court blew it up. There are multiple ways around that, and the Democratic Party should make this job one.
These simple "Progressive Contract with America" steps, along with restoring the ability of American workers to unionize, will not only revive the Democratic Party, but also restore America to economic greatness and give us a far more honest political system.
Заменили монитор в: Мерседес GLS с 8,4 дюймов на 12,3 дюйма. Мерседес 166 кузов - вместо заводского монитора 8,4 дюйма делаем монитор как в новых Mercedes с 167 кузовом - 12,3 дюйма. Монитор огромный, удобный, мультимедийный с возможностью устанавливать нужные приложения. Весь стандартный функционал сохраняется. Другие наши работы по Mercedes GLS 350d
Заменили монитор в: Мерседес GLS с 8,4 дюймов на 12,3 дюйма. Мерседес 166 кузов - вместо заводского монитора 8,4 дюйма делаем монитор как в новых Mercedes с 167 кузовом - 12,3 дюйма. Монитор огромный, удобный, мультимедийный с возможностью устанавливать нужные приложения. Весь стандартный функционал сохраняется. Другие наши работы по Mercedes GLS 350d
For the next month, we'll be facing a hurricane of even more striking headlines that will rip the bark off Thomas Jefferson's "tree of liberty" as Trump's lunatic cultists have convinced their stupid selves that now is that time to refresh it "with the blood of patriots and tyrants.” But these traitors are not the patriots and their leader is the tyrant -- one crazy-ass mthrfckr!
I am not a Cyber Security expert, but I do have a lot of industrial experience and question why so many industrial computers need to be connected to the internet. Intranets can be company wide, Computers that need security can have an air gap. Not be connected to the internet.
The bottom line to this whole mess is that the government doesn't have any reserve funds to fix anything. Trump had three good years to start turning this around. Nothing happened. They're still trying to sell "trickle down." Apparently, raising taxes is the third rail in politics. But, that's where all the power is. We will stay in this mess untill someone gets up enough nerve to grab hold of that rail and run with it.
To sum up in a silly way:
" Fck the 74 million despicable traitors who voted for fascism! Their votes a
Sre the ones that are truly fraudulent and that should be tossed out." you admit that legal votes should be tossed-out..... in order for this to be a fair election ? (huh ?)
So instead of slamming you (Thom), I suggest that you investigate your claims, before vocalizing them. In fact, I'd offer to investigate claims..... with an open mind.... and report back to you with details.
You're full of shit -- anecdotal evidence doesn't prove a goddamn thing!
"We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."
The Constitution was ratified on September 17, 1787. Today, a mere 233 years later, and after four long, interminable years of Trump, an obsequious Republican Party and their Wall Street masters have put the lie to the Preamble and exposed the truth of our fake democracy to the world.
The Union is as imperfect as it could possibly be:
To sum up: Fck the 74 million despicable traitors who voted for fascism! Their votes are the ones that are truly fraudulent and that should be tossed out.
These racist, ignorant fools absolutely do NOT deserve to display the American flag -- the ultimate oxymoronic insult to the Constitution they pretend to represent. These fake patriots should only hoist their beloved Trump flag and Confederate battle flag as proof of their full-throated disloyalty to our neglected principles and the mythical "American way of life." Fck em all!
So, they want a civil war? Okay, let's do it.
Thom has interesting perspectives, but at times, he is totally wrong.
Dec 17 2020 KPFK broadcast he claimed that "billionaires" don't get Corona Virus because they remain isolated with "live-in" housekeepers, nannies, or other house helpers. This is a thought of fantasy.
I work near Elon Musk, and I know that he has no live-in housekeepers (they all commute) and that he contracted Covid a couple of weeks ago. All this is public information, and you shouldn.t need me to bring these fact about,
......though you still posed the question and answer : "do you know of any billionaires getting Covid ? No !""
You exagerate and subjectively stylize the "rich", so you can somehow slam them once again to persuede peoples' opinions.
I think that this is a training site for Russian Hackers.
Доброго времени суток . Ваш форум мне показался очень привлекательным и перспективным. Хочу приобрести рекламное место для баннера в шапке, за $1500 в месяц. Оплачивать буду через WebMoney, 50% сразу, а 50% через 2 недели. И еще, адрес моего сайта - он не будет противоречить тематике? Спасибо! Напишите о Вашем решении мне в ПМ или на почту
Доброго времени суток . Ваш форум мне показался очень привлекательным и перспективным. Хочу приобрести рекламное место для баннера в шапке, за $1500 в месяц. Оплачивать буду через WebMoney, 50% сразу, а 50% через 2 недели. И еще, адрес моего сайта - он не будет противоречить тематике? Спасибо! Напишите о Вашем решении мне в ПМ или на почту
Along with Trumps other great accomplishments we can add the biggest (by far) Russian Hack of our country.
3 miles of wall
300000+ die in a pandemic that he ignored
A growing poverty rate
Coming soon in a upcoming episode of the Lame Duck Autocrat "PARDONS" (there may be other episodes previous to that)
Can I contact Administration? It is important. Thank.
Can I contact Administration? It is important. Thank.
Where is moderator?? I'ts important. Regards.
Where is moderator?? I'ts important. Regards.
Can I contact Administration? I'ts important. Thank.
Can I contact Administration? I'ts important. Thank.
The need to cut the party's access to both private and government money is seen in the reaction by some extremist Republicans to news like a New York State lawmaker's proposal to make vaccination against COVID-19 mandatory. Predictably, the far right is freaking out. "Freedom!" they scream as they run around maskless, assaulting their fellow citizens with potentially virus-laden breath.
Large parts of the Republican base now join conspiracists in the misguided belief that vaccine manufacturers are participating in mind-control experiments and that public health measures like masks are "un-American," while we're being sickened and dying from the highest rates of COVID-19 infection and death in the developed world.
Republicans on the Supreme Court even say the founders of our republic and the framers of the Constitution would never go along with preventing churches and synagogues from holding superspreader events during a pandemic, but, like so many things GOP, it's a lie.
In 1798, President John Adams signed the first public health care legislation - it was to pay for medical care and hospitalization not just for the Navy but also for civilian sailors. And both he and President George Washington had participated in quarantine events during epidemics in the summers of 1793 and 1798, and both promoted inoculation against smallpox.
From 1790 to 1800, Philadelphia was the nation's capital. When the yellow fever epidemic of 1793 recurred in 1798, that city's board of health, with no objections raised by President John Adams or any member of Congress, ordered a block-by-block evacuation of parts of Philadelphia.
Most signers of the Declaration and Constitution were still alive, and many were in Congress and on the Supreme Court. None opposed the lockdown. Churches not only couldn't meet; a few in the quarantine areas were closed down entirely for much of the year in America's capital city.
From their bans on teaching sex education and evolution in our schools, to denying climate change, to this latest campaign against public health, far-right Republicans' fight against science has damaged America's standing in the world and destroyed the lives of millions.
Thomas Paine, in his time, wrote about "The Age of Reason." Today we have "The Age of Intentional Republican Stupidity." And they don't just embrace it for themselves; they're hell-bent on imposing it on every American, from schoolchildren on up.
They have rigged elections by making it hard to vote, seditiously tried to overturn the 2020 election, promoted racial and religious bigotry and violence, destroyed our public school systems, gutted our unions, and rewritten our tax system to screw the middle class.
Since the election of Ronald Reagan, Republicans have damaged America more in 40 years than our worst enemies could have dreamed of by other means.
These Republicans are not patriots; they're traitors to reason, science, education, human rights, democracy and now, unbelievably, public health. They're traitors to humanity itself.
The only way to deal with a death-dealing cult is to end it; thus, we must embark on a campaign to defund the Republican Party.
Back in 1981, the Republican Party decided to defund the Democratic Party, and actually pulled it off.
While the Republican Party had principally been funded by rich people and big business since the 1920s, the Democrats were largely reliant on the labor unions. So Ronald Reagan, as part of his "Reagan Revolution," figured the best way to destroy the Democratic Party was to destroy America's unions.
His first shot was to destroy PATCO, the air traffic controllers' union, and he did it in less than a week in August of 1981. He, along with Republicans in Congress and conservatives on the Supreme Court, then embarked on a campaign to eliminate unions from the American landscape, thus gutting the Democratic Party's ability to win elections.
It worked, and by 1992, American union membership, and union's ability to fund elections, had collapsed so severely that Bill Clinton and the Democratic Party turned to giant corporations and billionaires to win that election year.
Reagan's plan not only kneecapped the Democratic Party for the next 40 years but also changed the party at its core, turning it from President Lyndon B. Johnson's Great Society party into Bill Clinton's corporate-friendly Democratic Leadership Council/New Democrats, now in bed with big banks, insurance companies, etc.
Defunding the Republican Party may even force it to start focusing on the needs of regular people rather than just billionaires and corporations, which only adds to the urgency of the job. There are just a few steps through the process, which include:
These simple "Progressive Contract with America" steps, along with restoring the ability of American workers to unionize, will not only revive the Democratic Party, but also restore America to economic greatness and give us a far more honest political system.
Here's another version, with links...
True enough. In most cases, I don't disagree. Keep holding our feet to the fire. As I said, it is always constructive.
Заменили монитор в: Мерседес GLS с 8,4 дюймов на 12,3 дюйма. Мерседес 166 кузов - вместо заводского монитора 8,4 дюйма делаем монитор как в новых Mercedes с 167 кузовом - 12,3 дюйма. Монитор огромный, удобный, мультимедийный с возможностью устанавливать нужные приложения. Весь стандартный функционал сохраняется. Другие наши работы по Mercedes GLS 350d
Заменили монитор в: Мерседес GLS с 8,4 дюймов на 12,3 дюйма. Мерседес 166 кузов - вместо заводского монитора 8,4 дюйма делаем монитор как в новых Mercedes с 167 кузовом - 12,3 дюйма. Монитор огромный, удобный, мультимедийный с возможностью устанавливать нужные приложения. Весь стандартный функционал сохраняется. Другие наши работы по Mercedes GLS 350d
What a collection of articles to wake up to!
For the next month, we'll be facing a hurricane of even more striking headlines that will rip the bark off Thomas Jefferson's "tree of liberty" as Trump's lunatic cultists have convinced their stupid selves that now is that time to refresh it "with the blood of patriots and tyrants.” But these traitors are not the patriots and their leader is the tyrant -- one crazy-ass mthrfckr!
"When Fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross"
Now is that time.
Although these Senators and Congressmen could afford to donate that $600 to every American they will vote against this. How can you begin to understand what Covid has done to the poor or even middle class when you are super wealthy. Think of these restaurant owners that did not have a clue that something like this could destroy them.
Trump is seriously going over the edge. No telling what he might do next. A lame duck lunatic. 32 days. Russia just pulled the biggest hack in history and he retaliated by playing golf. Your Cyber security funds were used to build the wall. The Password was probably Password. He is threatening Iran by flying bombers at it. Palm Beach does not want him at Mar a Lago. Once a citizen he faces prosecution. Be prepared for the worse.
I am not a Cyber Security expert, but I do have a lot of industrial experience and question why so many industrial computers need to be connected to the internet. Intranets can be company wide, Computers that need security can have an air gap. Not be connected to the internet.
The bottom line to this whole mess is that the government doesn't have any reserve funds to fix anything. Trump had three good years to start turning this around. Nothing happened. They're still trying to sell "trickle down." Apparently, raising taxes is the third rail in politics. But, that's where all the power is. We will stay in this mess untill someone gets up enough nerve to grab hold of that rail and run with it.